TripleSteal you haven't played a pub game in months, all tourney games, damn, learn to chillax and mingle with the commoners, even tier 1 pros like Miracle do it
^see another fangay spotted stf b*t*h dont bark ... go suck envy d$*k tell your opinion dont correct me and dont utter mmr crap unless you are pro and earning by playing... EE sucks even commentators in match are criticising his decisions as well as in pubs he is taken as joke and its not hard for any average dota players to understand whats difference between him and tier 1 carry like rtz miracle ace matu he is a i am not ignorent you are.. he is ruining my fun by his sad plays many matches lost despite of abed uni snowballing coz of that idiot looser and he earning so much by sucking top tiers team di$k
No I'm not European and what I mean is based on what I've seen/heard if you just go ahead and try to touch a total stranger that you have no business with in any way (even handshakes and stuff) you're gonna get very negative responses
try to touch a total stranger that you have no business with in any way (even handshakes and stuff) you're gonna get very negative responses
ye big surprise when u hug some random person in public u might indeed get a negative response (anywhere in the world btw)
they are cosplayers tho, they are basically there for ppl to take pics with them, what other stance on the photo do u suggest? put ur arms on their shoulders like theyre ur boys? just stand there with ur hands in ur pockets?
my page
now please wish me luck so i wake up in two and a half hours and wont find myself in austria or where does this bus even go
Sounds like an adventure
For some reason I pictured Arin as some scrawny brown kid like Suma1l
russia 2018 totalitarian communism ?
you're only wrong about the brown part
ywn, could u standin for us as pos2 in 2 consectuive jdl series this saturday?
Probably gonna play scrims there
TripleSteal you haven't played a pub game in months, all tourney games, damn, learn to chillax and mingle with the commoners, even tier 1 pros like Miracle do it
i've already posted a picture of me here, i think you saw it and forgot about that
also i've said several times that i'm a skelly
i play a lot of pubs recently, i just got my game history hidden
i don't think we can snipe each other btw, only in opposing teams i guess thanks to soft region lock
what the fuck
^see another fangay spotted stf b*t*h dont bark ... go suck envy d$*k tell your opinion dont correct me and dont utter mmr crap unless you are pro and earning by playing... EE sucks even commentators in match are criticising his decisions as well as in pubs he is taken as joke and its not hard for any average dota players to understand whats difference between him and tier 1 carry like rtz miracle ace matu he is a i am not ignorent you are.. he is ruining my fun by his sad plays many matches lost despite of abed uni snowballing coz of that idiot looser and he earning so much by sucking top tiers team di$k
very funny copy&paste sir that really "ROFL"-ed my "LMAO" xD (laughing smiley) :)
not funny?
nah most of them are pretty okay its just its a total mishmash
that american ball defending commies threw you off right
^no I just don't get the first 2
Also just LOOOOOOOOOLed at your sick memes 4Head
no it was that edgy tide pod guy and the two below him
the ball one might be terrible but i agree with it so idk + idc
Fat hoes
all the photos, i'm uploading atm so it might be broken for a while
unfortunately some of them seem to be fucked up :shrug:
Nice luna
That drow looks like she wants to die
damn boy 🔥🔥🔥😫😫😫💦💦💦
The constrast between Luna and the prophet is so real
np is actually ok, but drow is some fucked up shit
ywn pm me if ull by chance be free plz
Np has a fine costume I'm just talking abt looks lol
The drow is just disturbed
Also eu boy is an eg fan wut
Shoulda grabbed her ass
How'd you grab them like that? I thought Europeans were real strict with touching strangers and all that
what do u mean? iur a fucking european
?_? no?
i mean what do u mean by "grab them like that" its not like hes grabbing their ass or something
No I'm not European and what I mean is based on what I've seen/heard if you just go ahead and try to touch a total stranger that you have no business with in any way (even handshakes and stuff) you're gonna get very negative responses
He isn't grabbing them ROFL
He is putting his arm around them
He isn't assaulting them ROFL calm down
he doesnt even grab her which was kinda the point
But it's not like he just touched her randomly either, he clearly was doing it for the photo and it was almost 100% agreed upon.
shes a cosplayer, they sugg the D behind scenes for sure
ye big surprise when u hug some random person in public u might indeed get a negative response (anywhere in the world btw)
they are cosplayers tho, they are basically there for ppl to take pics with them, what other stance on the photo do u suggest? put ur arms on their shoulders like theyre ur boys? just stand there with ur hands in ur pockets?
btw are you a european sumail without facial deformities but stuck in 4k?