General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    im actually so confused how does a hero like pangolier exist


      its a fun hero

      me, government hooker

        its fucking broken and shouldnt be in the game thats what it is


          No core for 4 seconds isn't an opening cuz the fatass od would still murder us and no one had an initiator.


            wat is the broken part


              Pangolier is good
              But I don't think it's broken innately
              You need to be really good at him, I've never even seen a pango at full potential tho so idk for sure
              Willow is far easier to learn and is still rlly strong

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Pango gets SUPER hard countered by naga and against willow just get PL in your team


                  how do you win with a void as a teammate,help

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    getting reported for stomping =/= getting reported for boosting/smurfing
                    since u can now easily see if some1s smurfing no shit u can get reported, i would do that myself but i prefer saving reports for heavier offences like breaking items or feeding
                    it isnt the same as people saying theyre in lp/have bad bs because theyre "stomping so hard enemy gets mad"


                      Pangolier is good
                      But I don't think it's broken innately
                      You need to be really good at him, I've never even seen a pango at full potential tho so idk for sure
                      Willow is far easier to learn and is still rlly strong
                      im sure pango and visage are currently the most broken heroes in the game


                        isn't pango wr is like 46% or something


                          winrates are fake news

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            mineski just lost with dark willow and pango in the same team SoBayed

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              picking troll into naga OMEGALUL


                                how does brood bf works?


                                  tb skill 1 so stronk

                                  me, government hooker

                                    just because he has a higher skill cap it doesnt mean he should be so fucking dumb
                                    have ppl forgotten about earth spirit release or what


                                      wat the heck is earth spirit release?

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        thats how u assert dominance boys

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          earth spirit on release wasnt even that hard to play. stun was on the fucking pull. oracle was kinda hard though, same with arc warden. tbh i said this a bunch of times before, every hero since and including 6.73 has been OP af on release.


                                            aa is from 6.60 ish? i dun remember


                                              Oracle was op cuz of the ulti


                                                yea you can go mid oracle and kill everyone else while invi


                                                  i forgot wat is his name,shin? on dota 1 with priest skin

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    shin? oracle is the priest. his name is nerif or something like that

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      aw after release was mcuh easier to play than current version imo

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Ofc he was easier before he got a billion nerfs


                                                          apparently sea dota has overcome na dota
                                                          na dota only better than sa one now

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            holy shit how can u play for an hour and have less dmg than ur postion 5 why am i SO FUCKING BAD


                                                              dogshit qop game with a dogshit build

                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                alright niggas whoMSTVE finna play battle cup

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon



                                                                    What does "sea dota overcome na dota" even mean?
                                                                    1 tournament where u get eliminated from a bo1 isn't the greatest indicator of who is the best team
                                                                    That being said mineski and tnc rlly pulling some good weight tho


                                                                      NA dota was always shit, but if we just look at canada though


                                                                        Na is not the best region but it is definitely the most competitive


                                                                          I can't sleep


                                                                            somehow a hero with an ability that grants insane bonus attack speed and high physical burst damage is not a counter to enchantress

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              definitely the most competitive

                                                                              na leaderboards are not even half as big as eu's
                                                                              and im sure theres less pro players too


                                                                                Every pro team in na is much closer to each other than in eu where liquid and shit get every invite and then every qualifier gets dominated by secret
                                                                                Eg, coL, all the other na teams r far more competitive with each other

                                                                                The leaderboards in eu will obviously have more people because eu is a bigger region, but anyway I didn't make myself clear I guess. I was referring to the teams not the individual players in pubs.


                                                                                  but if you throw all the teams into a tournament your less likely to guess the outcome. The NA teams skill level is less spread.
                                                                                  EU is almost certainly 1 Liquid, 2 secret, 3 OG. NA is less clear. 1 is likely EG but the other teams have shown they can beat them. The other teams are pretty much even though optic and complexity look a little better than animal planet.


                                                                                    a lot better than animal planet lol


                                                                                      i am considering eu and cis separate tho

                                                                                      not arin

                                                                                        i want to see you on next year's esl you fUCK
                                                                                        go practice dota


                                                                                          o yep,it was nerif
                                                                                          i forgot


                                                                                            go beyond


                                                                                              people who firstpick mid invoker are srsly stupid




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