General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

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      49-6-45 in my last 3 viper games feelsgoodman



        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Pp in terms of steam store is, when compared to other currencies, it has the most value. Go to steamdb and look. For most games TRY is up to 75% cheaper compared to buying with USD


            Holy cuck I'm so versatile
            Losing to jungle lycan aaaaa

            Riguma Borusu

              Holy cuck I'm so versatile
              Losing to jungle lycan aaaaa

              Versatile in losing? You mean, you can lose no matter what the enemy lineup is like? I can relate to that.


                I'm playing different heroes every game^
                My last game was literally me trying to carry the team vs jungle lycan

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  jungle lycan = safelane lycan this patch

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                      riki gets invulnerability during blink strike? or why did my searing chains just miss on riki in a melee range using W

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        wat? its instant teleportation, not like life break or w/e. so you either him or you dont. there are no frames where he could possibly be invulnerable.

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          riki gets invulnerability during blink strike? or why did my searing chains just miss on riki in a melee range using W

                          It's lag. Remember how when you're dying, you buy an item, only to have the shop refund you the item because you didn't buy quickly enough?

                          It's the same thing. Even if chains are cast and the spell should have an effect, and you see riki next to you, that might not truly be where he is at the time.


                            nah i downloaded the replay and as he was stuck casting it, i pressed q when he was outside the range for that one milisecond


                              my predict my mmr thread just gone,mods are actually alive

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Having to travel with a bus in 2k18


                                  buses are cheap and good tho


                                    i'm officially a 3.5k mmr player since i've just lost 3 games in a row


                                      arin omegalul were you facing any of the balanced heroes like drow or phoenix

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                                        viper against pl with one person abandoning
                                        bloodseeker with my sidelanes being 30% hp constantly
                                        followed by am against lich phoenix dual lane

                                        game is hard


                                          pick solo carry heroes you fol


                                            fourth game where my team has 60 deaths combined
                                            good lord

                                            time for visage i guess



                                                steam is refusing to launch after i decided to clear up the ram

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                                                  le balanced mirana kek
                                                  > I do literally nothing in team fights
                                                  > also me:

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                                                        this is some shadow realm as well

                                                        void 100-0s me as tb at any point of the game even with only mom while i have treads aquila dragonlance because he just keeps bashing me

                                                        5 times he kills me due to bash right after chrono ends so i cant use sunder
                                                        i would never be able to kill a tb like that but he can because he's against me


                                                          apparently after 5 years of dota, it took only 2 months of hiatus to struggle with winning high skill games

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                                                            Arin can you post the link of the acc you're using?

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...
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                                                                This comment was removed by a moderator 40 minutes ago


                                                                  Arin can you post the link of the acc you're using?

                                                                  i have match sharing disabled to prevent being sniped by gaben's agents

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                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    I have no idea why that was removed tbh


                                                                      what was there


                                                                        was it a meme or smthing

                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          Click the link

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            Good day Teammates. This is your captain Tiny speaking. First I'd like to welcome everyone on Tiny Airliens . We are currently looking at a player who stole my mid and is ready to feed. The enemy mid tower looks lonely but our mid stealing friend will solve this problem.



                                                                                BOTTOM TEXT ARISES
                                                                                Axe + ranged int hero
                                                                                Name a more iconic duo


                                                                                  i'd like a take a moment and appreciate triple's meme on the top of the page which noone reacted to
                                                                                  i like it


                                                                                    but why you not take your precious times to appreciate me instead?


                                                                                      or appreciate the SUCC (pugna)


                                                                                        why ayy lmao is on the 2nd page


                                                                                          because i murder everyone and you all dont appreciate me