General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    It happened at st. 'Prospekt Mira' around 08:30;
    maybe if the guy sees this post he will reveal himself

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      ^^ You should have asked him "yo bro, yo bro, I see you're reading this great forum and I would like to ask what's your name. Not the real one I mean the one you're using on dotabuff heh heh 4Head. Not that I'm gay or some shit, but I would like to know, just in case one day you're going to do something bad so I will know where to find u. Kappa fucking 4Head" MingLee


        Lmao afeect


          fducking 4head xD

          the realm's delight


              LEMAYO XD


                I said Kappa once during the summer when I was around some guys who I knew played dota; they looked at me as if I was some special kind of a mentally disabled retardautist

                Ever since then I've never mentioned a twitch meme to random people

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                  out of all the dbuffers, russians are: me (i live in moscow), moku (in moscow or very close to it, idr), meka (not moscow, saint petersburg), memelover (another city, idr which one tbh, sorry), and soultrap (no idea). did i miss any1?


                    Maybe they just weren't dank enough because one was 1k and the other 3k lol


                      i am half russian half romanian so you can call me a f4ggot


                        Soultrap - saint petersburg too
                        Memelover - belgorod

                        the realm's delight



                            the realm's delight

                              first 15 mins of this game = best supporting ive done in my entire life


                                any supporting that is at least 0.01% supporting, would be the best supporting uve done in ur entire life


                                  im so depressed.. 2 games lost in 3k mmr unranked and both games i was feeding.. guess timber isnt the hero for me xd..


                                    looking at my timbersaw games of more than two years ago
                                    why was i building force staff so much? like, what might be the possible intuition behind this item on timbersaw?


                                      we the best fuck the rest


                                        whys ur screenshot so bad

                                        the realm's delight



                                            four heads george bacovia my nigga

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                                              one game opponents are retards
                                              next game my team is full of retards

                                              can i have normal games where i can win the game by being better rather than meeting retards


                                                this postimage raped my quality


                                                  @arin u gotta learn to win with retards and against retards

                                                  D the Superior
                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                    D the Superior
                                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                        how do you stop your veno as laning partner to push the lane beyond oblivion to that point where you cant get a single lasthit because everywhere are plague wards
                                                        how do you force your retard dazzle to carry tp for sf mid


                                                          time to be a retard for once, im bored

                                                          D the Superior
                                                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                              we all know who the dude in the russian metro was

                                                              < blank >

                                                                Man on the way home so much akward people.
                                                                First I sat in the train, a grill HeyGuys sat opposite of me. 1 station after the unkown traveler left the train because she need to get out i guess lol immaout.bmp
                                                                So I slip to the side to get more space so I can stretch my legs and then this bitch does the same after I done it. She kept looking to me and smiled but I ignored her it was a bit obv but she dumb retarded.jpg
                                                                Then she also needed to leave some stations after then she always looked back while getting out of the train holy fuck stalker.png

                                                                But Aimstrong, why did you not get dat pu$$y?
                                                                Well .. she ugly monster.jpeg

                                                                And the next train .. ah fuck it, it was just full of strange people
                                                                end of story


                                                                  flaming both of the teams Lmao


                                                                    even with 4 carry team including two randoms we were somehow winning

                                                                    but autists choked as expected and they're turning it around with OD as only carry against PL ursa spectre

                                                                    stay tuned


                                                                      Lmao Aimstrong



                                                                        When you are so ugly

                                                                        That instead of abducting you, aliens bring you back home

                                                                        < blank >

                                                                          Lmao, exactly this


                                                                            ok we won

                                                                            i win or lose regardless of how am i playing SeemsGood


                                                                              wonder if i'll break my report record from this one game


                                                                                HeyGuys pls watch fargo, best show ever

                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    we lost

                                                                                    the realm's delight


                                                                                        LMAO Aimstrong good story 4Head WutFace

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                                                                                          aimstrong is an autist = confirmed

                                                                                          plz do

                                                                                            watched Fargo. it was awesome :) wonder if new seasons come out anytime soon?

                                                                                            plz do

                                                                                              im watchin that atm. its pretty neat


                                                                                                season 2 is out in case u missed, also what show is that


                                                                                                  also better call saul season 2 is out


                                                                                                    better call saul season 2

                                                                                                    drops mic