I recently heard the song "Это не шутки, мы встретились в маршрутке" in my swimming pool. Good motivation to put the head in the water instead of afking near the skirting
u cant oneshot but u still kill ppl relatively fast, but also die fast. so just play carefully have your team go in first and bait abilities, unless u know for sure u can go in kill sm1 fast and get out
Havoc I didn't see it in time sorry but I can't anyway because I'm in a different city for university atm and despite almost 5 months passing, I still don't have internet in my awesome third world country.
2nd one is blue
who wants some ez faceit points?
ur mom ^
where is wear
that fedore makes this spicy
randoming omniknight into a team which already has OD should be illegal, seriously
G00D G4M3
*posts soloq story*
allison do u want to paly faceit? we got a normal roster this time.
i have no time rn
I really should stop going to reddit, the retardness of people over there is just something else.
Sam can you play faceit for a couple games?
fucking retarded solo queue
i got griefers in the opposite team 3rd game in a row
@allison golden version of immortal
like difference between empyrean and golden one (skywrath staff)
what do you guys think of rubicks presence at the Major?
i asked what the visual difference is, i see one is "golden" too
apparently golden=a bit more blue
makes sense 4Head
its expensive cz its extremely rare, lets say there are 200 000 copies of the normal one, and just 200 "golden" staffs.
no, you are russian
xto ne ska4et tot moskal
Слава Украiнi
ну хоть кто-то рубит фишку вообще, а то вечно как на идиота смотрят
Рашан супремаси
Хир ай кам!
lmao meka yre you still trying to crash the market?
Я скучаю по тебе
Лалала лалалала
Танцуют зведы и луна
А ты опять сидишь один
man my solo mid lina is fucking dogshit fucking useless
I recently heard the song "Это не шутки, мы встретились в маршрутке" in my swimming pool. Good motivation to put the head in the water instead of afking near the skirting
embrace the change & innovatate the future with шансон ов зе твенти ферст сенчури
Что это за буржуйский бассейн где ставят музыку, и где его можно найти?
alright the bjorn haircut dream is dead im about to shave my head 4Head
solo q expierence
http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2163858727 NOOB INVOKER PLS REPORT
это спортивный центр с тренажеркой-скалолазанием-аэробикой и т.д., marina club.
the worst thing on this was the morphling set
Had to pick ursa woods cuz I couldn't play safe lane again -_- at least mirana was decent.
another down syndrome trolling 2x stack
amazing video game thanks
allison, what are you supposed to do with TA in late game where you cant oneshot ppl anymore and you melt pretty fast?
is heart ever a viable option?
is it worth queuing during the weekend with majors. are games just shitty?
never go for heart on ta under any circumstances
i dont think so
try rapier+abyssal
u cant oneshot but u still kill ppl relatively fast, but also die fast. so just play carefully have your team go in first and bait abilities, unless u know for sure u can go in kill sm1 fast and get out
Havoc I didn't see it in time sorry but I can't anyway because I'm in a different city for university atm and despite almost 5 months passing, I still don't have internet in my awesome third world country.
now my lowest mmr teammate first picks am wAHT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT
it's time to stop