its a meme forced on reddit though. u wouldnt ever think about being in a hidden pool untill u get to know this concept, and once u do, u tend to blame it for whatever makes u lose the games. its a psychological escape from reality in order to avoid realizing and admitting ur problems, in the first place, regardless of whether it actually exists or not.
^ I always thought it's fucked up, but I got shit load of reports and reported like 6 people today. Everyone who was flaming, trashing on someone or just playing like a retard got reported.
allison played 12 matches today
i played 12 as well
he has 3/9, i have 9/3
on top, my current mmr is just the same as the one allison started with today (so i guess my initial mmr was roughly equal to his current)
Dude, I went straight from 3.9k to 4.5k, a lot of nice guys and people who knew how to win and if not then I could carry them at least. But since this Major people are super super retarded, giving up so fast (they literally go afk or abandon games)
i got 9100, but hows that important? u believe in hidden pool? even if it exists, its not based onplayer behavior score, thats for sure.
*The Hateful Eight spoiler*
Nice scene, KappaPride alert
hidden pool does exist 100%
its a meme forced on reddit though. u wouldnt ever think about being in a hidden pool untill u get to know this concept, and once u do, u tend to blame it for whatever makes u lose the games. its a psychological escape from reality in order to avoid realizing and admitting ur problems, in the first place, regardless of whether it actually exists or not.
wave created hidden pool
Again after game just got this. I guess me an Allison are cleaning this whole shit tier bracket.
^ this message comes way too often for my taste. i think valve just fucks w us.
And here's me to break your hopes by telling you I've sometimes gotten that message 3 or 4 times in a row even though I only reported 1 guy.
^ I always thought it's fucked up, but I got shit load of reports and reported like 6 people today. Everyone who was flaming, trashing on someone or just playing like a retard got reported.
Kreygasm it ended Kreygasm

holy shit so many games in 1 day xD
if you could go that deep in another sense, women would literally consider you a living god
allison played 12 matches today
i played 12 as well
he has 3/9, i have 9/3
on top, my current mmr is just the same as the one allison started with today (so i guess my initial mmr was roughly equal to his current)
B for Balance
afeect i didnt even go to the gym today just TRIED TO GET MY POINTS BACK and le tilt happened
kcyniu has randomed Techies
kcyniu has randomed Anti-Mage
this cant be good
To play ranked or not to play ranked that is the question
Meanwhile some people are winning 4Head
that looks like attacker's hero pool to me
hiddenpool does exist guys lol.
the symphony of retards packed in one game.
well, under this assumption whole dota matchmaking is one big hidden pool
won 1 more
we 5k soon
Holy shit Triple, i hope you're showering yourself with some strong shit after that Ench spam :O
Imagine Blunt's face, that should help KEEPO
Afeect - you made me cry bro, BibleThump
Is it true you can buy a Chinese/Russian bride?
I don't even know where to start..
this just have to be done !!
How do I stop people from leaving games or from going afk?
is that a vegeta hotglue?
Hello aimstrong and welcome to 4k
Dude, I went straight from 3.9k to 4.5k, a lot of nice guys and people who knew how to win and if not then I could carry them at least. But since this Major people are super super retarded, giving up so fast (they literally go afk or abandon games)
its a bit sad to see everyone else climbing while being stagnated in the same mmr range for like 1.5 years myself
Thats what happens in 50% of my games :D someome goes afk
My last OD wrote I go afk, then Void abandoned the game just because of this comment and 2 more guys left immediately
wtffffffff you guysssssssss
solo queue stories are the new trend
how do i fucking win right now
where are all the memes
retard fyyq did u manage to dl whatsapp?
They are watching the Major