INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016. my conduct summary D 08. 05. 2016.l2p TripleSteal- 08. 05. 2016.i joined a ladder that starts tomorrow and lasts fopr a week, and we will play there whenever there will be enough people online. we already played in a similar ladder a while ago ( u remember, when we went 0-7 or some shit)Овај коментар је измењен 08. 05. 2016. INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! 🔔🔔🔔Yoshi 08. 05., government hooker 08. 05. the same gpm without radi, I'd win 08. 05. 2016.Yoshi is the guy that sends YOU into Low Priokvasius # KSVM 08. 05. 2016.ehhehehheehehYoshi 08. 05. 2016.eksdee Aimstrong :Pme, government hooker 08. 05. 2016.spunki whats ur name in clash royale INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016.faw  INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016.for some reason spunki/spunkif0l or anythign similiar was banned by their language filter one syllable anglo-saxon 08. 05. 2016.Probably because of "spunk", no?Nah, I'd win 08. 05., it's because spunki is similar to funki = funky INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016.what does spunk mean TripleSteal- 08. 05. 2016.punk is bannedTripleSteal- 08. 05. 2016.ok its notTripleSteal- 08. 05. 2016.spunkione syllable anglo-saxon 08. 05. 2016.spunk is another word for semen INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016.hahaha what me, government hooker 08. 05. 2016. shes back PogChampYoshi 08. 05. 2016.LOL D 08. 05. 2016.When I'm playing sniper in OverWatch :D Yoshi 08. 05. 2016.stole from the comments: ─────────────────────────▄▀▄ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─▀█▀█▄ ─────────────────────────█──█──█ ─────────────────────────█▄▄█──▀█ ────────────────────────▄█──▄█▄─▀█ ────────────────────────█─▄█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────▄█▄──▄█▄────────────█──▀▀█─█─█ ──▄█████████────────────▀█───█─█▄▀ ─▄███████████────────────██──▀▀─█ ▄█████████████────────────█─────█ ██████████───▀▀█▄─────────▀█────█ ████████───▀▀▀──█──────────█────█ ██████───────██─▀█─────────█────█ ████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look son ███──█──────▀▀█───▀█───────█────█ a good song! ███─▀─██──────█────▀█──────█────█ ███─────────────────▀█─────█────█ ███──────────────────█─────█────█ ███─────────────▄▀───█─────█────█ ████─────────▄▄██────█▄────█────█ ████────────██████────█────█────█ █████────█──███████▀──█───▄█▄▄▄▄█ ██▀▀██────▀─██▄──▄█───█───█─────█ ██▄──────────██████───█───█─────█ ─██▄────────────▄▄────█───█─────█ ─███████─────────────▄█───█─────█ ──██████─────────────█───█▀─────█ ──▄███████▄─────────▄█──█▀──────█ ─▄█─────▄▀▀▀█───────█───█───────█ ▄█────────█──█────▄███▀▀▀▀──────█ █──▄▀▀────────█──▄▀──█──────────█ █────█─────────█─────█──────────█ █────────▀█────█─────█─────────██ █───────────────█──▄█▀─────────█ █──────────██───█▀▀▀───────────█ █───────────────█──────────────█ █▄─────────────██──────────────█ ─█▄────────────█───────────────█ ──██▄────────▄███▀▀▀▀▀▄────────█ ─█▀─▀█▄────────▀█──────▀▄──────█ ─█────▀▀▀▀▄─────█────────▀─────█D 08. 05. 2016.^ :D:D:DNah, I'd win 08. 05. 2016.^^ But who's your son? Does he play Doter?Yoshi 08. 05. 2016.ofcoursa, he is the best doto rubick player in the world, usually when i do the godlike play, thats him, I only watch also, do you remember this?  INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016.^worst video+song ever. ofc everyone remembers it Yoshi 08. 05. 2016.its awesome sauce, you crazy?Yoshi 08. 05. 2016.Allison did you delete me from friends?D 08. 05. 2016.^No he didn't I see u as a common friend xdme, government hooker 08. 05. i didntme, government hooker 08. 05. 2016.this is another acc from which we havent played together so thats why u dont have me as friendsMekarazium 08. 05. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.Yoshi 08. 05. 2016.ahhh, oky, I was a tad bit confused :)me, government hooker 08. 05. 2016. good lord 7,7k averagedunce 08. 05. 2016."oh wait spectre got nerfed 4Head" for some reason i laughed so hard at thisОвај коментар је измењен 08. 05., government hooker 08. 05. tinker world buys bloodstone and kitrak&sano tell me you definitely dont buy that item on him na dota LUL INV MENYA LP PARTY 08. 05. 2016.? why wouldnt u buy bs on tinker its so perfect dunce 08. 05. 2016.well it did recently get buffedD 08. 05. 2016.I'm sure hex wouldn't be bad either instead of bs x)D 08. 05. 2016.LMAO he brought salves for everyone :D:D:D:D HAHAHAHA cancels waaaaayyyy!! xDОвај коментар је измењен 08. 05. 2016.quity 08. 05. 2016.this guys a heroD 08. 05. 2016.Everyone is flaming badman nowadays 4Head Mekarazium 08. 05. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.Yoshi 08. 05. 2016.The talos principle is a really fine game, finished it and loved itNah, I'd win 08. 05. pageNah, I'd win 08. 05. 2016.pl0x Nah, I'd win 08. 05. 2016.ty Nah, I'd win 08. 05. 2016.last postПријавите се да бисте поставили коментар.Пријава путем Steam-а
my conduct summary
i joined a ladder that starts tomorrow and lasts fopr a week, and we will play there whenever there will be enough people online. we already played in a similar ladder a while ago ( u remember, when we went 0-7 or some shit)
got the same gpm without radi
Yoshi is the guy that sends YOU into Low Prio
eksdee Aimstrong :P
spunki whats ur name in clash royale
for some reason spunki/spunkif0l or anythign similiar was banned by their language filter
Probably because of "spunk", no?
no, it's because spunki is similar to funki = funky
what does spunk mean
punk is banned
ok its not
spunk is another word for semen
hahaha what
shes back PogChamp
When I'm playing sniper in OverWatch :D
stole from the comments:
████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look son
███──█──────▀▀█───▀█───────█────█ a good song!
^ :D:D:D
But who's your son? Does he play Doter?
ofcoursa, he is the best doto rubick player in the world, usually when i do the godlike play, thats him, I only watch
also, do you remember this?
^worst video+song ever. ofc everyone remembers it
its awesome sauce, you crazy?
Allison did you delete me from friends?
^No he didn't I see u as a common friend xd
no i didnt
this is another acc from which we havent played together so thats why u dont have me as friends
ahhh, oky, I was a tad bit confused :)
good lord 7,7k average
"oh wait spectre got nerfed 4Head" for some reason i laughed so hard at this
best tinker world buys bloodstone and kitrak&sano tell me you definitely dont buy that item on him
na dota LUL
? why wouldnt u buy bs on tinker its so perfect
well it did recently get buffed
I'm sure hex wouldn't be bad either instead of bs x)
LMAO he brought salves for everyone :D:D:D:D HAHAHAHA cancels waaaaayyyy!! xD
this guys a hero
Everyone is flaming badman nowadays 4Head
The talos principle is a really fine game, finished it and loved it
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