D the Superior 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 24. 01. 2018.D the Superior 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 24. 01. 2018.TripleSteal- 18. 07. 2016.it never stopped workingarin 18. 07. 2016.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What a handsome bet...arin 18. 07. 2016.is kunkka sleeper op INV MENYA LP PARTY 18. 07. 2016.yes (net) D the Superior 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 24. 01. 2018.|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.yea i need to go out at night its the only time servers are working went out now walked like 15 min w8ing for servers to load and nothing gG|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.new emotes ? PogChamp D 18. 07. 2016.4Head |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.white theme chat |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.AND NO BTTV Mekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.arin 18. 07. 2016.ywn in my game ayy  INV MENYA LP PARTY 18. 07. 2016.ye i played iwth him once as well and WE LOST gj ywn u fuck|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016. |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016. drow>sf D 18. 07. 2016.4.2K LULarin 18. 07. 2016.C U C K E D U C K E DMekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.arin 18. 07. 2016.yea hes a fucking idiot  INV MENYA LP PARTY 18. 07. 2016.ayy lmao 4Kopf |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.SourPls  INV MENYA LP PARTY 18. 07. 2016.project x was such a bad movie tho |||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.not the music sayaka 18. 07. 2016.https://dotacoach.org/VersatileHeroes|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016. classic INV MENYA LP PARTY 18. 07. 2016.Hello there, I am willing teach basic Dota 2 skills. I can go over many of the heroes and explain EVERY SINGLE DETAIL and coach you to my fullest. Just in case in your wondering this isnt really new for me to teach due to the fact that I have already taught a decent 8-10 players of basic Dota 2 items, heroes and info of how to help your issues in matches.D 18. 07. 2016.I want 600mmr coach pls buy 1 for mearin 18. 07. 2016.4K TRENCH HOLDS NO POWER OVER ME http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2512785605arin 18. 07. 2016.the no eblade build ive seen on one 7k avg match yesterday is quite good actuallyYowai Mo 18. 07. 2016.arin 18. 07. 2016.wait i know this guy from somewhereMekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.Yowai Mo 18. 07. 2016.@arin NotLikeThisYowai Mo 18. 07. 2016.https://clips.twitch.tv/ice_poseidon/ToughGazelleHassaanChopYowai Mo 18. 07. 2016.|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.Cx TriHard|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.ITS LIT|||||||||||||||||||||||||... 18. 07. 2016.arin 18. 07. 2016.i should probably stop playing invokerMekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.Mekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.Mekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.Mekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.Mekarazium 18. 07. 2016.Овај коментар је уклонио модератор. 20. 01. 2018.TripleSteal- 18. 07. 2016.i usually delete about 5 ppl a week by looking through my friendlist and checking whether i can recall who these guys are or not INV MENYA LP PARTY 18. 07. 2016.i think i dont have friends D 18. 07. 2016.arin 18. 07. 2016.there's been several oracles in my games lately they always go like 6 0 in early game and end up feeding because they can't do anything but kill people with purifying flames early on mfw Пријавите се да бисте поставили коментар.Пријава путем Steam-а
it never stopped working
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What a handsome bet...
is kunkka sleeper op
yes (net)
yea i need to go out at night its the only time servers are working
went out now walked like 15 min w8ing for servers to load and nothing gG
new emotes ? PogChamp

white theme chat
ywn in my game ayy

ye i played iwth him once as well and WE LOST gj ywn u fuck
4.2K LUL
yea hes a fucking idiot

ayy lmao 4Kopf
project x was such a bad movie tho
not the music
Hello there, I am willing teach basic Dota 2 skills. I can go over many of the heroes and explain EVERY SINGLE DETAIL and coach you to my fullest. Just in case in your wondering this isnt really new for me to teach due to the fact that I have already taught a decent 8-10 players of basic Dota 2 items, heroes and info of how to help your issues in matches.
I want 600mmr coach pls buy 1 for me
the no eblade build ive seen on one 7k avg match yesterday is quite good actually
wait i know this guy from somewhere
@arin NotLikeThis
Cx TriHard
i should probably stop playing invoker
i usually delete about 5 ppl a week by looking through my friendlist and checking whether i can recall who these guys are or not
i think i dont have friends
there's been several oracles in my games lately
they always go like 6 0 in early game

and end up feeding because they can't do anything but kill people with purifying flames early on