Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King
1. your "I actually eat alot" is you lying to yourself. You probably don't have an normal apatite, which is fine I don't either. I always have to force myself to eat, especially on days I don't visit the gym.
2. Start counting calories, write down what you eat, estimate your calories, just try to hit 2.2k every single day, if you can do more great, don't overdo it though, because if you eat like 3k cals in one day, you won't have any apatite at all the other day.
3. start exercising. Honestly, you'll feel better about yourself. You'll get hungry more often, and start eating generally more automatically, simply because your body craves after energy, especially after a workout.
if you do start with exercising. plan in a meal right after the exercise. Personally I can eat like 500cals after a workout without feeling too full afterwards.
:( im so fuckin depressed lately
I dunno why but whatever i wanna do i just feel like i dont have it in me and instead i just waste time on net or i watch some series or videos...
Dunno what the problem is :(
есть же правила преобразования логических выражений, загугли их
я с подобной хуйней только на егэ сталкивался, и там проще было просто перебрать 32 варианта, чем вникать в эти правила
третье, если я правильно понял знак(три параллельные линии это типа логическое равно?), всегда верно, если а=1, то отрицание а=0, и наоборот
то есть всегда хотя бы один элемент равен 0 и /\ равна 0
almost lvl 25 in ow soon I'M GONNA RAPE RAPE
Ye in 30 rank u gonna rape rape lul
Guys, we might smell a 6.89 changelog in less than 24h
Let's summon this ape
Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King Monkey King
Do we have a black king too?
that's pretty racist lmao
LUL magnus
i wanted to drop a joke about why was sampson wearing a mask(so he wouldn't bite anyone) but i don't wanna be permabanned
@aimstrong why anything on reddit? I dont got enough fuckin net for this :(
lul u seen that yoda guy's thread fuckin hilarious
how do I properly answer the question: do u evn lift?
@dos catos say fuck you but say it in proper manners ofc
but i do lift
after consulting the experts over at /fit/, "u mirin?" is a proper comeback
U lift? :(
who doesn't?
I dont :( and im 50 kg thin af and everyone tells me to eat more but i can eat their whole family and not weigh a single pound more
Can u guys suggest some rock/not so hardcore metal (instrumental or not dont matter)?
I dont understand what you are trying to say, sry
Just suggest rock/metal?
1. your "I actually eat alot" is you lying to yourself. You probably don't have an normal apatite, which is fine I don't either. I always have to force myself to eat, especially on days I don't visit the gym.
2. Start counting calories, write down what you eat, estimate your calories, just try to hit 2.2k every single day, if you can do more great, don't overdo it though, because if you eat like 3k cals in one day, you won't have any apatite at all the other day.
3. start exercising. Honestly, you'll feel better about yourself. You'll get hungry more often, and start eating generally more automatically, simply because your body craves after energy, especially after a workout.
if you do start with exercising. plan in a meal right after the exercise. Personally I can eat like 500cals after a workout without feeling too full afterwards.
:( im so fuckin depressed lately
I dunno why but whatever i wanna do i just feel like i dont have it in me and instead i just waste time on net or i watch some series or videos...
Dunno what the problem is :(
Eating is the least of my worries
seems like i'm a computer science student from this day
meanwhile i got a new fan and allison became a weeb
what a time to be alive
Russians vote for Pikachu, Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow on Duma elections.
do u need a full solution/understand the method or do u just need an answer?
because if u only need an answer u can just check all 4(8) possible sets manually
@arin sry fam changed my name w8 4 the update
New page gods how much more
Where do i upload gifs and how do i put it here?
есть же правила преобразования логических выражений, загугли их
я с подобной хуйней только на егэ сталкивался, и там проще было просто перебрать 32 варианта, чем вникать в эти правила
третье, если я правильно понял знак(три параллельные линии это типа логическое равно?), всегда верно, если а=1, то отрицание а=0, и наоборот
то есть всегда хотя бы один элемент равен 0 и /\ равна 0
Do i do it in imgur and with [img]url[/img]?