General Discussion

General Discussionlost connection with the game

lost connection with the game in General Discussion

    So, i was wondering. Does it happen to you to, to lose "connection" or "touch" with the game?
    lately (approximately 3 to 4 months) i just cant seem to play like i'd like to, i cannot focus, i cannot execute my combos and i seem to lack even map awarness from time to time.

    It saddens me because despite not being absolutely 5k material, i still believe that i can do much better.

    So once again, does it happen to you too? any advices?
    I'm curious to hear what you guys experienced


      I started playing last summer after not touching Dota 2 for a year.
      Was lost completely and had to relearn everything again - only felt comfortable after 50-100 hours; you have to try to forget the stuff your learnt before when you commence playing after a long break.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        Also, have you tried playing OTHER heroes?


          How did you even get into a normal skill game THEN a very high skill game immediately?


            He got good

            it's difference between party and solo ranked but shh


              Playing other heroes? Fuck no, if I was a bit less vain, I'd also pick Rubick all the time.


                Maybe i should start picking other heroes, the quality of my play dropped substentially.

                I played at least on high skill previously, while i am aware is not that much now i can achieve only normal, its like i got my hands replaced with a brand new pair :)

                I cannot understand what i am doing wrong.

                also, my average with rubick KDA was 2.48 and it kept dropping till 2.44 now

                Овај коментар је измењен

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!