General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    So EG lost to ti4 winners? Huh

    Welt aus Eis

      lmao EG getting rekt


        I thought Newbee was finished without Hao. A draw with VP and now at least a draw against EG? Hmm....not bad.

        As for FNatic vs. iG, after that near teamwipe near FNatic's base, iG realized they could no longer push. This means FNatic has no pressure to end the game immediately and Mushi wanted to first ensure his team could not lose before he finished the game. Of course, he could have finished at around minute 70, but that's Chinese DotA: why bother with unnecessary risks? (Even in 5-stack pubs at roughly 3.5-4k MMR, a lot of my friends play in the same counterattacking style.)

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          what the fuck is happening rofl.

          maybe teams saving strats

          Welt aus Eis

            or maybe everybody sucks and dotabuff united would win ti5


              its not farfetched. We were at vega's level around a year ago

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                who all was on that team again?

                Benao, Havoc, Szotyi, Sam, matrice?

                also while we're talking. How do you pronounce your name? I've always said it like Ben-ow

                edit: oh also Guiri was also in the team I believe. What happened to him? He still play dota?[/color]

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                Welt aus Eis

                  I say it with a nasal sound just cuz '-ão' is a common suffix in portuguese


                    well...its a nickname i got in chile. So pronounce it like in spanish

                    ben-ah'-oh' with emphasis on the a?


                      and it was soztiy havoc, allison sam (though we didnt play with sam, offlaner was never present we had a few...) and me


                        Sumail coming out of that silencer lane with 50 CS... how the fuck did he do that?

                        And sumail is on top of net worth by 2000 gold at 17 minutes after having the shittiest lane I've seen today.

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                          [color=#239edd]ROFL NICE TP OUT STORM [/color]


                            MVP because there's jerAx <3


                              Suma1l playing so well


                                "its not farfetched. We were at vega's level around a year ago"

                                Ofc you were. And i won last 4 TI's right? Keep telling that youself and your big ass Dunning Kruger, but reality is only Matrice kept you and the team above the surface vs 4k average teams. Vs 5k average's you got your asses destroyed and then flamed each other on this forum.

                                Btw. pretty big balls from EE in both games with those rapiers, although his decision making is beyond any logic at times and he plays like fuckin 3k or sth. I'm mostly impressed by Vici gaming supports, those 2 guys really play amazing.

                                Finally a great TI, i'm enjoying it a lot!


                                  matrice didnt even play with us.


                                    [color=#239edd]I see, matrice played on a different dotabuff united team. They only had two games though, it seems.


                                      When benao decides something is one way, you will never convince him otherwise. His old team could beat vega, and Suma1l is an awful player.... because reasons.


                                        yes ofc.

                                        and @salza, that matrice game they lost was the one havoc picked kinda bad and gave the noob midder they had a lina against sf. Usually good choice but not a noob midder with no idea how to play semicompetitive. His games even tell enough about how he's not a decent pub midder.


                                          If you dare calling that you were on same level as Vega, then tell me who did you beat? You got rekt by fuckin Tier 5 amateur teams, holy crap you're delusional. Pls, stop making yourself look like a total retard and start looking at facts.


                                            [color=#239edd]"Whether it's 16th, 8th, or 3rd, we will not be satisfied, we expect to win this"
                                            - Complexity[/color]


                                              we beat their trilane. Allison asked for mid claiming he would beat panda, the time panda was OP, his ta got rekt. Panda snowballed we lost gg. We couldve turned it with our safelane but the ld guy that posts here (fake 6k imo) had to be high as fuck as he lost to a puck that started with boots in a 1v1 matchup. Sam couldnt play sadly. Anyways, problem was havoc forgot to ban panda and it was bo1 so we couldnt pay them back. Balkan the next phase got fast 2-0'd

                                              (if it wasnt clear we were playing against vega)

                                              all in all it was our fault, we didnt have the complete team, forgot shit and claimed shit etc... we were only thinking about beating balkan the next game. Vega got known after that torunament, it was called something else previous to that. The next tournament they were invited and changed team name.

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                                                [color=#239edd]hm. I never realized their name was actually Allison. This whole time I assumed that it was just one of their many names for a smurf or something.[/color]


                                                  Give the link to the games then.


                                                    allison was the mid player, he posts here sometimes witha nother nick, he changes it constantly. i dont remember what the team was called before vega.

                                                    if you want proof just ask havoc and serach dotabuff team/united etc in google, there's a screen shot i think? i found it a few months ago.

                                                    edit: this is allison

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                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                      my team won a tier 2 brazilian tournament, honestly I think i'm almost TI material


                                                        If you want the proof i won 4 TI's, just ask me or my friend, that constantly changes his nick so you cant find it. Also you can try and search the proof on google, but it may be hard to find it since google server that cointained all the matches and pictures crashed and they had no backup.

                                                        Pls Benao, if it was a league match, it should be on some of your profiles or on Havoc profile under ESports, but it's not. And no, you weren't ever near the level of Vega team, so stop bullshiting some people that dont know you that well.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          [color=#239edd]Ah I remember that race to 5k. Good times :') I was always amused going onto that thread

                                                          Benao looks like he has enough proof, but I can also vouch that they had a team that played Vega. You can also ask Badger if you're not satisfied enough. [/color]

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                                                            [color=#239edd]Poor Forev just barely missing two blind stuns :( TAKE MY ENERGY つ ◕_◕ ༽つ[/color]


                                                                forev 9-1 :o gogogogo MVP jerax team xd


                                                                  So even if you've played vs some players from old Vega squad 1 year ago and got raped, that doesn't mean you're on their level ffs dude :D I've played vs S4 and BigDaddy, does that mean i'm as good as they are? And i did hell of a lot better then you guys.

                                                                  Empire throwing hard, holy fuck.

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                  milk that tastes like rea...

                                                                    why are there so many mkb pickups, even when other team has no evasion? plenty on gyro, also one on lina in hot6 vs vg


                                                                      solar crest evasion
                                                                      high ground miss chance
                                                                      cancels tp
                                                                      and my favorite, disjoints :D (same as tp)

                                                                      felt so good watching mvp hot6

                                                                      @heavycu-nt -> learn to read and stop trolling


                                                                        "its not farfetched. We were at vega's level around a year ago"

                                                                        Got totally raped by them and still on same lvl right? You're retarded.


                                                                          sad just sad, you're the new kitrak

                                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                                            i've got some commons on hot6, if they win this shit its a 16:1 return lmao

                                                                              Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                                people were seriously underrating LGD, I said they were top3 material

                                                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                                                  I hope anyone but Secret wins, it's really gotten to that point, no point in seeing a stacked team win, i'm sure they worked really hard, but still... EG needs this...

                                                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                                      I don't hate Secret, i just don't think their team is fair, but in the end it's all about winning.

                                                                                      It's like putting Jordan, Kobe, Lebron, and the best defensive players on one team, it won't be any fun to watch, they're too stacked. The only weakness in that team would be that they all want to shine.

                                                                                      Being from America, that's one reason i want EG to win, and another reason is that i just love their players. I honestly don't think Arteezy is funny, i think Eternal Envy has a shit personality, and the list goes on. EG squad seems humble, and just watching that SumaiL documentary video really pumped me up for him.

                                                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                                                        being the most stacked team doesnt mean being the better team, DK was the asian dream team and they didnt even get top 3 last year


                                                                                          @MLG 420 Blunt Ninja Wow, finally someone that agrees with me , at least that's what i feel about EE and EG :D


                                                                                            can someone link me to the sumail documentary?


                                                                                              LGD was obviously in the top 6.

                                                                                              People just don't follow the Eastern scene as much in the west, and it isn't because the eastern scene has bad teams. Its cause with exception to DAC, the eastern tournaments are horrible and poorly run shit shows.


                                                                                                Am i the only one btw that thinks a late game Radiance gyro could be a thing as opposed to going for the Divine? Obviously it is outside the box, but you basically have a hero that wants to be up in the dead center of a fight doing call downs and hitting as many people with flack cannon while you Satanic.

                                                                                                Radiance gives 17% miss chance to the entire enemy team on top of the AOE damage. Once the BKBs are down to 5 seconds... seems like a good team fight item to effectively stack evasion without diminishing returns for your second core with butterfly or a 3 position with halbred or supports with solar crest.

                                                                                                certainly not the pure damage route for gyro, but a hybrid tank item to extend a fight for his team

                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                plz do

                                                                                                  ^ u are the only one.


                                                                                                    good. we all need our pocket strats