General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    That was months ago, LGD is far stronger now

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      I'm sure ppd figured out by now what to do against CDEC. They should just pick splitpush I think, Tiny/Sven + Wisp, Furion, KotL for aui, even fucking Tinker is actually really good against their playstyle because you just make it really hard to fight for them with March.


        Cant wait for the games today :D going to set it up on my tv


          my dream finals can become reality LGD vs LGDv.2 that went rogue

          oh boy oh boy oh boy

          Óðinn H

            at this point

            my dream finals would be CDEC winning, or EG, or LGD. CDEC cause pubstars, EG cause everyone, LGD cause Xiao second time champion.

            AND THERE YOU HAVE IT :smile:

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              I just hope it's a good finals no matter who wins.



                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Why the fuck do you switch between accounts?


                    It's internet explorer and google chrome, just happens everytime I go watch porn cause I forget to go back

                    saving private RTZ

                      Damn, use incognito mode on chrome, Shift+Ctrl+N

                      saving private RTZ

                        But wtf do you live with your parents, you are a teen? And anyway dont worry, they for sure know you watch porn/wank Lmao. At least my parents did rofl


                          oh thats how u bring the Spy up jeez, always wondered how I could get that Spy. Thanks


                            im 15 years old dude


                              15 years old and already 6k, dude you're new Suma1l! =)

                              the realm's delight

                                hes not 15

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  He's clearly not 15.


                                    he is 25


                                      im 17 lol dude benao is 30


                                        dd not 15.


                                          benao is 35


                                            BEnao could be my dad


                                              I know he's not 15 lol, do you people know joke? Benao is 10 year old boy trapped in 30 year old body.


                                                nah but srs benao is 26 or 28


                                                  why would we discuss his age anyways lol


                                                    Age is somewhat irrelevant though. I mean, if you're 30 and act that way things are cool. Although fi you're 40 and act like 15, it's pretty weird


                                                      im 19 but i act like im 12, so its fine


                                                        im 7 and i act like... 7? joke. not fun. i know.


                                                          what do u mean act like 15 ?


                                                            I rather not watch another China vs China final

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              Why do people look at this in a region vs region way? It has nothing to do with regions, only teams.


                                                                What Sam said. It's about good and bad Dota, no matter where it comes from.


                                                                  All remaining teams will make a good story, as long as there are good games im way more than satisfied

                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    hey doge im 19 too.
                                                                    Lel DD(if you are really 17) why bother incognito mode at 17 lmao.
                                                                    My mom caught me jerking off at like 15 and she started laughing rofl. And they anyway knew that i do it, cuz its normal and healthy

                                                                    Jesus Christ why the fuck i am sharing this things on dotabuff forums


                                                                      Because it does have to do with region and telling yourself otherwise doesn't change the facts

                                                                      Even the teams themselves favor their own regions

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        rofl why are we talking about masturbating on dotabuffs lol xd 4Head

                                                                        I'm pretty sure in any well developed country most parents are aware of what their sons are doing. Although catching them/getting caught would make for an awkward moment RofL.

                                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                          Some teams are mix of NAs and EUs as well.


                                                                            i never got cought and im still using incognito if im the only one using computer/living solo

                                                                            better safe than sorry :D

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              You are talking about region stereotypes here, that's the problems. You are saying like every Chinese team just rice, NA teams just go 5 man, EU teams do splitpush etc and this is just wrong.


                                                                                ^^Second that SIR

                                                                                When you go to Lan to some boys and when they go make their sandwitch Kappa "'PIZZA'" you go check their log and find gayporn, it's pretty EleGiggle and we just go total DansGame and figure that doesn't mean he's gay FailFish Kappa

                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  It was very awkard, though i always had a very open relationship with my parents and i got lots of sexual education, firstly because of my mom caught me and i was shocked and second becasue SHE FUCKING STARTS LAUGHING.

                                                                                  Imagine my feelings at fucking 15 yrs old. Though she told me she was laughing when she saw my scared face

                                                                                  again we talk about wanking rofl

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    Can you guys fucking stop with this already?


                                                                                      ya u got issues sreiously aLLu otu fo controllj


                                                                                        LGD HERE WE GO


                                                                                          I think EG will win though

                                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                                            @ dota is pain, thats bullshit, i dont see anything wrong with the final being same region vs same region.

                                                                                            You know whats the funny thing? When at TI3 there was EU vs EU nobody said shit, Chinese loved Alliance and all that stuff.

                                                                                            One guy replied to me on reddit saying that most of the people dont like Chinese because of they 90 minutes playstyle, and i had to kick him in the ass and update him cuz that thing as far as i know was back at TI1 and before, and a bit at TI2 with Naga carry and shit but then all the teams were playing like that except Na'Vi with they out of the meta Jugg. Anyway, i had to fucking update his brain, as CDEC for example plays a much more agressive style than any western team. Fuck it, last year 2 chinese teams went to finals by deathballing, how can you say you dont want CN vs CN because games are boring? you have to be a arrogant fuck who doesnt have a good argument and comes with the old 90 minutes Chinese meta


                                                                                              lets talk more about fapping


                                                                                                CDEC = CIS doto


                                                                                                  I believe I will get a sick effigy drop in the grand final game 5 worth 90k euros


                                                                                                    CDEC = Playing like as if they had the presence of Leshrac in all their games while they don't, which is why they are so crazily strong. Much better than any other teams to take fights and proper engagements. I'm sure they will get patched after TI


                                                                                                      What a crazy story though, they make other teams look bad