General Discussion

General Discussionwhat happened to ember being a shit hero

what happened to ember being a shit hero in General Discussion

    also every time i see u picking ember ik we alrdy lost

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      Livin' Real Good

        The fact that we are saying he's shit says something about our egos? Actually you saying that says something about you, you don't respect other people's opinions, and it also says you think "everything pro's say > everything we say no matter what " I don't think so jack ass. I remember pro's were calling Death Profit ass, a few patches ago, then once they say how everyone in pubs was raping with her (they found out late as fuck by the way) they finally realized that she was a free tower, and not many line ups could do anything about her ult if she had the right line up backing her up, then they proceeded to pick her in high level play after, she eventually got nerfed though. Oh, and i'm not good at this game at all, i'm actually tilting hard as FUCK, even though i want to blame team mates who are 0-3 of the first 4 minutes..... Does that make you feel better? Me saying that i'm bad at Dota? Still think i got an EGO? I bet it does make you feel better. I know what i know, Ember fucking sucks, even if you're a farming speed king. I need to see more of him. Besides Asia loves Ember Spirit don't they? They have a few players who actually specialize in him, i think some Chinese teams. They probably like that Chinese jingle he makes after he does his ult, racist, i know.

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          if you end every arguement with ur just retarded Lol that doesn't make you right.
          and you can just calmly explain to me what makes him so awesome that you had to make a thread regarding another thread where someone said he is shit.

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              i never said he is shit and i said he gets easy kills with shield and 1st skill, i just said that he falls of early late game when he doesn't have all his 3000 bfs and 900 rapiers.

              when you pick some shit you don't want to play 60+ minutes to win am i right or no? and you really shouldn't take everything too serious about 9000 rapiers and 2 shot by gyro.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Maybe really played the hero to it's full potential.

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                    ^thats waht i actually said in my first comment on this thread he is very strong early and mid game cuz of his skillset.
                    i said he falls off to 30 min where "real carries" have core items but he only has bf drums phase and mb crit (not enough to outcarry a "real carry") but if game is 60 minutes ofc he will have his 2 bfs and 3 rapiers and own with w .


                      Okay so you bash me because I stated the whole purpose of this post, the professionals, who are paid to play dota, have played him well. The key here is PLAYED him well. They didn't just pick him and do shit, nor talk him up and then do nothing with it. They are pretty profoundly showing that he is a real hero and can do a great job.

                      If you are arguing with me that there's a potential that pro players are not gods, I wouldn't disagree. I am judging it by the games I've watched, and undoubtedly I believe these teams are good, comprised of great players, playing at the highest competitive level that they can. I question their decisions, both in draft and in game. But stating Ember sucks, is ass, and is complete shit, is being blind and has no backbone.

                      I have always loved Ember so I won't talk shit about him obviously. But an example of a reasonable argument I might make about a different hero who I dislike but has done well is: Leshrac is counterable by [insert hero type] and isn't very good at defending early-mid game. Saying that Leshrac is shitty and sucks ass because I prefer other heroes to him is just false.

                      By the way guys, as I stated previously, there are certain heros you pick in round 1 or 2 of cpt, because they are versatile in many different strats. Ember is not the most versatile, you pick him for the right situations, as with many carries not names qop, gyro, or storm.

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                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          This thread has taken some interesting turns....which always leads to kitrak talking about his mmr. What are you at currently anyways 5250ish?

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                            imo that game maybe was able to do so much cuz of having dazzle to save him everytime means they cant burst him straight away
                            without supports to bail him out his late game isnt that spectacular imo, moonmeander also said his potential dips after 25 min~ish


                              ^what he said


                                yo am more surprised, was lesh banned every game? I haven't seem him get picked once


                                  ember is a tempo carry. far from weak.


                                    im more suprised about razor tbh


                                      its still early in the group stages. Secret only sends s4 mid with razor/rex and shit like that when they want to lose. Didnt you see how rtz didnt swap to bot after undying went top? they didnt give much of a fuck, its tactics bro

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                                          well ppl hate building phase on ember and go travels instead, which makes him so much weaker >.>


                                            Idk if ember stronk or not (if that's the point of this thread) but ember in ns = ez mmr

                                            Not enough games played to give deeper analysis tho :P

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!