General Discussion

General DiscussionEveryone has that one hero

Everyone has that one hero in General Discussion

    Everyone has that one hero, that they just can't play with;
    No matter how hard you try, it's just not your hero.

    Mine: Crystal Maiden and Windranger (trying to improve)

    Who's your?




        yeah wr, i just am useless even if i land shackles and shit

          Earth spirit, learn to play that chinese rock guy properly. Found him quite strong in mid game and really helpful

          Livin' Real Good

            Storm Spirit, no matter if i pick him first or last, someone ALWAYS, ALWAYS just happens to use Techies when i play him, and for some reason every time i play him, my supports never ward, i always get the supports that are rushing Dagon 5/AGS, then saying " **ck off, i have no money for wards or courier upgrade, shut the hell up or i'm going to stop supporting." Then i'm like " You supported to begin with? "

            Then finally, the part you have all been waiting for, I just can't play him. For some reason, everytime i zip in, and do his usual combos that take full advantage of overload, they're never enough to kill, it's like they're extra weak when i use it. When everyone else uses it, the combo does tons of damage, and they ALWAYS seems to have enough mana to zip out after if they need to, after my combo's i'm usually out of mana. I like to think i use his mana VERY efficiently, and still have problems. Maybe i gotta work on my build, i dunno, storm, such a cool hero.... but..

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              Any micro hero, i can only play single unit hero. I tried so much to be decent with LD but i just cant.

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                Dire Wolf

                  whoever is next on my 10 hero challenge list. Seriously. Took me like 6 lina games to get a win, 4 enigma games, 4 pl games. Doing these challenges is the surest way to tank your rating. I don't particularly play all these heroes like total garbage either, but you really need more flexibility in the picking phase to win at your normal pub levels. I will always maintain that 80% of games can be predicted correctly after the picks are in. Picks have way more impact among low skill players all around the same level than actual play.


                    Invoker, I really love that hero and I can do everything on him, but, I die too often and lose so many games with him. 20% winrate :D


                      Im waiting for the day when i win a game as kunkka or meepo because I was good.

                      Lord Mushroom

                        Furion. I have awesome 8% winrate on it.

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                        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                          Viper :<

                          2018 Mango Juul Pod

                            furion and legion. I can't win a single game with legion even when I do good as him

                            Dire Wolf


                              This is what I mean. First pick bristle for offlane. They pick wr. Our next pick is brood... I don't even know what to say. We have an offlane and if you pick brood in 3k mmr you ALWAYS get isnta axe pick cus axe is popular and everyone knows he is brood counter. 3k mmr are obsessed with three counters:
                              1. Counter brood and dazzle with axe always
                              2. Counter slark with bs always (bs picked every game anyway)
                              3. Counter illusion heroes with earth shaker always (pl, ck, meepo)

                              They do some softer counters like AA vs jug/wd/dazzle and silencer vs storm/qop but not quite as automatic.

                              So of course next pick is axe. Then this fucking idiot decides to pick dazzle. Well it's just gg at that point. We end up a team with no stuns vs a qop, bs, tusk combo.

                              I don't get why doing the hero challenge makes my teammates pick so dumb.


                                39.77% win rate
                                3.44 KDA




                                    Reflex and Precision Heroes
                                    Ember Spirit
                                    Earth Spirit
                                    Storm Spirit

                                    #5 Supports with no stuns
                                    Crystal Maiden


                                      invoker ofc wtf

                                      Yung Suucc

                                        Honestly, qop. My stats are probably ok on that hero, but I feel like I do dumb shit midlane, like over trade harass and make ineffective use of my lane sustain, and with qop I do it the worst.


                                          Juggernaut and Windranger are impossible to win with. Confirmed. >:3

                                          plz do

                                            Let me count.. wait. is 110 a valid number?


                                              storm spirit is my case, no matter how hard i try i only do shit with it xd

                                              LIL KASALANAN

                                                IM TEH WORST RUBICK UGUU 36.36% winrate on 33 games ;_;


                                                  Wraith king, one skill to hard 4 me


                                                    shadow fiend


                                                      all of the heroes (2k scrub D:)


                                                        Night stalker which hurts cos I love playing him. If can have an amazing start and still lose or have a bad start and easily lose.

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          ur mom

                                                          YutaxTV on TTV

                                                            ember :/


                                                              I can't play 80% of heroes list.


                                                                Bloodseeker , im just too agressive with him i think, i rape some games but he is 1 of the heroes i dislike playing but i pick him because i hate to play against him even more


                                                                  puck..freakin' puck


                                                                    I played a lot of micro heroes, Chen,LD,Visage,Enchant,Naga
                                                                    I tried meepo, but I think it's not my hero because it's boring.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!