General Discussion

General Discussionreborn interface questions and compendium

reborn interface questions and compendium in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    1. Where can you view compendium in reborn?
    2. Where can you view your item drops like to unwrap stuff?
    3. Where can you view your match history?
    4. In the compendium I hit reroll my heroes on this last 10 hero challenge and it's not working. I haven't rerolled them yet. WTF is going on? Lag?


      1. I don't think you can.
      4. I can't reroll mines either. Only TB left, never gonna win with that shit. Some kind of bug.

      2-3: Idk, not playing in reborn.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        1 2 3 4 = they haven't added that yet


          Click on your avatar on the home screen and there will be a tab called "Recent games".

          Dire Wolf

            ok that's what I thought but wanted to confirm. The worst part was several of my hotkeys didn't actually transfer, like I used ~ key for push to talk on mumble and it kept opening the scoreboard, even though the hotkeys showed scoreboard wasn't mapped. I had to manually map scoreboard to something else. Same with console, was mapped to / so every time I typed a question in chat it opened even though the hotkeys showed it not being that. Fucked up my friends.

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!