General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve

How to improve in General Discussion

    I want someone to watch the replay of this game:

    I would like tips on how I could have farmed better and any plays I probably shouldn't have done. I feel like I played this game pretty well but with it only being ~3.3K MMR match I know I could have improved.

    Also if you want to watch it and laugh at the feeding, that works too.


      what's the point in buying silver edge against team who has.. 2 passives? (flesh heap and caustic finale)
      also I think you'd do much better with AC instead of mjollnir
      and for some reason you bought BoTs while 5slotted

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        I like silver edge for the damage reduction it apples (no one seems to remember that). I went BoTs becuase my 6th slot was an ageis and I wanted the teleport. My 6th item was going to be an AC, I went mjolnier because I figured the stack shield would do some work, as well as give me more hit for more bashs.

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            what should I have bought instead?


              sny is good
              dagger so you can eat ember (infesting in fv is suboptimal)

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                getting the game to 1hr was the problem.

                now you might think that you need the item to farm up and win. this meta hugely favors those who gank and push.

                big steppin'

                  I didn't watch the game, but Mael is a good item on Niax, provides attack speed + the ability to flash farm which niax lacks compared to say gyros flak cannon, ESwith bfury the fact that ES has map mobility, ect. The silver edge is OK I guess, this way you can sneak up on people and at 3.3k no one is exactly sitting in lanes with sentries. You not disabling any passives worth while (silver edge to disable any supports passive is stupid), however, the problem here is they have 1. Mobile heros 2. heros who flash farm better than you. This means you have to push the agenda and be aggressive, you shouldn't be out farming them so you have to have an aggressive playstyle here. Armlet is good, but it's not a late game item. Blink gives you some initial mobility, but doesn't scale great late. The abyssal is a must to try to bash either gyro or ES, however going S n Y into armlet is medicore. Neither are truely late game items, but good in the mid game which is where Niax can have the most impact. It looks like you won so and got a ton of kills so what exactly are you asking? Basically in a game like this, you want to farm a bit, once you get 6 try to fight around voids ult (hopefully he can get gyro or sandking in his ult and kill them before they can have an impact), then mop up the team fights. I'm suprised you won if the game went to an hour even with void and lesh, it looks like they both sucked. 3k bracket = be greedy and win. 5.5ks thoughts.


                    look replays after u lose understand why u lost and try not to do that again

                    altho if u play solo most of loses will be from team underperforming so that can't be fixed

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