General Discussion

General DiscussionI hate DoTA

I hate DoTA in General Discussion
meow maniac

    HIE, sub-1k MMR scrub here. Lately I've been spamming Earth Spirit for cheap laughs, but I can never finish a game by myself. Is there a supah sekret method for securing objectives without an actual team while playing the green goblin who's magnetic mastery hath fury like no other or is does nigga actually need a team behind him in order to secure a victory?

    Ова тема је измењена

      get a necrobook cuirass desolator?

      Овај коментар је измењен
        Ummmmm yeaaa just pick riki until u get 2k then start thinking about expanding ur hero pool

        meow maniac

          Yeah, initially I was doing well, but I decided to sell all of my items and TP around pushing lanes to prolong the game for teh lulz.


            play heroes that scale well naturally as the game progresses. Try with lina, go support but don't be full time support, just put a ward here and there whenever you need it and nuke the fuck out of everyone :D!


              that's some sweet advice benao :-) I think I should try lina support also


                ..._.....____________________, ,
                ....../ `---___________----_____] = = = = = D
                .....), ---.(_(__) /
                ....// (..) ), ----"

                WE TRUE HOMIES
                WE RIDE TOGETHER
                WE DIE TOGETHER

                el niño peruano

                  roam, combo, kill.
                  ez game ez life


                    i hate it too