General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats the point of using legacy keys

Whats the point of using legacy keys in General Discussion

    Ive seen many people use them but whats the point? why do they vary from hero to hero?

    the realm's delight

      dota 1 keybinds. dont use it its bad if u arent used to them. stick to qwer


        most of them are better for smoother casting


          its much more comfortable

          casual gamer

            it makes ability draft more "fun"


              muscle memory

              im so bad at artifact

                Used to it. They're objectively less efficient for a number of reasons. The best way to break the habit is to play a hero you haven't played before so that you aren't used to any legacy keys to begin with, then transition to using QWER (or other hotkeys of your choice) on the other heroes.

                MARKA UNO

                  i tried using QWER but meh i still mistakenly clicks the old dota hotkey per skill, so i still stick on legacy :)


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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      People saying "they can't get used to QWER" is just bullshitting themselves. I also played a lot of Dota 1 and transition actually took a whole 1 game.


                        the keys are too close to each other, so not efficient


                          i dont see point switching into qwer

                          unless suddently meepo becomes a thing again combined with other micro heavy heroes

                          thats only viable reason to have qwer


                            qwer lets you quickcast which is quite an advantage tho
                            quickcasting with legacy means u have to manually switch the keys for each new hero (at least that was the case a year ago when i switched)


                              Theres no reason to play meepo with qwer.
                              Or any hero for that matter.


                                u got easier acces to 1234 ? as in to control ur keybinds for different meepos ?


                                  Your hand covers the whole side anyways with your palm.
                                  Unless you have disability of some kind that you cant move your fingers by an inch.


                                    exactly^, making it inefficient


                                      u hold ur hand on E F at all tiems (other hotkeys too if lower lvl and skilling them with keyboard)

                                      and for me persoxnaly to reach out 1234 from that hand position is pretty troublesome 1 2 is quite okayish but 3 4 and onwards requires left hand replacement which effectivly leaves using qwer much more beneficial in this kind of situation

                                      idk wtf is quickcast never tried it and not gonna bother if i wanted quick casts i would be in lol i like my vanilla dota style


                                        QWER inefficient? LAWL

                                        the realm's delight

                                          theres no thing such as efficiency when it comes to using different keybinds lmfao its just personal preference


                                            Some play in legacy keys (including me) because of WC3 or Dota 1 they say. I have been playing this game since I was in Grade 5, and that was almost 8 years ago.

                                            So I was attached already to legacy keys. (Also my muscle memory presses the right keys on-point.)


                                              inefficiency would be if you use keys so far that you have to move your hand across the keyboard.
                                              everything within finger reach is efficient.
                                              so pretty much these keys f1-f5, 12345, qwert, ` , tab, caps, shift, control, alt, asdfg, zxcvb, space
                                              and those keys are enough for all the binds in dota




                                                  WHat is legacy keys even? Thought it was something u opened chests with. Google doesnt help me either.


                                                    i bet eternal weeaboo uses legacy because he is so shieeet


                                                      legacy keys are hotkeys that original dota used
                                                      every spell is a assigned a key from its name, for example searing (C)hains. flam(E) guard, slieght of fis(T). etc etc.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        As I already said before, unless you plan on changing hotkeys every game, legacy keys take up too much space from your keyboard.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          there is no reason except you are use to it alrdy. I dont understand why people try and justify it as being superior.


                                                            i dont change my hotkeys every game.
                                                            there are only 2 heroes that i have to swap hotkeys for. sf and invoker and rubick. coz im using zxc for items.
                                                            not many spells using zx in dota now are there..

                                                            and thats when i even play sf, once in a blue moon.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              i used to use zxc for hotkeys but then i started playign sf alot and changed them off from that

                                                              instead using qw for those and for this stopped playing invoker


                                                                Efficiency in keys usage exists, that's why we are stuck with stupid and inefficient Qwerty keyboards. They were designed deliberately to slow down typing in typrewriters, so the keys' bars wouldn't jam from pressing them in too rapid succession or at the same time. This, ironically, for the purpose of speeding up typing by preventing those jams.

                                                                That said, it IS very weird to claim getting used to different setups for every hero you play is the most efficient way. I mean, at least my logic doesn't work that way, I don't know about yours, but if you are already used to it, suit yourself.


                                                                  it is more efficient. Your hand/fingers being stuck in 1 place with qwer is what's fucked up!

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    how to you target attack?, how do you use your items fast enough like that? your fingers are static, i tried qwer for a few months back in DOTA 1 with warkeys and it was INMENSILY inefficient!


                                                                      i use these and my hand doesn't move an inch
                                                                      f1-f5, 12345, qwert, ` , tab, caps, shift, control, alt, asdfg, zxcvb, space


                                                                        the moment you lift 1 finger, you move your whole hand with that setup! It is slow as fuck, etc. I play with my finger always in the keys i need them with the other ones next to each finger in a easy to move hand movement that doesn't separate me from the other keys.
                                                                        the moment you go from 12345 to qwert or viceversa you're already fucked


                                                                          you lose 2-3 fingers with qwer setup

                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                            i use qwerdf 123456 and im pretty sure my reactions are way better than most legacy users of my levle so stop the bullshit. u think having different keybinds for every hero increases ur reaction time lmao. and no i barely move my hand with that setup idk what ur on about. but then again i played wow for 4 years so maybe im just biased cause im used to having 40+ keybinds on 1 character and i see no difference between different keybinds

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              I trust my fingers with the power of my heart.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                its not legacy vs qwer

                                                                                it is legacy over ANY COMBINATION OF KEYS TO FIT YOUR HAND. Im sorry under no circumstance is using B for blink strike on PA efficient


                                                                                  GUYS WHAT THE ACTUALL FUCK ARE U SAYING I CANT EVEN READ SO MANY LINES CUZ I GET BRAIN SEIZURE, GET A LIFE U FUCKIN DOG SHIEETS.


                                                                                    Dude I don't even understand how anyone played with legacy keys in dota 1.... Like has noones heard of warkeys? I dl that shit asap when I saw all the dota 1 hotkeys are retarded


                                                                                      Oh and also FUCK qwerty its all about wertg using H key for stop and a key for attack I barly ever have to move my fingers very much.

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                        sometimes it was not very comfortable, but there was no hero which would require you to literally break your fingers to use all spells at a time. once u eventually get used to it, it works fine; but it takes a while to remember all the hotkeys for all the heroes. for ppl who are not used to it, it's way simplier to start with qwer.


                                                                                          only invoker is tricky coz he has tons of different keys you need to memorize.
                                                                                          others are easy.


                                                                                            Its just about what you are used to. Dendi is using legacy keys, ferrari is using them. Those guys started with dota 1 before even warkeys came out. I switched to qwer with dota 2 and played for like 2 years dota 1 with the legacy keys AND I had warkeys after 1 year. I bound some keys on warkeys, thats it (inventoryslots, all orbattacks on r etc.).

                                                                                            It was perfectly fine a long long time ago. Switchung to qwer was not hard at all. Took me like 3 games with every hero.


                                                                                              QWER hurts the hands alot after playing for a while and its unhealthy.
                                                                                              I use much more ergonomic keys wich i found out for myself.

                                                                                              E-R-T-G-D-F and items SPACE-H-V-3-4-5 (Attack still "A" and Cancel/Stop still "S" wich i can easy use with my small finger and Hold Position is "B"). For group switching (wich is normaly "Tab") i use my front side mouse key and for voice chat my back side key.

                                                                                              thats super ergonomic since you don't have to force your hand to an unnatural position

                                                                                              if your fingers hurt from QWER try mine :P

                                                                                                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                                  use E-R-T-G-D-F hoho haha :D
                                                                                                  it's about good usage of decripify and netherward mainly.
                                                                                                  also it's almost an autowin if you pick it vs intensive mana spenders. i know thats no secret but i still don't see manypugna picks.
                                                                                                  at least in pubs a big strength of pugna is that he is super underestimated.

                                                                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                                      the build depends alot on the lane for me.
                                                                                                      if i lane against a mana dependent hero or vs a dual or tri lane i often skill: decrep, ward, ward, blast, blast, ult, blast, blast, ward,...
                                                                                                      if you wonder why i go for early ward level 2: the ward gives a -1.5/sec mana aura so the level 1 ward will just keep the mana reg almost +-0 for most level 1 hero. if you level the ward to 2 it will constantly drain ~2/sec mana wich is alot in early game.
                                                                                                      on mid lane or if i play as core i go usually for blast, decrep, blast, ward, blast, ult, blast, max ward, max decrep while skilling ult.
                                                                                                      vs lesh the ward helps and tusk - decrepify

                                                                                                      sry for offtopic btw ^^


                                                                                                        Theres nothing that irks me more than when commentators say his "q" is on cooldown. Go fuck yoirself.