General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your playstyle?

What is your playstyle? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    They say KDAs reflect your style of play? But personally, how do you play this game of doto? What kind of mentality u take into the game?

    Are you a natural born killer? an inner support and caregiver? a jack of all trades master of none? Objective doto rat master? A ganker roamer who seeks action?


    Ова тема је измењена

      i play perfect dota, my kda increases with better teammates as the effectiveness of my teammates goes up and my deaths lessen


        rape my lane

        afk farm until i got enuff items to 1-2 shot anyone in the enemy team and then end the game when im at my peak


          i am the guy who farms a lot, or the guy who ganks a lot, no middle ground

          King of Low Prio

            farm heroes

            Pom Pom 🍕

              I like hitting towers.


                Jack of All Trade, Master of None. now more toward Farming and Carrying

                Need to talk,remove your ...

                  I like destroying buildings

                  ultralight beam

                    See enemy,KILL ENEMY

                    ultralight beam

                      i will dive you ,i will engage you with 10 hp,i will come at u balls deep with 2 rapiers

                      Bad Intentions

                        ^holy shit man 😀


                          Well for me it depends on what hero I'm playing

                          If I'm a support I will attack you gank you and just generally be an annoyance

                          If I'm a carry I'll jump on you when you stumble or come forward to far

                          I tend to be fairly aggressive but I know when to back off (usually)

                          I know when I can and can't take fights

                          When I'm playing Lycan I tend to be abit chill in my lane at first..... Randomly disappear at some point .... Usually if im against an aggro tri or my supports are to stupid to understand "stop ruining you carries farm and hit the enemy heroes" or around level 5

                          I will then switch gears at level 6 come out of nowhere with my ult and chew your squishy hero up and then I sit back until one of two things happen

                          1 my ult comes back off CD..... Then someone dies

                          2 I get medallion in which case I eat rosh and from there it's all pressure ganking..... Killing the back lines during team fights and tower killing

                          Ultra late game there comes a point where I ignore you completely and suicide into you to kill your racks one by one...... Ruining my KD but securing the game

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                            Passif dota. Never be the initiator, counter initiate. Split push.

                            Miku Plays

                              farm jungle all game and team won the game for me :D


                                umm I guess my play style depends on hero but I prefer to be active in all major fights so I tp a lot.

                                anything shorter

                                  "Get fed or die trying."

                                  The person who'll either give up or get the First Blood.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    " Perfect Dota " says Benao. XD

                                    I play passive Dota, I don't go in unless i KNOW i have advantage on that enemy whether it be 1 on 1, or whether it be from a good initiation set up by a team mate. This play style has it's strengths, cause i'm really good at spotting a disadvantageous fight or position (map awareness) so i almost never feed, but the problem is, i don't take risk, so i don't create as much space as i like for my shit team mates, then the enemy team gets fed off of them, and then i make my job twice as hard, possibly giving me more deaths cause my team fed the BS by 10 mins. I need to get more aggressive and lane, and work on my rotating skills, as well as farming patterns while rotating, then i think i can break the 4K barrier easily, currently 3.6, not playing much ranked these few months. I'm also trash at last hitting, gotta work on that too.

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                                      when i join a dota 2 game 4 options appears
                                      (from most to less)

                                      1. Full tryharder rat split pusher objetive gamer (Naga i love you :p)
                                      2. Pasive farmer 30 minutes, 5-man pusher rest of the game (Dusa i love you too)
                                      3. Full retard addicted to random hero button game ruiner
                                      4. Tryhard support


                                        Bad midlaner, but makes up for it in midgame by making good plays

                                        Very agressif, diving towers, making rampages, pretty next level which makes other people look at me and say "what a retard" sometimes (cause they don't know what I'm thinking, even though what I'm thinking is extremely smart, but unfortunately sometimes doesn't work cause enemy uses maphack.)


                                          Try not to suck. Fail.


                                            My role is tactical feeder. Piediedie pls guide me!


                                              lol KDA
                                              lol KDA
                                              lmao KDA

                                              Paid actor

                                                why is doto so ez?
                                                1) go mid ---> if i win i start flamin on my team for suckin and gettin carried, while in the same time letin them know that they dont deserve to win since they r so bad.

                                                2)go mid ---> if i lose i start flamin my team for suckin and not tp assisting or whatever kind of reason i will find, and if i dont i will just randomly flame them tryin to show that im actually better than them and since we r losin im happy coz the 4 noobs will lose mmr, while i will easly get it back since im so good.

                                                so basically i enjoy flamin and penis sword fighting, does that count as playstyle?


                                                  1)Flame all the pinoys on my team for their bad connections and dog-shit map awareness
                                                  2)Use them as human shields

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Whenever I play carry, I just TP to other lanes at level 4 and shit. I play REALLY aggresive, XBOCT level.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      I'm the kind of guy who adapts into any situation fluidly. When teammates yell for a killfest with the opposing team? Count me in. When I think I won't be able to end this game earlier than I want, I farm my cores to the best I can. When my 4 toddlers of a teammate picks carries, complains incessantly of how inadequate my supporting skills are, I don't have a problem of stroking their egos. I will do anything to win.

                                                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                        lm ao

                                                          ^Not rly, unless you were secretly Pinoy all along, you scumbag XD

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            0-26 pa perfect dota XD


                                                              My playstyle is based on farming and splitpushing a lot, my favorite heroes actually are AM, TB and Meepo
                                                              Unless I play something like Qop or Silencer where I gank and roam
                                                              I'm very objective based and I hate when the game becomes a 5 man shitshow, that's why I don't like this patch


                                                                i play extremly aggro or extremly safe.

                                                                i try to get as many kills or pushes as i can. i harass my enemy on lane, zone him out. attack with every opportunity. when i play TA usually by min 20 i take all 6 towers t3 and t2. i dont like when picks allow us to be aggro but i end up dieing alone.

                                                                on the other hands, there are some games where were losing fights, and i decided to play it safe, farm, dont leave base/our half map, and yet my team decides to fight 4v5, after i tell them to stay back cause were losing and they get wiped and they go "report x noob farm".
                                                                or when we have a tech and the other team 5 men snowball after min 10 and my team decides to get rekt 5v4 far away from mines or anything.

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                                                                  HMMM I guess its based on my mood, I can dive you and failed, I can go jungle and fail, I go mid, farm, and never gank, I went support get picked off and dead, I pick ganker heros and will gank 24/7 and dive but get worth kills, I pick AM and go Rat Dota for the greater good. So I guess, im a ganker and a ratter?

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    On carries I farm, maybe a bit too much. I'm that douche in the jungle on spectre not taking fights until manta.


                                                                      I played World of Warcraft as restoration druid or holy paladin, mostly. Also I can remeber my days in Lineage as shillien elder. No surprise, I play as a support in DOTA 2 now. I find some kind of masochistic joy in supporting my team...


                                                                        I don't care about killing or dying all i care is the players who are planting flowers on my territory!


                                                                          not mid.

                                                                          I honestly hate playing mid.

                                                                          But I think you have to be able to mid to go up in rank, so i'm going on a massive lose streak attempting to get good at mid.


                                                                            win early game, throw it mid game and be behind late


                                                                              kill people

                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                Support the shit out

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  If I have to play support I basically try to win lane period, don't do a ton of roaming. If offlane I want to push the carry out of lane. If safe I want to zone out support.




                                                                                      Go mid, f*ck the other mider. At lvl 6-7 start raping the whole map, my teammates included.


                                                                                        GET GUD GET SPHEREBOX