General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting to get out of the trench?

Supporting to get out of the trench? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Okay, so here's a weird idea.

    You're a new player. You calibrated badly after 3 months of playing, instead of waiting to get more skill in unranked. Your MMR is terrible. How do you get out of it? Obviously, first get better at the game, watch pro streams, watch some purge for basic stuff and some details, play more with friends and get a grip at communicating with other people first. Watching pro games will be useless in the beginning because you won't be able to relate your 4-5 core games with those solo-gold-xp-secured carries babysat by a dual support trilane, but continue watching in order to get a grip on how DotA is SUPPOSED to work.

    But after that...

    Most people suggest to pick a highly influential, snowballing, pubstomping hero like TA. It's a great hero for pubstomping, not only do new players easily underestimate how much damage she can dish out, do not understand how to dodge her attacks by positioning, and most importantly, never use detection, but they also have a really bad grip on what refraction does and how to easily counter it.

    But... good luck getting mid. Or any solo lane, in fact. Actually, good luck getting any FARM, because that ogre magi "needs gold".

    More often than not, you're going to lose games to arguments who's going to be mid, or have that pudge feed because he feels he's a better mid than QoP. Or to arguments who actually farms the lane. Most of the time, people won't understand difference between carry/support role, and why only one hero should be farming the lane. This sounds alien to people at much higher MMR, but yes, this trench exists.

    Okay, if this is not an option, what do you do?

    I think that actually supporting might be the way to get out of the trench - I've had some ranked win-streaks this way, gaining about 300 MMR in two days, and it seems to be going up steadily.

    Basically, at trench mmr, you're going to have (at least, GOD) 4 cores. No question about it. More often than not, this is the case, so you either pick 5th core and have spectre weaver offlane while you're arguing with that pudge about who goes mid, or you pick a support.

    I think that if you pick a support and know what to do as a support (when to roam/gank, when and how to ward/deward, how to keep your carries alive), you actually have a higher chance of winning the game.

    Because if your teammates' 4 cores are as bad as their 4 cores and MAYBE a single support, and you manage to keep them alive, turn fights, tp support and get them kills, you're eventually going to win the game. To get higher MMR than those people, play wiser than those people, naturally.

    If you have an idea who's going safelane (though it is never safe to assume that spectre won't go offlane with medusa >.<), picking a support to augment that hero might be a good idea (like picking kotl to support that pl, or picking dazzle to support that suicidal maniac huskar, or even supporting that offlane lina who is obviously not going to support - with lion for early rape/burst damage combo etc). In case their single support, if they have any, has not picked a hero with synergy with their (most importantly) safelane carry, you are already one step ahead.

    Also keep in mind the following things:

    As you are getting out of the very low MMR range, you'll have to adapt to players who are better at the game. Well, no shit. This means that you have to learn things in advance, if you do not want to fail. What this means is that you need to learn good habits, and especially so as a support. Buying wards when you can, and calculating whether you'll have enough money for wards, buying dust, getting sentries in advance (you do not start buying sentries when the first shadowblade rolls out and kills half your team, you get them at rune spots as soon as you can afford them, really, and deward asap) and you have to start being weary of the smoke ganks, and start thinking about them yourself. Also learning to properly pull/stack and keep the favorable equilibrium.

    I learned this by being "boosted" by my 4k friend. Basically, he got me into a match where practically all people on our team are 3-4.5k, except for me... at 1.2k. Our average mmr was thus screwed, and they had around 800 greater average MMR. Their whole team announced tis 'in the bag', but then their hell started.

    I did not play as badly as they were hoping I would - I had already learned more advanced mechanics before I've started playing that match - I've watched a lot of professionals play, and I am fully aware of all the things that high mmr players in 5 stacks can do. Thus I was not surprised at any point. I even counterpicked them really hard, was our safelane carry, got babysat by two good supports, and generally got farmed while my team created space for me. Were I a worse player, I'd have tried engaging in already lost fights and ended up feeding - but instead I picked my battles wisely, and only died a few times, when the fights were pretty inevitable and did not roll out in our favor. We ended up stomping them in the end, and there wasn't much they could've really done in the end.

    This was not the only game I've played with/against people with much higher MMR where I've actually done a pretty good job - I have at no point felt inferior to players who have had MMR 3x as high as mine.

    So what's the moral of this story? If you want to get out of the trench - first learn advanced tactics/mechanics there are in the game, EVEN if you're playing solo, but also learn to support well. Find some people who have much higher MMR, get a grip on how it feels, see what those "higher mmr" people are doing. Especially 5 stacks. But most importantly, if you've got calibrated badly a long time ago, you should really adapt to the game when you try ranked again, and that's the whole point of this thread.

    Because if you can't support well, and change the tide of fights, and don't have a firm grasp of some mechanics, you're not going to rise in MMR. At your level, either get some teamfight supports, or supports that can save your allies. Or a support who can aid ganks very well. Whatever. If you understand the support mentality and constantly learn new mechanics and improve up on them, you're going to rise out of the trench, because in case you're that low, you have an obvious advantage over the others who are oblivious to them, and who have learned to play only against bad players (aka buying shadowblade on any hero because nobody buys detection, or building every hero glass canon without bkb, because naturally nobody buys blademail to counter that, should it not be in suggested items).

    Picking a pubstomp carry should not be the only recipe to rise out of trench, because if you do that every single time, you won't really rise much, as you'll get 4-5 core teams every time, as people have the same exact mentality as you do.

    Try to win by filling in the gaps. Have an adaptive mentality, you're not facing the same opponents every time, whether they are in your team or the enemies'. If your team has zero initiation, that tidehunter/earthshaker pick might just be viable. As a support, buy support items to help your team.

    While I understand that Daedalus is very juicy on Mirana, an Eul's, Force Staff or Scythe might be way more beneficial to your team in a fight if you need more positioning or cc, though Daedalus is okay on a support Mirana if you really need more rightclick to pull fights off, but you'll need good judgement to see whether that's the case.

    TL;DR - Adapt your playstyle if you want to rise, do thing you may not initially like or want, but fill in the gaps your team has. Sometimes it does not mean "pick a pubstomping mid and hope to get mid".

    I'm writing this post mainly to try to fend off my frustration of solo supporting many many games because I get TA Slark Bloodseeker Shadowfiend teams way too often (or something along the lines, obviously).

    Obviously, if you think I've got something wrong, shoot, I am not the best player myself and I probably have many misconceptions regarding the game.


      better play core and lose than play support and lose

      thats my mentality as 1/2 pos player

      worse case scenario i would pick naga siren or some other carry that scales well in all stages of the games and "support"with it

      Riguma Borusu

        "worse case scenario i would pick naga siren or some other carry that scales well in all stages of the games and "support"with it"

        Well, I tried that, and it ended with "holy shit they lost the game before I could even get the sacred relic". Good games I get sacred relic @ 15 minutes, get radience a minute after, and then it's over, but mostly, at trench MMR, you're going to lose games before 10 minutes, as people do not understand they should not jump into fights if they are that much weaker, or they feed mid 5-6 times.

        But your idea might still be good, maybe I am just terrible at Naga :x


          If you're going to support trench, pick heroes that can save your teammates (or just buy glimmer) or pick heroes that can scale into late game (since no one pushes an advantage) and turtle.


            pick storm ?

            go jungle ?

            get lvl 6 ?

            after team feeds killstreaks pick those people off ?

            get killstreak golds/shit tons of exp ?

            snowball from that ?

            profit ???????????

            Riguma Borusu

              I've actually had good experience picking crystal maiden. I have the highest KDA and Winrate with her out of all my most played heroes (well, sadly), because I started picking her very recently and because people underestimate how dangerous she really is. Also, people rarely get BKBs or blademail when they should, they don't get detection, so I'm having a good time picking CM for all the reasons I've outlined above. She CAN actually save allies, by frostbiting popular melee picks like ursa and bs, and glimmer is kinda her core lately, so I build her tranq + urn + glimmer + any combination of aghs/bkb/ghost/blink/force/euls. Usually I'd love to pick blink earlier, but I have terrible problems getting all the stuff off in a fight (including few casual frostbites, a nova and a glimmer) unless I get an early point booster, because that ult reeeeeally eats mana like crazy, and sometimes I have slot problems, but still don't want to sell that urn because it's full of charges by the time we push and it can still help a lot (and naturally I need two slots for wards and tp).

              Овај коментар је измењен

                Try Venge also. Or WR. Or Lina. They've got some good scaling too, being relevant both in early and late game.
                Oh, and Undying! Zombies are unstoppable in teamfights if noone will pay attention to the tomb, and according to what you say - hell they won't.


                  Holy shit your novel defeated me I couldn't finish it.



                    if you are good. when you picking cores you always win on trench tier.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      "Try Venge also. Or WR. Or Lina. They've got some good scaling too, being relevant both in early and late game."

                      I have an okay wr with venge and I play her as hard support mostly, but eventually getting blink/force as core items. I rarely go deso build as it's just too expensive for my playstyle. I've had good experiences saving HCs from certain death as venge, and surviving in the process with ghost scepter/blink/forcestaff, etc, so I do regularly play vs. Lina I haven't really tried.

                      "Oh, and Undying! Zombies are unstoppable in teamfights if noone will pay attention to the tomb, and according to what you say - hell they won't."

                      Well, there's a problem with undying here, this strategy works great for the early game, but what happens with undying at my levels is that he creates an enormous advantage for his team early game, then the team gets cocky and dies in the next push. Because eh... Undying has only raped one lane. People seem to have trouble keeping momentum after Undying obliterates one lane, because they assume they are much stronger than they are. And usually those trench Undyings don't actually gank properly to make their deeds count on other lanes too. But for this exact reason, I could spam some Undying to make a difference, so this is a good idea.

                      "Holy shit your novel defeated me I couldn't finish it."

                      Well, that's what the TL;DR is for, honestly, I am boring to myself so I feel ya brah.


                      "if you are good. when you picking cores you always win on trench tier."

                      I still like having wards up. And an upgraded courier. And detection. And it still does not feel right to play core and buy those (unless it's dust, obviously).

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        I think I climbed from 1.5k to 2k or something by spamming Omni when I started playing
                        no one will read that wall of text btw
                        you can climb by playing any role, while it's obvious that a 4k player that plays at 2k should play core

                        It's stupid to say to a 1-2k player that wants to climb "play mid", since he will play a 1-2k mid and never go up


                          What do you think about support Magnus?

                          Miku Plays

                            how about play your own hero? dont just think about helping people, you either step on their face to climb up or they step on yours, remember its the trench.

                            the most important thing if your all carry, make sure theres a courier and one ward for yourself.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              I haven't seen a lot of successful support magnus, except for the one that screwed us in combination with techies, the problem with SUPPORT magnus is that it's the very opposite of "doing things yourself" (as some think this is the ideal way to pubstomp), but it just might work if you have a good AoE. I've played a lich+magnus support combo one game and we STOMPED that one. But yeah, I might try it some more.

                              As for playing my own hero, that means playing cm, venge, legion and sven. It's okay. Sven's a bit underwhelming generally, but I can pull off some plays, legion lets me backdoor people way too often because they are disorganized (had 400+ duel damage a few games), venge lets me abuse positioning people are already shit at, and cm is just dangerous if you manage to evade death a lot and pull off ultimates without getting disabled.

                              But I've bought wards and courier as a "carry" a few times already, I was playing Sven, went buying wards all game. In the end I had no farm to get any really good carry items (wards are actually kinda expensive if you want a good uptime on them, and are up against heroes like techies and riki) so I ended up buying aghs, and our medusa really loved that since he stacked stats anyway so it worked out. The only reason we had 5 cores is that I felt like playing sven, picked it first, and from then on shit went south, as he's a really, really shit support.

                              Miku Plays

                                Legion lol

                                try my potato killer build

                                get MoM ( target time 6-8 mins)
                                get blademail ( target time 16-18mins)
                                get shadowblade ( 20-22mins)

                                skill build :

                                lane :




                                Riguma Borusu

                                  My potato killer build is similar, except I get armlet instead of MoM, eventually get silver edge, bkb and heart, because I can't expect the team to help me with survival at any point and in any way. Also BoTs, I LOVE that item on legion. Especially against unsuspecting prophets and mothers. God, it's so good. I dominated one game being fed almost solely by a NP who entered our base at 15th minute mark and got cocky about it, going full dps, no survival. I'd just duel him and he'd melt every single time. They also had PA, but really she could do no shit against shadowblade + blademail, she'd crit herself to death despite me not being able to hit her most of the time. Later her 50+% evasion was no longer a problem, because if I hit her twice she'd be dead as I had 800 damage already.

                                  It was this game, it's really hilarious ( At the end, they were taking our rax further, I buyback, went shadowblade, duelled PA, got away, BoT-d to the creep wave, went for base and backdoor'd it extremely easily. Axe raged because he's played really well and had most good influence (look at his HD).

                                  Also I don't get any stats early, might try it sometime, but her spells gain a real lot from leveling (even E gets more procs, which is important if you want to survive), so I am not so sure about stats.

                                  Miku Plays

                                    btw, MoC procs 25% on all levels the difference is the amount you lifesteal 55%/65%/75%/85% and the cd

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      I know, but you should get more procs because of lower cooldown, that's what I meant. At level 1 you can't really expect heal at all during the first few duels, though that's understandable with slow attack speed the enemies have and low damage you have. But the percentage and cooldown change just miiiiiiiight leverage that 5hp you needed to stay alive and get a kill. Still you might be a fool for having such a risky duel, unless you're doing it purposefully when initiating a fight.

                                      I find it's tough call, maybe keeping E at level 1 and getting 6 stats would actually be better? Might also solve mana problems a bit... Definitely should try that now that I think of it :x I often get bottle or basilius to solve mana issues, one time I got soul ring as well, everything works if you can pull it off, anyway.

                                      I've started going stats first on Sven too, not only does he have huge mana problems and you get shit supports who don't build arcanes anyway, you also benefit from all stats a lot throughout the game, so it might be better than getting Q or E if you're going to focus on getting as good of a right click as possible early. At lvl 16 tho, having a 1 2 1 3 build and +18 to all stats might make you much stronger damage wise than getting a typical build.

                                      One of reasons I am at trench tier is that I actually disregard stat levels very often, in terms of not leveling them early even when I should, so I am working on improving on that, it's just that I am used to leveling out spells I THINK are more useful maxed out. I see a lot of pro players favor stats a lot for some early fights when they pick heroes with a lot of 'value' spells that increase mana cost with levels. I've seen people do that on crystal maiden and I was kinda stupefied because I feel her spells get MUCH stronger with levels, but then again, they are pro players, and I am not, so I might not understand the intricacies of what they're doing and why.

                                      Holy mother of god, I just realized you have 700+ games of legion. Fuck. My. Life. Ok, I'm gonna try your build next time definitely, you've probably tried everything there's to try anyway. Do you ever get daedalus on legion? It increases damage by percentage so it should be good, but I also see a catch 22 there - if you need daedalus, that means you're behind, and if you're behind you should probably get something to tank you up so you can actually win duels. I don't really see daedalus as a viable/useful item on her, honestly.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        ok, how to get out of mmr. if you know you can get out of it then pick bloodseeker and go jungle, then go stout quelling and a set of tangos do the small camp then the medium once you get pts you can do any camp then just buy blade mail bkb then whatever u need, if your like low mmr they wont do anything to your jungle so you can stay afk there :D


                                          There is no point supporting if your carry is useless or mentally retarded, imo play carry to leave a trench as it has more impact on the match. If you play support, then you're hoping some random noob to carry you which doesn't always end well.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Play carry, even if the team ends as 5 core? Sometimes I support autoattacking carries that have no grip on the game. And we win because their autoattacking was actually safe farm, and they were fed kills by me. Usually sniper pickers. Smh.

                                            Also, bloodseeker abuse is something I see very often. But usually their team does not follow, they don't push and they lose game lategame.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                              Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                ^Not all the carries get teammates who can get them the space, especially AM who needs huge space before becoming relevant. If your early game fucked up and when you asked for rotation your teammates say nooooooope I'm doing fine shame on you, then your game is over.


                                                  "Good games I get sacred relic @ 15 minutes, get radience a minute after"

                                                  and then you wake up?

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I have 27% winrate with AM. I have 80% winrate with AM when I actually play a 5 stack and when it's a good pick. Mostly it is simply not. You're mostly going to need babysitting because you can't do anything early game, and often you'll end up against a silencer necro dual offlane. Also slark needs early levels and some gold advantage, and good luck getting a solo lane in trench.

                                                    I don't think most people with 5k+ MMR understand how it actually is to play at trench. If you assume that calling solo offlane here grants you solo offlane, you're crazy. Especially with 4-5 cores. That's just over the top. That's why I mostly play legion jungle - it's not that I can't get mid or safelane (she should not go safelane either way), I can't get fucking offlane farm. Even if I pick legion and call mid or offlane first, the picks follow... sven... spectre... weaver... sniper. Now fuck that team, and abandon.

                                                    ""Good games I get sacred relic @ 15 minutes, get radience a minute after"

                                                    and then you wake up?"

                                                    No need to be snide, that's just in case I get kills in lane, and it includes ring of aquila. That's a good game. Not getting any kills and not dying is an okay game. Getting killed in lane is a bad game. Also the timing is in relation to when the item arrives, and when it's completed, I usually TP back to base to get the recipe, because I am usually low on mana at that point, and am about to go mid to start messing things up anyway.

                                                    This is an example of a good game - But this game was so onesided they abandoned, so meh.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      The thing that all of you don't consider is that he's probably at the mmr because he deserves it? You are telling him things that i would tell a ~5k player that boosts an account but for fuck sake that guy calibrated at it and there's a reason why. I was also calibrated at 1,3k at the start and the best thing u can do is play rat dota.

                                                      Why rat dota? Because noone at this mmr carries a god damn tp scroll and there are absoloutely NO coordinated ganks. In your next game just pick Furion: Go jungle, farm a midas, get treads + Shadow blade + deso and then get whatever u think is gud.

                                                      Everytime i play at this mmr people either play 5 man (but without pushing, just 5 man roaming the entire time) or they spread over the entire map. In the first case just tp to the lane that's safe to push and take buildings. If they spread out set up ganks with your sprout and if you can't do that just farm items. While pushing/ farming use 1-2 of your treants to scout for incoming people so u can either kill them or tp away.

                                                      And that's it. Happy climbing

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        nexon is right - rat dota is definitely the way out. you can't rely on yourself or your team to do successful team fights.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          That's some good advice. I've actually had some success playing Naga, but the buildup to usefulness is not so steady, not to mention inability to get a solo lane to farm and have any support doing anything whatsoever. I will try NP sometime, and bloodseeker jungle for now.

                                                          Nexon, I got calibrated at 1.3k when I didn't even know how pulling/stacking works, and that was really long ago, it's just that I didn't play ranked for a long while. I get much better matches in unranked than I do in ranked, because my unranked rating is actually much higher, it's just that I am tired of being unable to play ranked when I want to because it's soooooo baaaaad. Because people @ 1300 did not improve past what I was like when I got calibrated, so you probably get this.

                                                          But I think you're right about rat dota, I've actually lost lots of games to people being unable to TP to save the base from a farmed furion, and usually those same people have spent the whole game bitching about my supporting (after they made sure I am solo support, and after they walk into fog and die, naturally). I also backdoor people fairly often with LC, they let me get fed, I get BoTs, buyback if they are pushing the base, let them push my base, TP to theirs or near it, and wreck it. It's ridiculous how little coordination and TP wisdom those people have, indeed.


                                                            it wasn't the relic at 15mins i was questioning it was the fact that you then buy a 1425g recipe the next minute....

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Ah, that one, I cleared it up in that post tho :x You have to factor courier going to secret shop, buying relic, me having extra gold, bringing it to me, and then farming for a recipe :x Else that'd be 1425 gold per minute, which is obviously madness. I had about 800 gold by the time relic arrived, then I picked a kill on brood or bristle, meanwhile illusions were farming mid and easy camp on radiant. So, yeah, that was pretty much lucky circumstances more than anything else, and a bit of miscommunication on what I mean by "getting relic".

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                Well, all your games are still in normal skill so at max your unranked mmr is ~3k. I get your point, but the jungle furion thingy should still work, just even better if you know what you are doing.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Obviously it's not beyond 3k, it may be at 2.5k range MAX, but even 2k is much higher than 1.3k in terms of what people generally do. I had one ranked game where all opponents were bellow 1k and it was... so bad. Like playing against passive bots except for they buy all the wrong items and feed themselves to you so you can end the game sooner.

                                                                  Got any further tips on jungling furion? I mean I've seen people cliff jungling, etc, but most good players say it's a lousy and inefficient tactic, what's your take on it? I haven't played furion so I don't really know much about his jungling, will have to get hands on a good guide.


                                                                    I'd say if someone wants to break out of the trench through playing Support, KotL would be a good pick, the sheer amount of counter-push he has to let your carries farm, if they got the brain to do so and his usefulness in a fight if you remember to use the ult or get Aghs is crazy. Mana removal + stun, blind and knockback ability, a recall if your carry needs out of a bad fight, etc. Shit's crazy, and in the laning he makes people blow their healing so fast by spamming illuminate that once they run out, the person you're laning with can start actually going in for the kill.

                                                                    TL;DR Pick KotL. Great counter-push, good teamfight, keeps teammates able to spam abilities with mana when the enemy already blows all their's, etc.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      Hmm, KotL might be a good idea as well, I suppose he fits all the necessary criteria here, a support, can rat, and can help keep people alive :x Not to mention his pretty strong laning and harass, especially with somebody with a strong nuke (not like he does not have one himself, though).

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      Miku Plays


                                                                        I either get daedalus asap if I know the enemy carry/supp wont buy any evasion items or leave it as crytalys (heck I crit like 500~700dmg just with this)

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          Okay, so it's actually useful. Interesting. I did not yet have any games where it would REALLY change anything, but I suppose it could make stale games more dynamic if I could kill people sooner AND survive the ordeal.


                                                                            I would never cliff jungle him lol. Start with a ring of basi and 2 mana pots. Summon your treants in base at ~0.03-0.05 (to save mana). Then just go in the jungle and farm. Always take the runes. try to micro your treants so they dont die and let the one with more hp (and less duration) tank. A 1% hp treant does the same dmg as a full hp treant.
                                                                            And one thing thats important is the pickling phase. Don't pick him first. Your worst enemy is bara. If you play vs that guy I would get (even though it sounds really stupid) a linkens just so he cant charge u. Bounty Hunter is also pretty hard to play against.
                                                                            And as Hatsunke said: crit is quite good after you have some items.

                                                                            Also: When you are pushing and someone tps back off instantly but dont tp straight away. If you are farmed and have e.g. treads, sb, deso, hex u can just solo kill every support and even some cores if they are stupid enough.

                                                                            This guy is insanely good when its comes to jungle heroes. Even though I hate his item build for furion in low mmr, he gives u a good general idea of the hero. You can also watch his lycan guides, he's a god at that hero. And yes his videos aren't very professional xD

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              Thanks, I will take a look now :) Also, I think Hatsune Miku was replying to my question regarding legion, though I can see why furion would benefit from crit too, though I guess Desolator is way more important for pushing, and you kinda need that sheepstick for self defense (and if smart and omnipresent, offense), so crit... as a 6th slot item maybe? I think it's usually the best idea to get it last anyway, because of the way it scales damage, if anything, it should let you more easily "keep up" with proper carries in term of damage.


                                                                                ^pretty much: 5-6 item crit => good vs heroes
                                                                                5-6 item necro / AC => gud vs towers


                                                                                  I forgot to mention KotL is also a good pick cause with Aghs, during the day, his nuke heals teammates for the same amount of damage it does if they're hit by it, free mek right there, should still get one anyway tho after Aghs, you need it to keep pushing waves back without being stuck in place waiting to get hooked by a Pudge or something.

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    What's your take on Midas? One reason NP players quickly run out of slots at my range is that they not only rush Midas, but try to keep it throughout the WHOLE game, often when they're already level 25.

                                                                                    I haven't seen somebody NOT rushing Midas for a while. Usually people force it with no regard to how they see the game is progressing, and I've seen good players comment on how bad that is because you delay any usefulness you might have early game by doing it, and getting things done early (taking all T1s ASAP, presumably) should be your job to begin with.

                                                                                    Now, I get Midas will give you early levels and accelerated farm a bit later, but is it worth sacrificing the early pushing power you might have with items that actually give you damage and ability to kill people for a Midas?

                                                                                    Like, Midas is half the desolator to begin with, and getting an early desolator, I feel, makes you way more threatening when it comes to ganks and pushing towers.

                                                                                    As for KotL, I know what Aghs does for him, but if I am going to be the solo support for my team, I am going to have a bad time farming it up... That is, unless I stack hard camps and clear them with illuminate, but I've noticed that when you solo support, you'll never have time to do anything for yourself, so that's a bit wonky. But should definitely work with some practice and communication, I guess.

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                                                                                      ^all the things you said are true there is no doubt about that but the thing is we are talking about 1k mmr where games are slow and uncoordinated. I just think that you can get away with going for a midas pretty easily. And who says that you need to sacrifice your early pushing power? lets say you get midas at 7-8 minutes. What other item worth ~2k gold would change the game in away that's worth sacrificing so much $$$?

                                                                                      I mainly just think that you can get away so easily with it at this skill level. Yes it always depends on the game but let's be honest: How many games have you had where the enemy actually GATHERED once they had an early advantage (~10-20 minutes) and just took tower after tower and eventually highground? I'm betting not too many.

                                                                                      And for Kotl : RAT KOTOL BEST KOTOL


                                                                                        I tend to get it within 20 minutes by just counter pushing lanes cause when I get carries that know well enough to farm, they tend to just go for jungle so they're not seen farming and not getting ganked cause people in fucking 1k won't ward enemy jungle. And people tend to not shift around much in the middle of a fight down here m8, so throwing down an illuminate in a fight at the crowd is basically a free heal for the team and seriously weakens the enemy.


                                                                                          Everyone has their own attitude. Some people like risk. Others fear it. Some people like killing enemies. Others want to end games fast. Some people like taunting enemies. Others prefer to build up teammates. That will determine the "optimal" personal style for beating 1k newbs.

                                                                                          As a 2/3 mid/ganker, I agree with the author; a good support is one of the most annoying things to play against. However, I suggest that you play position 4, not 5. Yellow wards have no defensive use at low tiers because teammates often will die even with vision and enemies are often so predictable you don't need vision to know where they are. Since in-lane ganks are rare, just wait until 10-15 minutes until the laning phase ends and then ward block the entire enemy jungle, force them into a teamfight in lane, and destroy them with your AoE ult. Since no one knows how to last hit, pick a support with a stun and help your carry get kiill gold while laning.

                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            I played with my friend who had 3.5K party MMR.
                                                                                            My party MMR then was 1.7K. A difference of 1800. I played mid Ember against a 3.4K Storm. Rekt ^^
                                                                                            We totally have the same story bro. GJ

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                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Ok, so I might go for Midas sometime, thanks nexon :x Well, mainly it's either getting maelstrom or saving up for desolator, I can see that have some impact on pushing definitelly. But if games have to roll out for a bit longer, I guess Midas should not be a problem.

                                                                                              Actually, even when I play at 1.3k MMR, I screw their jungle and ancients past the 15th minute mark. I've played against a juggernaut who CONTINOUSLY CHECKED for ancients past the 15th minute, and not once has he found them, because I'd always refresh wards. It was hilarious. His jungle was also completely warded most (but not all) of the time, and I do not think he understood what was going on. That's how bad these people are. Also, if you're going offlane there's mostly no point in warding the pull camp, unless you see somebody is pulling, in which case they mostly won't understand why it does not spawn or stack. Good games... :|

                                                                                              Hot Sauz, yeah, that's how it goes. People can't know when you've calibrated at your MMR, and that, I think, is the only way to TRULY be much above your MMR - by not playing ranked for a while after you've calibrated terribly. Then you can farm up the MMR really rapidly provided you're smart about it, and you can play shoulder to shoulder with much higher MMR people. The game that we stomped - I first picked venge to support safelane, but after they picked Chaos Knight I was like "shiiit somebody pick Sven, let's get that guy rekt", and the guy who boosted me was like "um, give me venge, go pick sven" and so I did, pretty much. To assert my dominance of that match, I built no damage items, just pure tank, and still they could not kill me.

                                                                                              Extvia, the only problem I see there there is somebody simply letting you farm the lane. People do not understand the laning stage is over. Like, they'll go to their lane even 20 minutes in and after their T2 tower is already chipped a bit, because they do not really understand there are stages in the game. Not to mention the hilarity when they go "call missig noob" 30 minutes into the game, and that's with a fully ward-lit map, in a game where nobody buys smoke. Or, obviously, looks at the minimap.

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                                                                                                didnt read lol


                                                                                                  No one's done that in any of my recent games, once we lost a T1 we start rotating and shit my carries would usually either SEEMINGLY abuse that no one wards enemy jungle and start jungling for farm and hop out when we need them if my counter pushing isn't doing enough, then go back, leaving me to push and farm lanes with Illuminate and get my aghs. They SOMETIMES come out into lane and farm, but I'm usually on another lane counterpushing when they do that.

                                                                                                  You seem to be getting worse luck than me dude, damn. Never thought that'd be possible. And don't bother with smoke in 1k, you can ping to do it for days and only get like 1 person, or everyone and they start going everywhere else and shit instead of a focused gank on a visible guy in a lane by himself farming.


                                                                                                    I was calibrated at 1.4k mmr and managed to climb to 2.8k mostly spamming support heroes. With decent success:


                                                                                                    Something I have learned playing in that "trash tier bracket" is:

                                                                                                    - have a pool of supports you feel comfortable with (for me its wd, ww and Lion).

                                                                                                    - Your teammates are real human beings you should respect (except they don't respect you).

                                                                                                    - the opposite team is even worse than yours: this sniper had the worst positioning ever but still managed to carry us

                                                                                                    - there is (almost) always somebody in your team who can carry you given a decent support player on his side.

                                                                                                    - tp scroll is your best friend. Try to be active and win as many lanes as possible.

                                                                                                    - enemy wards are almost always on the same spot.

                                                                                                    - nobody will buy a bkb. Never. I have seen like 2 bkbs in 140 games. Lion is actually an unstoppable monster in 2k bracket.

                                                                                                    - positive attitude: There is a reason why you are on the same mmr and as long you haven't won you are not better (also: positive feedback > flaming).

                                                                                                    - communication (I'm constantly sharing my ideas/plans with my team mates and I usually receive positive reactions): - I told my team that we should finish that game as early as possible. Sf bought an mekansm for that early fighting potential and even the other carries joined the deathball.

                                                                                                    - its just a game. have fun :)

                                                                                                    (for me the "trench" is actually pretty enjoyable. I barely see players that are as toxic as those in higher mmr games)


                                                                                                      What mmr are u again op? Anyways I pretty sure slark should be safe win most games he is not as reliant as other carries on supports and doesn't mind the game going late

                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        I'm back to 1.3k again (was way below, but started playing ranked again a few days ago), but rising. As I already said, slark is pretty reliant on outganking, outleveling and outfarming opponents in order to be/stay relevant and snowball properly, and that's actually much more than you can take for granted, because you are hardly going to get a solo lane, and if you don't, you'll have a two core lane. But then you can hope theirs is as well, so it can even out and actually work.

                                                                                                        Also, I am pretty shit with pounce, gonna practice that more :x

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