General Discussion

General DiscussionI really need som advice (south-african player) playing on EUw+EUe+RU...

I really need som advice (south-african player) playing on EUw+EUe+RUS servers in General Discussion
got 18 rampages be careful.

    MY mmr went from 2k to 1.6k I tried everything possible.
    Please if you can give me advice on how to improve my gameplay thanks !


      play on your South African server, you will have much better ping therefore allowing you to react to things happening. Boom, instant MMR.

      got 18 rampages be careful.

        The problem is not the ping the problem is that south Africans don't search rank :(

          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
          got 18 rampages be careful.

            what that

              Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
              got 18 rampages be careful.

                oh a troll

                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                    try and analyse your replays or watch some tip videos made by pro players. highly recommended is merlini's channel or this guy called bren:


                      First thing. U seem to be the "mid or feed guy". Storm, Pudge, Invoker. U dont care about others, u just insta lock mid ? Am I right ? The key to winning IMO is to adapt to the game. If u feel confident with many heroes, just w8 for your teammates to show their picks so they are comfortable with their picks and then u just adapt. Pick something which "fills the gap" and the game is mostly won.

                      Advice ? Hmm i was 3.2 k and i was stuck. I read a lot, watched some tutorials by top mmrs and still didnt work out. It turned out that i was too much focused on playing heroes im good with, instead of picking heroes that SHOULD be picked in specific game. I instantly gained 500 mmr.

                      For example:

                      Guy from my team random as first. He randoms Phantom Lancer. Enemies dont insta pick ES so i do it to cover his ass, although im not good with him and wanted to play a core. Enemies also didnt take ember spirit so with good Phantom Babysitting this game just could not be lost. I didnt even have to play the best game in my life, just not feed too much and take it to late game.

                      Second thing may be very simple but is a must. Try to die less. Mainly as a support. If someone is feeding dont tell him "Fucking noob go delete dota" but tell him to stay the fuck back. Best example is your last game and feeding WD. U had blood in team against slark so u should have won this. Probably u let slark free farm + no wards so he got free kills.

                      Me as someone who can play almost every hero i just w8 for my team to lock lanes and show their picks, then i pick something which would best suit the game. Hero who "fills the gap". If u have 1 nuker 1 tank and 2 support, get hard carry. If u have 3 carries and a support, get techies - usually provides late game. Enemy pick Meepo - go for lich/es. Enemy pick AM go for meepo safe or Clinkz with orchid on offlane - u need to shut down AM fast otherwise the game is surely lost.

                      Stop playing mid pudge. He usually loses mid. Try laning with ranged carry for example with drow, viper or especially Weaver. Weaver to get free kills need slow or stun. Pudge provides it. Focus on widening your hero pool on normal mmr games at first. Besides i would recommend creating new acc cos u can ez calibrate on 3 k mmr with WR > 50%.

                      got 18 rampages be careful.

                        ty man


                          1 more very important thing. U can also ez win by playing good on offlane with a good harassing hero. If u feel u are better than this bracket, u should have no problems with lh & dn, so enemy core is far behind. Ez wins. Pros do that.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!