General Discussion

General DiscussionSo sad..wish it were ok to open their wounds and rage again.

So sad..wish it were ok to open their wounds and rage again. in General Discussion

    So..after my cryptic title let's get back to business.
    Anyone tried spamming N'aix since the new patch? Is he better now? (don't give me any of that infest ancient bullshit)
    Also, what items do you now get on him and eventually the skill build.
    I used to play him a lot 3-4 patches ago but stopped and haven't kept touch with the fiendish guy.


      ya man naix woods' the new shit


        Sweet baby Jesus, not this stuff again. I can go jungle if u got a strong offlaner and all your lanes are already good,'s still suboptimal.


          i can tell you that infesting ancients is a huge ass deal, like by far his biggest buff

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            ^ up until 15 mins into the game when their carry can kill ancients like it's a small satyr.


              you need pudge too. go radiance and aghs. pudge turns on rot, you assimilate him, and then infest an ancient granite golem. Kappa

              item builds are probably more or less the same, it's not like there's any new item that's really good on him. the items that he would get back when he was played got buffed. phase got buffed for melees, drum has more charges and the active bonus is higher, and armlet is cheaper.

              solar seems kinda comparable to armlet - gives armour, gives more damage through the -armour and the physical survivability from the evasion. it's probably shit though.

              although phase's speed burst has been increased, the overall movement that you gain is still more or less the same. 3.6s of 16% bonus speed means you get an 57.6% of your flat movement speed of extra distance, while 2.5s of 24% is 60% of your speed.

              maybe that might be enough for people to max rage first rather than open wounds, most builds were 2-1-4-1 or 3-1-3-1, but now you could maybe go 4-1-2-1 now that open wounds has 50% lifesteal at all levels and phase give a bigger burst in speed.


                it doesnt matter, you can disturb the backline supports with it.
                you are magic immune and have high ms with drums or whatever item you should be getting anyway.
                it has been done in competitive and other high 5k games too


                  lmao carries killing ancients easily at 15 mins?

                  that's bullshit. even if they can, it's still basically 2k HP that the enemies have to get through before they can even harm you. if the supports are gonna come gank you, what are they gonna do? is the bane gonna fiends grip the golem so his teammates can right click it?


                    if you could use items while infested now that would be a buff. blink dagger granite golem to force engagements and counter initate with your team


                      I just played him as offlane with a lich. Even though it was a good ls game, there was no magic dmg hero beside lion. I think hes a fine backline killer like riki. This hero should not be played as the main carry. I also built phase and sny to chase. I dont like armlet + tread anymore because no one manfights a ls with rage and open wound up, you just get kitted.

                      Ls should be played as a early ganker with small medium items while you kill and feed a little so AM could get space lol.

                      Also infesting ancient is big as fuck. You become a meatshield nobody wants to attack. I could safely farm enemy jungle and creepwave past t1 alone into golem and even a sb slark or jugg would not want to gank me.