General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 5 BEST MEEPO PLAYERs?

Top 5 BEST MEEPO PLAYERs? in General Discussion
Boy Ogag


    P.S. w33haa's fangay here :v

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      Most of us don't even qualify to rate top meepo players

      You cant just look at how they play from a viewpoint, you need to watch several replays showcasing how they play different to another.

      Anyway from my standpoint top meepos I've seen:

      W33ha, Lizzard, Shakdota and there was this one guy carrying his team like crazy in an official... Dragonfirst? Devilisih? I cant remember who it was. DRagonfist doesnt even play Meepo it seems. mb it was w33ha during bbc times idno



        Farming Simulator

          Back in DotA there was some guy called meepwn, i remember him from (rip best place to play dota).
          He was insane with meepo, first guy i saw who abused dagger with him, also had some nice moves with shadow blade (lothars!) and manta. He rushed for travels in like 5minutes and was everywhere after that. Literally everywhere.
          Wonder if he still plays dota, if yes, he is probably in the top 5.


            so that where the name meepwn comes.

            Boy Ogag

              I think meepwned was built by w33haa along with excalibur?

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              Farming Simulator

                w33 also used to play in, he is a different player.



                  the realm's delight




                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        M33pwned was a team, m33pwn is a player, the guy who gave Meepo the name m33pwn, just like SF is called YaphetS, in Dota 1 that is.

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                          Meepwn not m33pwn wtf sam smh..


                            I follow devilish a lot, but he hasn't played dota in about 5 months. He recently came back and is losing a lot and eventually gave up on meepo. I think it's partly due to the fact he is weak in the meta and because of the comeback mechanic (Meepo is a hero that relies the MOST on being ahead of your opponents than any other hero, and the comeback mechanic punishes that.. you die once and you fed 3000 gold)

                            Giff me Wingman



                                does Miracle- even play meepo? or is this a different guy?

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Miracle does play meepo


                                    no one mentioned lizzard


                                      someone did, afair

                                      lizzard is just the 2nd best streamer in the world, right after HelenaLive


                                        sobak ebanii, gármoshka


                                          harmonica, tom and jerry


                                            I think meepo is as good at comebacks as he is at losing advantage so the comeback mechanic doesn't really hurt him. Though he was nerfed in the last 2 patches and that does hurt.


                                              DD doesn't even mention Y-god 4Head

                                              bum farto

                                                The real Ywn best meepo EU but my lifesaving songs win him games


                                                  Lmao my item build

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                                                    I'm the best Meepo player, because best way to play Meepo is to not.

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                                                        How much more do you want to edit your post

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                                                              Kai no Kiseki

                                                                Ink was like never 7k. devlish feeds like crazy, but he farms pretty good.

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                                                                    lmao.. devilish is just some shitty 3k mechanics player who sucks dick.

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                                                                        w33 (just knows how to farm and win with it), notail (one of the first and the best players, founded many strategies and tactics, hasnt played a lot recently but still fucking good at it, won 2 pro games with it recently), lizzard (probably know most about the hero itself atm, ran it as a support etc.), ink (mechanical skill, not as good at dota as the previously mentioned ones), havent seen Mircacle- play it.

                                                                        bomzh s benzopiloi

                                                                          who is blunt?


                                                                            Lizzard, W33 and NoTail. I didnt see Miracle tho yet and SingSing's meepo is descent too.

                                                                            Kai no Kiseki

                                                                              Just going to say 6 months ago, ink was a 5k player while devlish was 7k... I think the highest mmr ink ever had was like 6.8 or something like that. That said I think ink is a better player overall.



                                                                                Devilish may b no. 1 ! He only play meepo btw ! XD


                                                                                  i think, only real meepo players can rate them, i just dunno sheit about him


                                                                                    ink is way better than devilish is.
                                                                                    no one mentioned zai here either. i mean you can play hero well only so much, after certain point its down to how well you play the actual game, that makes your hero "better".

                                                                                    Boy Ogag

                                                                                      Those ppl who hates and trashtalk devilish's meepo, just dont know how to play meepo, how can you say devilish meepo is bad when he can rekt 5 people in the fountain ./. , you also cant say he's noob because he just play meepo and meepo, cuz hes like w33 ( meepo abuser ) but plays well with any other hero, fucking haters who dont know how hard meepo is.

                                                                                      POS 1 HIGHLY PREF

                                                                                        w33ha is clearly the best meepo imo. Devilish is really good, and plays meepo very differently from w33ha, he is 2nd best in my opinion. Lizzard might be 3rd and ink right next (or 3rd and 4th swapped, don't rly know). Notail is rly good but long time since i've seen his meepo. There's a guy in top rankeds called Never say no to panda who is pretty good with the hero also.

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                                                                                            You cant be 7k and just straight out awful. He's clearly really good at something, but i agree he can still be a retard with no real chance in pro Dota.

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                                                                                              POS 1 HIGHLY PREF

                                                                                                Just try to spam meepo to 7k, or even to 6k, to see how hard it is.

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                                                                                           ||| devilish meepo vs sumail tinker || kitrak you should not flame higher mmr then you much much higher then you :) he plays like 7k thats why he is 7k.. .. but i guess flaming is in ur blood becoz you are indian haha... i saw ur doom 1-6 ... even 4k mmr guys can play better then that lot better .. sea server is the most difficult as in to farm mmr.. if you were playing dere ur mmr wont be more then 4.8 or 5k ... The reason u not run into his games is not becoz he playing off hours.. its becoz you are low for his 7k mmr matchmaking.... u have a gud chance to find him in ur games but he dont play that much... youtube is full of devilish meepo vids ... u cant play doom how can u analyse some 1's meepo skills huh ?


                                                                                                      he playing off hours and defeating sumail's couldn't ask a better opponent then him watch and learn


                                                                                                        kitrak wreked by lulz haha

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