General Discussion

General Discussionto stop ALchemist?

to stop ALchemist? in General Discussion

    seriously this hero is broken, with the buff on 6.85 he is broken. with rad manta octarine he start pushing here and there that we can't even fight him. any tips?

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          the problem is he always kept split pushing. we go top he bot, we go bot he top. this hero like designed for alliance.


            Upgraded Boots of Travel first/second item Alchemist is strong.


              ta viper huskar are some of the worst heroes against him rofl

              there are better heroes for controlling him early, and TA gets raped by radiance/manta, viper gets raped by lotus and huskar by blademail


                aa slardar clinkz slark


                  And noone suggests AA still.
                  Alch is just fucked under Ice Blast.

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                  Dire Wolf

                    what does bkb have to do with it? AA ult goes through bkb. Or is it like veno's where it applies but doesn't deal damage?


                      Yeah, I fucked up, edited it a sec ago

                      Edit: apparently, the effect of ice blast will still apply on spell-immune units, but it won't damage them. Though it still stops the regeneration and kills the target below the threshold as usual.

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                        well i already used AA but he farm so fast that our team can't keep up


                          I am confused. So is TA/Viper/Huskar good or bad against him?

                          TA should be good due to minus armor. Acid spray impact is not that huge against TA.
                          Viper should be good early game but fall off mid game and become slightly annoying late game with agha viper strike
                          Huskar I not sure. Alchem ult regen sort of override huskar arrow. Acid spray physical damage is good against Huskar as well. But Huskar is a much better manfight hero than alchem in general.

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                              idk about you but the last time i played against a viper i got a sub 10 minute radiance


                              alchemist gives no shits about who you throw in the lane against him, the only time i lose badly is when we can't secure the rune and i can't get my bottle in the first wave. all he needs is exp from the lane anyway, like 70% of his farm in the first 10 minutes comes from the jungle and not the lane.

                              templar doesnt win alch either if he gets the rune and she doesn't.

                              also idk why the fuck you would bother getting ac against TA lmao, radiance + manta means you can kite her forever and she'll be missing + getting burned nonstop, this is speaking from the perspective of a TA spammer as well

                              by the time she gets either of the king bars alch will have too many items for her to even have a chance to deal with him

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                                  TA hates two items on core heroes the most - Radiance and Manta

                                  she's shit at dealing with illusions - you'll 2 hit it at best by the time Alch gets manta and that's assuming you don't miss from the radiance burn. the time you take to hit it twice is enough for your defensive charges to be burnt to nothing. psi blades doesnt trigger when you hit illusions so you can't clear them both reliably, meanwhile manta has nearly the same cooldown as refraction when he eventually gets his octarine

                                  yes she "wins" the lane, insofar as she can win the cs game in mid. there is nothing spectacular about that though, alch can get a sub 10 minute radiance with just 2 creeps per wave. but mid game onwards TA gets raped bloody hard by the radiance manta build imo

                                  i get that from the TA's perspective it's a "win" but just like how TA should get a 12-14 min deso even in the hardest lane, putting a TA against an alch doesn't really do much to him. mid game onwards he shits on the TA so hard you'll wish you picked something else

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                                      i mean sure that's ideal but the alch's team might also draft around him properly and have anti-push and stall while he farms

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                                              I think Nyx is the key against him to zone out and disrupt his farm and kill. With agh, he can not do anything to nyx even with full item.

                                              Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                Hex + Ethereal blade + Dagon 5 + Rearm + repeat = GG alche

                                                Purple Ranger

                                                  necromancer with dagon


                                                    You really need a good draft against Alche, pressure the lanes early.. then dont look back after that.


                                                      its really not that hard to play AA


                                                        133 games with alchemist. He is viable as mid lane but only as passive pusher. Max acid works wonders. Midlane wise he is absolutely afraid of TA, Huskar and a good Pudge. Generally his counter is AA and LS. I have lost too many matches with alchemist to no longer picking him when either one is around.

                                                        And by the way, he is quite balanced now in fact maybe abit op. I hope Valve don't buff him further and unbalance him.


                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          hey gecko i see ur alch is rly good i was wondering wether u can tell me what do you think is the best build on alchemist right now


                                                            the odds are 60-40 imo


                                                              IMHO, the skills of alchemist is made for him to be an excellent tank so play him as such. Always get lightning hammer as it helps him farm greatly and synergizes well with his ultimate. I go vlad as any good tank in this game has some form of life steal. AC next and then HoT. After that get bkb and you are ready to end game. Once you get BkB you will no longer be afraid of some heroes like Huskar.
                                                              Radiance is good but too expensive early game. I sometimes get it ultra late and ultra late game is good for you as you can be ultra rich by then. Hope my tips help with you developing your preferred style.



                                                                Do you even kappa

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                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  thanks im sure now i will win every game !!


                                                                    aight 60% for gecko not understanding sarcasm actually worked
                                                                    im a wizard


                                                                      I treat people with politeness and respect. Am I supposed to expect any less from you guys/girls?



                                                                        You forget that Alch is may be not best, but viable support, because he has some great skills to offer in early game. You can't end in 25 minutes of the game if Alch is not stupid.

                                                                        I think, Alch is bad hero, but TA is much worse. She is absolutely useless and does nothing in the game. From my experience, team with TA in it never wins.


                                                                          i stacked with several actually decent ta players (allison, f.e.), and its always fun to see them carrying the game, when im literally afk doing nothing. ta is great if you are playing against less skilled players, and know to play this hero.



                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              "You forget that Alch is may be not best, but viable support, because he has some great skills to offer in early game. You can't end in 25 minutes of the game if Alch is not stupid.
                                                                              I think, Alch is bad hero, but TA is much worse. She is absolutely useless and does nothing in the game. From my experience, team with TA in it never wins."

                                                                              this is a post made by someone who supposedly played 2k dota 2 games and has 2,5k hours in it. like dear Fuckgn LORD how do u type this kind of shit

                                                                              < blank >

                                                                                Wagaga' Tamplur Assassino is not shit


                                                                                  i mean thats just a typical soultrap post..


                                                                                    Yeah, you know me well. =3

                                                                                    How you counter Ghost/Glimmer + TP when you play TA?

                                                                                    Sei la

                                                                                      Alch isn't really OP... The usual 'problem' is that - just like heroes like Tinker - it punishes poor teamplay. You know, those random games full of people picking carries and farming by themselves, doing almost no team playing, gaking or objective gaming. Alch farms faster than anyone else and if let alone, he WILL get a monster.
                                                                                      But if not let alone he isn't really that much of a problem. His laning is weak, is low-armored and melee, doesn't contribute that much to team fights, earlier on, can't fight without his ult and without a lot farm he does close to nothing. So any balanced team who puts lane pressure early on and proceeds to gank/push will essentially ruin his only real use - intensive free farming.

                                                                                      - Direct counter-heroes:
                                                                                      Lifestealer (basically alch has to run from him during fights)
                                                                                      Slardar (beats the crap out of him during all game)
                                                                                      Riki (smoke screws him up, also while riki is missing alch can never farm comfortably)
                                                                                      Templar Assassin (wins lane and beats alch in direct combat for the first... 30 minutes?)
                                                                                      Ancient Apparition (his ult completely destroys alch's ult)

                                                                                      - Lane countering: Any powerful zoners (Viper and Lich are my favorite)
                                                                                      - Jungle countering: Bounty hunter, Nyx Assassin, riki... or simply ward-blocking their jungle. Any dedicated support can ruin alch's life.

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                                                                                        how lifestealer counters alchemist btw?


                                                                                          nacho is normal skill, relax
                                                                                          i dont mean hes wrong, but his knowledge cant rly be applied in higher tier games cz all the stuff is different


                                                                                            The discussion was going very well until the 3ks attacked

                                                                                            Sei la

                                                                                              Arin, ls basically eats alch alive in a direct fight... also it's VERY common that when attacked by LS, alch will try to stun. You will ult in a creep or activate rage (max rage first against alch), watch him stun himself and proceed to right-click. It takes too long for alch to be enough farm to deal with LS if he is the hardcarry. And if he isn't, LS will just love killing the boots-bf chubby farmer in his own jungle.


                                                                                                alch hates fighting burst physical dps and naix kind of does that.


                                                                                                  i thought i saw it from someone in vhs, nvm

                                                                                                  sorry nacho


                                                                                                    but how can naix deal burst damage against alche?
                                                                                                    his stat gain is shit, he doesn't even build hp items, you just get ac manta radiance which adds little raw hp and you can just manta out of open wounds

                                                                                                    i might be missing something though. i don't know shit about naix because i hardly ever see him in pubs


                                                                                                      he builds phase drum armlet or phase armlet thats good enough burst in early mid phase (10-20min)
                                                                                                      is an active carry meaning your team and invade the jungle or whtever and contest whatever stacks he has and starve him out
                                                                                                      at least thats the theory behind it.


                                                                                                        I've never seen Alch with Manta. Well... You can also buy Diffusal and then use Manta after Chemical Rage to make your illusions hit faster. It may work, I guess... Anti-Mage like manaburn?

                                                                                                        But if it's all about Radiance illusions, I don't like this idea (Lion is best counter then).

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