General Discussion

General DiscussionSVEN AURA CARRIER

SVEN AURA CARRIER in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Arc > mek > agh > vlad > ac > drum > GG > pipe

    Is it a good idea to try this? Im scared.

    Mind Games
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          ye aghs is good on sven support


            You hardly get all of those item as sven if you play him pos 4/5


              If your team looks like Naga, Leshrac, QoP and Lion - all those auras will be almost useless.

              Miku Plays

                wer is blink

                Sexo Meister


                  Blenk iz 4 kidz


                  Right? Idk why sven support never make aghs

                  @blend majek
                  Role 3 sven kek

                  4/5 sven is hell


                  Why naga would be useless? I understand the rest but i thought naga carry mode would benefit alot frm sven ags