General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does Ursa have a 57% win rate in VHS bracket?

How does Ursa have a 57% win rate in VHS bracket? in General Discussion

    According to Dota max Ursa has 57% win rate in VHS. I personally consider Ursa to be one of the easiest, if not the easiest carry in the game to counter. His ultimate and Q can both be purged off with Eul's or any normal dispel. When he get BKB you can just get ghost scepter or Force staff etc. and he is very easy to kite. I could see why Ursa would be good in lower mmr but in VHS?


      roughly half of vhs is still below 4k

      Pom Pom 🍕

        Top 10 winrate heroes don't change a lot by the three skill brackets other than earth spirit making a huge jump from 46% (NS) to 56% (VHS, top 5).

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          Even at 3.8k mmr I feel like they are competent enough to counter this easily counterable hero.

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            Pom Pom 🍕

              Problem with pub-Ursa is that in soloqueue pubs it's harder to get your team to stop Ursa from taking Roshan, which helps the bear snowballing and get an early Blink dagger.

              Dire Wolf

                ursa's a pub killer too cus teams make stupid picks vs him, will pick heroes like lifestealer and try to man fight him and get wrecked.


                  Thing is he will get blink long before your supports have force/ghost/Eul's, so he will still have time to get a lot of kills and snow ball. late game he will have BKB + sheep/abyssal so stunning him or ghost/forcing your self away wont work. Also if you have melee/short range cores it doesn't even matter if you can kite him, you wont have the damage to kill him with out getting close anyway.

                  Yes he has strong counters, but its not like a support can just buy a force staff and he is out of the game. you need to actually pick the right heroes if you want to deal with him.


                    hes a good hero and fits greedy lineups well (im assuming you put him safe lane)
                    free roshans
                    i believe hes fantastic vs necro spec alch doom aka free mmr heroes too.


                      By the time you get force staff and ghost scepter I will have 15 kills and cheese in my inventory.
                      On a serious note, though : Ursa's (probably only) counters are having good kiting stuff & mobility (what you mentioned) and multi-units (illusions) and those usually start to matter later in the game, but Ursa can just easily snowball without help from team in the early game and remain a threat until enemies start grouping up, and by that time your team should also team up and go.