General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderstanding Morphling

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Understanding Morphling in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    hey guys so im new been playing for 3 months now to the dot

    can someone explain morphlings agi/str skill to me? also some applications of it and scanarios for use would be great thanks

    i have some knowledge about it but im cleaning the slate for it now

    Elo - Hell

      think of it like a sliding scale, i have base 1000 hp, 500 of which can be used agressivly or defensively.
      if i am rocking maximum damage, my hp will be at 500.. as soon as the enemy catches on i can slide to strength and suddenly i am at 1500 hp. If i am at 500 hp and i get hit for 50 damage, when i scale that up to max hp.. that 50 damage would be the same as them dealing 150 damage to me so my hp would be 1350.

      typically i play morph mid, and would be dropping my hp to around 350 at the start, this gives me alot of last hitting power.. however enemy harassment is almost like bonus damage so you have to be careful if you arent confident with the hero.
      Its a neat trick to be rocking full agility almost 99% of the game and only going strength when you are getting focus'd. You can go strength during waveform too.

      etheral blade scales with the agility damage, so if you are going for the mid or carry role on morph, Max agi is the way to go.
      Agi also gives armour, which is very important factor.
      Max agi, ethblade, stun, wave, replicate out. is enough burst damage to tap out any support and many cores depending on how early and or how stacked on agi you are (manta, bfly, skadi etc)

      however there is something to be said about support morphling with Max strength 4.25 second dot stunning people. I personally am not the biggest fan of this, but w/e floats your boat. A tanky support with mobilty, 4 second stun and the abilty to replicate any hero for free aruas is pretty good on paper


        remember you don't need to go Max strength for the 4.25sec stun - you just need your strength to be 50% more than your agility. shotgun morph does want max agility though...


          You have to buy dagon on morphling, then helm so you can take a ranged creep. Now you can sit in spawn all game and attack enemies, get farm etc. with the ranged creep. This ensures that you will never die. If your ranged creep dies, make use of the gold you got from him to buy a TP and get a new creep.