General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone willing to tell me what I could have done to win this game?

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Anyone willing to tell me what I could have done to win this game? in General Discussion

    Look at this match as Bloodseeker.
    Please help me understand what I did wrong here. Why am I stuck in this trench. I was so close to 1.7k and just dropped.
    On a side note:
    I don't understand how my spectre did not get fed. how i destroyed them for the first 20 minutes and yet my teammates managed to screw it up. I told them many times, not to go alone, but as a team. Prophet muted me right away because he was farmed and wanted to push lanes when i told him to help push mid or something. Drow and vengeful kept roaming into the enemy side of the map alone. Spectre was underfarmed. We had so many chances to just win before void got farmed and my teammates blew it. I can't solo towers and barracks. Maybe i could have split pushed but I doubt it. I knew we *needed* to push mid as a team and just take the racks but I guess not.

    Perhaps it was my lack of ganking? Buying heart after butterfly, but i thought that'd stop void, maybe (no, it didn't)?

    Please disregard my being really pissy with my teammates. I was just so upset about losing this game.

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    Livin' Real Good

      Spectre definitely lost you guys the game though, crazy, i've never seen battle fury on him, interesting choice.

      I'm sure someone on here could tell you something you could of done, I just wanted to point out that Spectre, seriously, even Nature's was 6 slotted.

      Bad Intentions

        I think, given the enemy matchup, your best bet is to rat them out and not force a team fight.


          Dazzle 5-6 slotted :D

          Spectre has terrible items for 1 h. Almost no survavibility. Only u have bkb against zeus dealing the most dmg.

          U are the only one who has bkb against zeus dealing most of dmg.

          Really man in this bracket there's nothing to analize. U can only analyze people' stupidity.
          Blood got nerfed btw. Personally i havent seen him since like 20 games.

          Play carries who benefit very much from farm like PA. In this kinda bracket people make tons of space for farming. U will carry the games solo. Id suggest also trying tinker. People are bad with their positioning in 1-2 k.


            I suppose, U lost this game by not buying blink dagger. Look at this vhs game of qop, where I bought BD.
            The logic behind blink is that u need to make a gap between u and void after he time walks so u are not within the range of his chrono. In my case even qops blink was not sufficient because ithas quite noticeable cast point, while dagger is instant. In this game iI dodged 3 chronos, 2 of them being for me only. But beware that even in 4k dagger on qop was mind-blowing (before I actually dodged those chronos like a pro)


              In case of bs u could have built force staff as well which is in synergy with it rupture

              Giff me Wingman

                Farm better, go for objectives, better item decision.

                You had no towerdamage, lower hero damage than the rest of your team.


                  c/p from my thread

                  I'll try to help. Tho Keep in mind this is my point of view and I'm not 6k mmr.
                  1. Please help me understand what I did wrong here. Why am I stuck in this trench. I was so close to 1.7k and just dropped.
                  Your item build. Why buter? Why you don't have blademail? If you went buter, why you have no basher? Why heart over Skadi? Skadi is just way better for that game.
                  For 1:10 min game, your farm is LOW. And your items are wrong. It reflects your hero dmg aswell.
                  You may have 17 kills and few deaths, but how you got em, is a different story however.
                  You can't tell me you did good if I see you have 17k HD in 1 hour game as BS. Not to mention your quite low CS aswell.
                  Top 3 reasons why you lost:
                  1. You think it's your team-mates, when it's not.
                  2. Your farm/items/item progresions/HD/TD/CS/etc is bad for that game, esp. in 1.7k MMR if you play BS.
                  3. You think that BS ain't good ganker, and you probably don't understand the hero.
                  If you rly need help, add me. I may download replay and watch it, just to point out mistakes.
                  That's what I'm going to do now for my Slark game, just wanna see if I could do any better..


                    Blademail could've helped probably. Late game you needed hexes and orchids. It really seems like a single pick-off on void could've won you the game.


                      Bloodseeker is a good ganker. That's why I go mid.

                      I'll admit to my item choices being odd, but i *fiigured* that spectre would've had better item choices or at least farm more than I did.
                      My CS is always bad, but compared to Sniper, i beat him in that regard early on.
                      I'm not a fan of Blademail on BS. Early on I feel like it's worthless compared to other items.
                      I got butterfly to be tanky. I tried to survive fights.

                      But I always tell myself it's my fault. That's why I ask. We had an advantage but I wasn't sure of how to press it myself.

                      And thank you guys for all the advice, I appreciate it a lot. I'm still fairly new to the game, 3-4 months I think of playing. I started 2 days before 6.84

                      G M E !

                        Unwinnable as described and with your spectre. Their high ground defense is too good and too easy to execute that at 45 minutes if you haven't taken a racks it was over. Even if your team was coordinated you needed good execution.

                        Best chance would have been when outer towers were all down and you had a relatively huge lead was to follow whoever else was grouped on your team.

                        For instance, even if no one wanted to follow you, if VS was following Drow, then just follow them. If no one was following anyone, follow VS as you synergize with her the best. Also it would make more sense to take farm when grouped with VS than to fight the other heroes for farm. Part of the fail on your team is not letting your specter have enough farm. She was your only way to win late game.

                        Grouped as two or three with the potential of spectre ult and NP teleport is better than having your drow or VS solo and dying or even grouped and dying.

                        Your heroes time was mid game and you won mid game. Your final itemization really doesn't matter in this game afterwards because your hero can't ever solo high ground siege vs that line up. Your final GPM and XPM doesn't matter either. It is your mid game GPM and XPM that mattered and I assume from the way you won mid game it was already sufficient.

                        *side note - Blade mail as Blood seeker is always good and especially good vs a sniper and zeus. Your reasoning for not liking it is wrong. Its cheap and the components help your early and mid game a lot. It would have been a way better choice than butterfly. Only real downside to it is you have to activate it which may be why as a new player you aren't getting the most from it.

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                          @B A C A E O G L W
                          Thanks a lot. I wanted to take bot rax but solo wouldn't have worked I'm guessing. Following them scared me, I did once or twice but usually they managed to run into a group of 4.

                          I'm used to activating items now and generally when to do so. I might have to give blade mail another shot then. Is it always a solid pick up for him or only vs certain heroes?


                            Unwinnable as described and with your spectre. Their high ground defense is too good and too easy to execute that at 45 minutes if you haven't taken a racks it was over. Even if your team was coordinated you needed good execution.

                            Game was fully winable. Spectre was not really relevant that much. A better player would be able to win that game with good items and better desicion.

                            I'd be able to win that game, and I'm not even like, remotely coinsidered good if you compare me to solid high 4k/5k players.

                            @ austin fet:

                            "But I always tell myself it's my fault. That's why I ask. We had an advantage but I wasn't sure of how to press it myself."

                            I can't really belive that, your attidude towards your lose ain't telling me you think it's your fault.

                            "My CS is always bad, but compared to Sniper, i beat him in that regard early on. "

                            Not relevant thing, it's 1.7k, if you want to improve and get better, you shouldn't rly care too much about your team-mates. They are bad, ofc you'll outplay them. It's not hard to outplay eevn a 4k player, wonder what it takes to outplay 1k player?

                            Not rly much.

                            "I'll admit to my item choices being odd, but i *fiigured* that spectre would've had better item choices or at least farm more than I did. "

                            Trust me, spectre ain't even a problem. Yes, bad item choices, but, the problem is she even has more HD then you do, with, YES< with that STUPID items.

                            "I'm not a fan of Blademail on BS. Early on I feel like it's worthless compared to other items. "

                            Explain me/us, why blademail is bad?

                            G M E !

                              @ Shred you to bits -

                              "Unwinnable as described" means he is the actual player behind the hero. He is asking for a general direction of thinking on how to win the game. Saying "I'd be able to win that game, and I'm not even like, remotely coinsidered good if you compare me to solid high 4k/5k players." is like saying play until you have ~3200 mmr then go back in time and play with the same 1700 mmr players to win.

                              In this case, at his skill level, he did what he had to do to win. Telling him he should have performed like someone with a significantly higher mmr is unrealistic.

                     - from your log is the most similar Blood Seeker game you played where you won it.

                              Notice the significant difference between the assists you had on your team and the assists OP's team had vs their opponents.

                              @austinfett - Even if following your team mates is scary, sometimes you have to do that because its the best for your team anyway. For instance, since NP was soloing the entire time, you prolonging a team fight actually allows him to push other lanes or maybe he finally decides to tp in and Spectre comes in with an ult resulting in an actual team win. Sometimes just doing something good as a team would click into actual team work that would improve your chances significantly.

                              Blade mail is just good on him and very good in general vs high damage dealers with low hps, ie Zeus and Sniper in this game who aren't natural Bkb carriers.

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                              King of Low Prio

                                Your farm is extremely low and your item choices are just bad.


                                  BA C A E G LW, hey man, I agree with you! Sorry for not understanding that phrase, now I see.

                                  "In this case, at his skill level, he did what he had to do to win. Telling him he should have performed like someone with a significantly higher mmr is unrealistic."

                                  It's not really that, but I see your point. You don't need 4k MMR to understand how somethign needs to be done.

                                  You just listend and take advices people give you, you know.

                                  On the other hand, game you showed is actually so bad. Like, the only reason I won that game is because I got lucky and (i dont remember), but by checking that game I can already see I got pretty decent team-mates that actually helped me shitload.

                                  It was almost 1 year ago, and I would never-ever build BloodSeeker that way now. My build actually sucks so fucking much in that game.

                                  But then again, I'm not BS player, back when it was played BS wasn't really in meta, and OFC, I actually improved at least that much to see that build SUCKS on him.

                                  Yet, my game-sense is probably somewhat decent even in that game, so that's the reason why I managed, even, with that retarded build to win against, probably low 3k palyers, which used to be my average MMR backthen.

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