General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck do you deal with aggro Axe??

How the fuck do you deal with aggro Axe?? in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    ok get this im in trench tier and i dealt with the riki problem the pudge problem and now this new shit has come up bout axe and i know you guys probably know what im talking bout

    axe from min 1 bypassing tier 1 and dealing with creeps in between t1 and t2 towers on my safe lane.....using helix.....impossible to do much especially if he has lane support and if im melee

    i go ranged he and and his support jsut come after me.....we still manage to kill him a few times but then his mid starts getting in on the action as well

    and somehow it doesnt matter how much we kill him he still manages to farm up a blink really fast....our t1 is down in 5 mins and he goes and repeats the shit in some other lane

    in no time the guy has vnaguard blademail blink and heart and the rest of us are fucking underfarmed like shit = gg

    i think the way to deal with it is picking sniper or another long ranger stay back a bit and finish him off when he gets to low hp or pick junglers bs or legion

    another idea is to trilane him and his support...leave the offlaner be but again im in 1k mmr region and no one is going to listen to me

    so any ideas or opinions on above ideas? pretty sure most of you guys would have faced this crap and been rekt maybe a few times

    i need to know how i can deal with this.....especially after i got back to back axe games pulling this crap

    the second one was a farce...he had an undying with him and pudge mid was freely hooking our mid...25 min gg


      Pick something that can kite Axe around. Venomancer/Viper ish.

      Livin' Real Good

        Ah' yes, I remember being amazed thinking this Axe player was amazing the first time I saw one do this, then I realized most of them are shit once you learn how to kite them, and start picking the right heroes.

        It's nothing new man, people have been doing this for a long time already, once you get to a certain MMR, even 3K, it doesn't really work, you'll get ganked by the mid, stopped by the trilane, or kited to death eventually.

        But if Axe has a scary partner with him, that's another story, that just comes down to right picks and kiting skills.

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          if you picked a melee carry and you have only 1 support youre done, the trench is the trench i guess you never will get a decent trilane or something like that, just a tip im just 4k nothing amazing but i have played with a 1k friends account and you can win with shit like dusa jungle or any carry jungle they never come to find you so you can get full gear really quick if you know what youre doing ;)

          Sexo Meister

            Pick viper, hit axe, profit

            If axe has a partner like ud daz or visage, run.


              what about ds Joy? :P


                if you can't deal with it pick axe yourself and see how you get countered or own. works for figuring out how to counter most things at any mmr.

                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                  counters are there...problem is implementing them at my level....last game against axe viper is exactly what i picked....i was planning to go for the blademail build on him but axe still managed to create significant chaos in our lane and in the game

                  plus he was with a weaver so.....another irritating laner

                  i like the idea of dark seer tbh...just shell my creeps and try and finish him off with my lane mate should be someone with a damage burst like lina or something

                  i'll see how that works out next time


                    pick anything with a spammable slow or orb effect: Viper, drow, veno, lich, etc


                      or pick something with early flash farm. let axe cut your lane and jsut farm all their creeps. meepo has worked for me in the past.


                        or alternatively pick something that can reliably cs under the tower, you essentially trade farm with the axe

                        bum farto

                          Axe is so shit and easy to counter even with heroes he counters. Much like an undying stop focusing too much on the first 10 minute laning stage you can pull back later on.

                          CM is actually really good vs Axe if you go for a high level frostbite build. Also I can wreck the living shit out of a Viper in lane so it's not a counter, the counter comes outside of lane where Viper is good against any melee strength hero. Veno isn't good vs Axe as you can just put points into your battle hunger and charge past his wards.....just dodge the gale.

                          Give me a hero you play and I will tell you how to beat Axe with it.


                            Dazzle is best counter to Axe.

                            Miku Plays

                              ursa if u want to punish him early or lifestealer if u want to eat him mid game


                                Anything that chews away at his resistances or provides a way to damage him while keeping distance is good. Venge helps from wave of terror. He takes lots of damage before call if he tries to aggro creeps. Alchemist works for the same reason. There's lots of ways to deal with him alone, which is nice. He's much harder to fend off in a dual scenario. It is necessary to have something like a Wyvern to save you from aggression and then a more offensive support that can damage or synergize with your defensive support.

                                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                  alright im taking all your hero suggestions into play..ill try them out and encourage my team to pick some more

                                  and havoc my main concern bout axe is the laning stage itself....he and his support farm up super fast and thats when it happens during the first 10 mins into the game

                                  not only do they farm but leave my team in that lane severely under farmed and then as i said they just go and wreck another lane or push the t2 itself

                                  most of my heroes are melee carrys...i played viper in the last game with the specific intent of countering axe only, its not a hero i play alot

                                  you can check out my most played list

                                  i play ember, slark, spec mostly agi carrys and then throw in tiny into that

                                  early game none of them can really do shit.....i think ill have to pick something entirely different just for this axe

                                  also note im in 1k mmr 'support' is actually just another carry trying to steal my cs so...2 carrys both hopelessly underfarmed after 10 mins probably feed a bit too after axe gets his ulti

                                  i could just go mid but ive still 2 guys on my team in that lane getting fucked so basically the outcome will be the

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Usually the best solution, if you're having a hard time dealing with axe @ lane, is to have your (ranged, hopefully) mid player rotate to kill him once in a while. Axe gets lots of unreliable gold and wants to spend it on a blink dagger, killing him 3x while he's trying to do that is actually very realistic and you should do it. This leaves him underleveled even if he's solo cutting the creeps, underfarmed and delays his impact in the game by delaying his blink dagger. Provided you force him to jungle, suddenly your lanes are a lot easier now.

                                    Still, at trench tier, there's a ton of axes going tranquils vangard and losing the fucking game.

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                                      You could also, ya know, pick a support rather than complaining about 2 carry lanes...

                                      Dunno if he is too weak post-nerf but on paper lesh has all the tools required to deal with cutting ace btw.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        The problem with that is that, even if you have a support, axe's going to get pretty much uncontested creep waves while you will get some exp here and there so you will be underleveled, you need coordination to fuck him from level 1, and that's when he's at his strongest. Right clicks don't really do much against axe unless you are always safe when you're doing it.

                                        So if it's a 2 vs 1 lane getting support veno or silencer is going to be pretty good against axe, and naturally, a ranged carry helps ton. If it's a 2v2 and he has a strong early game hero and laner such as undying or dark seer it's gonna be a bit harder for melees to deal with him. But let's say you have drow venomancer lane, that axe's just wrecked. I actually played venomancer viper lane against axe and the guy abandoned, maybe he was hoping that viper would go mid (as he should).

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                                          It was more a general comment on the irony of complaining that there are two carries in a lane.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Ah well, that's ridiculous, really. If and when I get 2 carries in lane for some reason, I either transition to roaming or go sap exp in a trilane, so at least one guy gets decent levels. NS life is hard life. Pulling is forbidden because there's mostly 2 guys in lane at all times and they'll contest it, even risking death in the process. Also, nobody reveals their fucking pick until 1 sec to the end of the picking phase, which is fucking great. And at that point I don't feel like I need to repick my carry pick, because I was not the fucking retard there.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              I think at low skill levels best counter is Tidehunter. Well, not a counter actually, but big watermelon can ignore what Axe doing. He kills your creeps? Fine. You can tank enemy creep wave with Kraken Shell. If Axe comes to you, just don't hit him with anything but your Anchor Smash.

                                              P.S. And don't forget that watermelons and mangoes are best friends. =)

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                                                pick viper. skill Q. dont keep it on auto attack. hit axe one time with Q. normal hits. again a q. he will run towards the nc camp. hit the nc qith a q. all will come in his way. he wont be able to escape. do not, i repeat DO NOT ask your top lane or mid to help you. they need to farm. the problem in low tier is that if axe gets 1 kill, all will come bot for axe and their other cores will free farm. even if axe gets fat and you win mid and top, u will eventually win

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Just pick Lich so he has less creeps and you have endless mana to spam him.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    just pick gyro


                                                      Silencer is very strong vs axe


                                                        Axe backlaning, or cutting creeps has been around since dota least 7 years. If you are skilled at lasthitting and kiting controling axe with any range hero with a slow is easy. If you can clear the creeps coming at you under your tower, that also works - this is the best tactic if you are melee.

                                                        If you dont have the skill to lasthit quickly when battle hunger is on you the lane becomes impossible. That's usually the real problem for low MMR players. And if you can't counter this because of lack of skill, then pick a wave clearing hero and build to tank creeps. Dark Seer and Tidehunter can simply fight creeps under their tower if you do it right. Sand King easily clears wave after wave with caustic and sandstorm.

                                                        It's when axe pairs with a healer that it gets really difficult. Axe necro, and Axe dazzle can be truly challenging to lane against. If the lane is complete disaster and your team does not know how to deal with it, then stop trying to defend the tower right away. Just let them take the T1 and defend at the T2. Dieing over and over to ultimately still fail to defend a T1 tower is not a good plan. If you fight at the T2 axe has no good options to retreat and your mid player can easily get behind him and kill him.


                                                          Gank other lanes if u can't lane vs him. Even if ur safe lane carry, u can surprise enemies by ganking them (no one expect it). Come back to the game by not afk jungling, but by getting kills. Of course it doesn't work with every hero, but it works with many. Another tip is to tell ur support to stack jungle/gank other lanes & let u solo. If ur support is doing nothing in the lane, it's better to let u get solo xp. You can also dodge him & go offlane with support & send offlaner to ur safe lane.


                                                            @Havoc, did you mean in a pure 1v1 scenario?

                                                            SB versus axe?

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              Also buy orb of venom on any ranged hero to destroy axe even more

                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                I hate aggro Axe -_-
                                                                he was the nightmare in my 6.83 games
                                                                with the combo with Troll in offlane as dire

                                                                bum farto

                                                         ez MMR!

                                                                  What ever you do also, don't leave your tower even if you pull your creeps past the tower then you will die.


                                                                    If you have viper than Axe is literally a free kill in lane early if he is solo. If you are viper vs solo axe in any lane you should easily own him so hard he abandons the lane.

                                                                    Wet Old Soggy Vegetable

                                                                      Anything works in the trench....

                                                                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...


                                                                        what bout troll to counter using ranged...i mean if axe is stupid enough to stay where he is when im in ranged and i max my passive first? should be easy kill right

                                                                        ill try this out too...thanks for the idea goethe even tho its not what you meant

                                                                        only problem with troll is well the usual problem...would have to push fast

                                                                        and b4n3 its' highly unlikely that its going to be a solo axe....i mean even in trench theyre not that stupid

                                                                        thing is its always a pretty irritating laner with him as well....the matches which im talking about axe had a weaver and an undying with him....that latter combo wow what can you even do?

                                                                        A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                          Gyro = dead axe


                                                                            Try beastmaster vs axe . . . axe will run away


                                                                              a lot of ranged hero will work. The thing I do is get cheap items that add damage, the key is to learn how to kite him. THD works well against axe.

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