General Discussion

General DiscussionRoshan

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Roshan in General Discussion

    He gives more gold and exp than a tower plus an extra life.

    You'd contest a tower so why is it so hard to convince my teammates to contest roshan.



      PS QQ thread - sorry :-)

      Riguma Borusu

        Because in normal skill people usually do not even use the Roshan advantage correctly, what this means is that people do not consider it much of a threat. In pro level play if you have all your T2s up, and the other team gets an uncontested Roshan, that can mean one rax down. In NS, you do take roshan, and then for some reason you split out and whoever had the aegis dies twice, randomly, or goes to jungle. So basically, at this level, people do not utilize the aegis advantage, and the other team therefore has less reason to fear it.


          That's true I guess. On the flip side 1200 reliable gold (or even unreliable) is more valuable in NS...

          Riguma Borusu

            I don't really think so, usually getting farm is easier when your opponents are shit. But I guess the problem here is that supports actually end games with 6cs instead of farming the lane that's empty when they get the chance (mid dies, carry goes to fountain to heal, offlane tower's pushed, help clear stacks with carries, etc). I think in general there are too many kills therefore too much reliable gold around, so killing people is way more important than killing roshan or creeps @ NS.