General Discussion

General DiscussionLC game physics

LC game physics in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    I have a quickie...
    I know duel had been reworked somehow I need to verify what does/does not work during duel all at one spot;

    MISS ?
    BASH ?



      It doesn't break any passive, even with the Agha upgrade. Duel silences (abilities) and mutes (items), though.

      Riguma Borusu

        To clarify the above post, this only means you cannot use them directly, because you have lost control of your hero. Otherwise, all passive effects of items and abilities work, so viper can still screw you with his nether toxin, you still can't hit PA and PA can still kill you, unless you turn on blademail and she crits herself to death, watching it in agony. If you turn on ghost scepter or blademail before LC duels you, it will persist throughout the duel. Even LC can use ghost scepter before duel, so she can attack, but not be attacked, which I think is kinda broken.

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          What I noticed when using ghost sceptre is that both heroes in duel keep attacking each other but they don't deal any damage to each other.

          Riguma Borusu

            That's not correct, actually, you still deal damage. Test it. Ghost scepter yourself and you're still hitting, because the game forces you. Fuck, you even hit if you're hexed, because the game forces you to attack. But you don't receive any damage when you ghost scepter yourself because you have 100% physical damage resistance. Also, people actually hit you, so if they have bash chance they'll bash you and deal magical bash damage which will be amplified, but no physical damage can be dealt to you due to ghost scepter.

            If you want to be practically impervious to damage, go bkb and ethereal blade.

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              You can't use both bkb and ghost scepter/ethereal at the same time tho, le balance... :(

              Riguma Borusu

                You can. Not ghost scepter and bkb, but ethereal and bkb work. But it's costly. If you buy that on LC you're practically guaranteed not to feed any duels, but LC has slot problems as is so it's not the best idea ever.

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                Miku Plays

                  Duel isnt affected by disarm btw, thats why timbersaw can atack even his chakram is active

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^also why lion once hexed shadowfiend on my team, LC dueled him and fed damage because SF had mkb and daedalus and she didn't have bkb.

                    Also, some ROOT disarms actually affect duel, I once frostbiten a LC when she attempted to go PTA + duel out of shadowblade, as soon as PTA's animation was done, I applied frostbite, and the next duel was the most awkward thing ever - crystal maiden hitting you a total of 3 times during a 5 second duel, and lc just standing there doing absolutely nothing.

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                    Miku Plays

                      that isnt disarm, thats what you call disable

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        Actually, frostbite disarms and roots you, you can still cast spells, etc, from it, turn around, etc. It's also dispelled by press the attack.

                        Also, root, hex, slow, stun, disarm, etc, are ALL disables. It just depends on how hard and heavy handed they are.

                        Овај коментар је измењен
                        Miku Plays

                          yes thats right but im talking about disarm aka heavens halberd, deafening blast and the timbersaw one.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Yeah, in frostbite's case, it's the root aspect that fucks you over, not disarm per se.

                            Dire Wolf

                              wait so stunning lc while he is dueling doesn't make him stop hitting you?

                              Riguma Borusu

                                No, stuns and some roots stop her from attacking. Slows like skadi/shiva's/untouchable/fire spirits/headshot slow her attacks, but other than that, no soft disables/disarms do anything.

                                But as for things that work as intended, majority of things that disarm you or the opponent don't really work during the duel, you still keep hitting even though you're ethereal/ghosted/hexed/disarmed by hh, oracle, invoker, etc, though you can still be stunned, your attack speed can still be slowed, and you still won't deal damage to ethereal/ghost, unless you get something like a mjollnir and abyssal, that will proc when you hit the ghost/ethereal unit and still deal the magical portion of the damage.

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                                  ^thanks for this piece of info, seriously. i was looking for an explanation for that.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Which one in particular? Though I get duel is kinda counter-intuitive as fuck in general, because it breaks many DotA rules.

                                    As for things that break the duel entirely, chen and io's teleports mess it up, as well as tusk's snowball, they all instantly cancel the duel. If Tusk snowballs the hero you're dueling, the duel's over with no winner.

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