General Discussion

General Discussion6.85 Terrorblade, for better or for worse?

6.85 Terrorblade, for better or for worse? in General Discussion

    So we all know TB got a sizable change and removed from captain's mode in the last update. The main question is, is he good enough now and how do people play him?
    On the first day of 6.85, his winrate went up to 50%, and gradually settled around 49% which is by all means not a bad number. But right now I am abit uncertain when picking terrorblade. I noticed many people maxed his W second after E while leaving a point at Q. While I used that build since the early days of terrorblade, right now his W just seems so weak to me (from 100% dmg back to 60%, still take 425% dmg, and now I can't even bait an enemy to doom my illusions) that I tend to go 4-0-4 on him instead. I'm also very conflicted with his itemization. SnY or Manta? Drum or Aquila? Treads or BoT? Hatchet or no hatchet? I used to play TB as a hardcore illusion split pusher with manta straight to skadi, but lately drum SnY + ocassional BKB seems to work much better with 4-0-4 build for early fighter. The thing is that, right now TB seems to be able to do many things but accels at none. He can split push, but his illusion kinda sucks and he have no way of quickly clearing waves or reliable escapes and does not get all the exp benefit like AM. He could carry a radiance, but naga or alchem would do the job much better. He can be a mid game fighter, but his abysmal health and -25ms hinders him alot in both chasing and survivability. He can be an illusion based carry, but he cannot summon all of the illusioms at once, they also no longer confuse enemy, and they have hp lower than range creeps (ck or pl would have fit the role much better). You can play him mainly as a single unit carry, but then I would lose 120% of my potential damage output from my W (which is the only skill which truly scale with TB). So what are your thoughts? How do you play your TB and how do you find him in 6.85? What are buff/nerf/rework do you think is necessary for our current Illidan?


      It looks like Octarine Core + Radiance is the name of the game today.


        He is really good after the buffs, you can easily carry your games 1v5 if you know what you're doing. The most popular build right now is qb-aquila-drums-bots-manta-skadi, it's very good if you're ahead but still manageable if you're behind. There are some gimmick builds around such as treads-aquilla-hotd for solo roshan, but you probably won't change your items much unless you're very far behind.

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            i think octarine radiance is quite lousy on terrorblade

            i was of the opinion that tb was trash but this guy i met in a pub told me about his friend who climbed from 4k to 6.2k spamming tb this patch, think i might experiment a bit more with him

            he might be better in this doom meta

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              IMO you can't skip drums on this hero at all. They're too good early, especially the active. Also there's a point in the game when you just bought Skadi and if you have drums your Conjure can farm up an ancient camp on its own, but without drums it can't. If you skipped drums, you'll actually have to wait until eaglesong or ogre club or even level stats before it will clear an ancient camp.

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                  From ultra trash bag to average-bad

                  There's not even anymore some surprise pick that you can do with him. So no.

                  You know, the old one was only strong in pub cause he could only be countered by support, and not by core. There's no longer this.
                  In competitive as a LAST PICK, and mostly played by one of the most successfull team, he didn't even achieved 50% (when in addition people never tried to counter it -even if it was obvious that tb was going to be picked-)

                  The good point of those change however, is that they enable the possibility for more buff on tb, without making him broken in mmr

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                      Zenoth and matrice are super salty that TB isn't instawin anymore. Every buff TB receives is shit, icefrog just needs to bring back balanced 300% illusions that could clear the jungle by themselves at level 5! But in this patch, compare TB to AM, Luna or CK, what doesn't he do better than any of them?


                        What does he even do better than them?

                        Ck is easily a tier 1 pick this patch with AM closely behind him

                        lmao I'm not even close to being salty the hero is just objectively bad, since when was the hero instawin anyway, I was happy after the first set of nerfs which dropped his win rate under 50

                        If we're talking about player competency on a hero = instawin I can think of a lot more heroes that reward being good on them

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                          He farms faster than AM, splits safer than AM, lanes better than AM, fights earlier than AM, comes online faster than AM and directly counters AM on top of that.

                          CK is good, but unlike TB he can't farm, he can't split push without wisp, he can't solo rosh, he gets countered hard by BKB and his downtime is even longer than Meta's. As CK you have to ball fast or forever stay underfarmed. TB can snowball incredibly fast and take down all your towers, but if he doesn't he can just back up and farm and come out 6-slotted at 35, unlike CK.


                            He farms slower than am, has a weaker laning phase, comes online later and loses head to head, reflection doesn't do shit when he can blink out of it

                            That's from my own personal experience playing against AM this patch (and as an AM player myself)

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                            Sup m8

                              I'm having a lot of fun on TB this patch and I find that he is really good when the other team doesn't have burst damage. Still experimenting with builds on him, but I find that Aquila-power treads-drums-manta-skadi-Butterfly-BoT is a good standard build. Also I'm experimenting maxing W instead of E for faster farming. Not working out well so far.


                                You yourself argued he farmed faster, either way he farms at least at the same pace AND uses gold better. He doesn't have as much sustain as AM in lane, but he can actually kill people unlike AM who gets kited by everyone except techies and doesn't even have an ult before lvl 11. TB can lane offensively and win lanes versus duos and tris. If AM gets dual laned — gg, AM in an offensive tri? — what a joke. I don't know how can AM possibly win head to head versus TB, if he ever blinks into you — he's dead, if he blinks out — well, he escaped, doesn't really count as a win.


                                  TB farms faster if he doesn't go reflection

                                  Any build that revolves around reflection now most definitely farms slower

                                  AM also has much more laning power than TB honestly... He wins many more solo matchups and is less likely to get kited than TB

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                                    AM draws lanes at best, because his kill potential is nonexistent the offlaner will still hang somewhere around. As TB you can completely zone offlaner on your own, threaten him death in 900 radius.

                                    > Any build that revolves around reflection now most definitely farms slower

                                    If you want to compare reflection tb versus bfury am, might as well compare conjure tb versus vanguard am.

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                                      ? So you're telling me that you don't get reflection now, then you talk about how reflection counters am (it doesn't)

                                      If we're talking about lane kill potential here you're not zoning shit without reflection either and most offlaners can solo kill you once the supports rotate away

                                      Reflection change was also a nerf in lane

                                      Make up your mind which build TB is going...

                                      Also you got to be kidding if you think TB can zone better than AM, most offlaners will rather lane against TB than AM by far

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                                        I never said don't get reflection, just max conjure before it if you plan on farming. I personally go for 2-0-3-1 into 2-4-3-1. Or are you arguing that TB has to put points in stats to outfarm AM?

                                        > Reflection change was also a nerf in lane

                                        Only 1v1. 3v1 or 2v1 you can now set-up or follow-up allied disables from huge range.

                                        > Also you got to be kidding if you think TB can zone better than AM, most offlaners will rather lane against TB than AM by far

                                        Maybe 1v1 AM can harass melee heroes better, but again his kill potential is absolute zero. You can put TB in duo with any disable, get FB at lvl 1 or lvl 3 and snowball the lane from there. AM needs a double disable trilane and lvl 6 to start getting any kills.

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                                            LE Runescape nickname. Or maybe WoW...nah, fuck WoW.

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