General Discussion

General DiscussionPerverts or gentelman?

Perverts or gentelman? in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Db tell me if ur either one of these

    And tell me why

    Riguma Borusu

      I'm pervert gentleman. I only say/do pervy stuff if the lady in question so approves.


        idk you better hguess

        King of Low Prio

          anyone who calls themselves a gentleman is the same person crying about being frendzoned all the time.



            Riguma Borusu

              ^not really, maybe if you explicitly and excessively state that in order to get in girls' pants, yeah. But I really believe that being a gentleman is about more than courting women with good behavior towards them, it's the way to treat your parents, your colleagues, strangers and also, men and women generally. Like, fuck all with you being "gentleman" to the girl you're trying to court, if you shit on people all around you all the time. I actually believe it's worth being fair and good to people around you, though in my case it's mostly so that I don't feel bad about wronging somebody. But also I've had girlfriend for 2 years so I don't really NEED to pretend to be this or other, nor would I be able at this point, nor did I "fake" my way into a relationship by pretending to care and later abandoning her emotionally, so there's that, though I know many who do things like that.

              I like internet because it's hard to take anybody/thing seriously here so I can vent in the least gentlemanly ways possible, without feeling I can actually wrong someone, because if they take something on the internet seriously, they literally deserve to be offended.

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                ^ you know, there's a difference between calling yourself gentleman and being gentleman

                Riguma Borusu

                  Well, that's for certain. Though I'd say it's only fair to denominate yourself as one if others'd actually agree with it. If you treat people like shit for no reason, you're just not gentle, and if those people are weak and unable to fight back in any way, than you're also not a man.


                    Oh, it's hard to be a man...

                    Bad Intentions

                      I'm a gentleman with Bad Intentions :]

                      No giggities?

                        I tend to agree with Sampson. Sorry boys but if a girl is really into you, she doesn't give a damn shit about you being ''gentleman'' unless you're aiming for the long shot.

                        They prefer the nasty/intimate stuff.

                        Btw, i'm a perv playing the borderline naive card. It works damn fine.

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                        Sexo Meister

                          Goddamn bad intent @_@

                          I bet nelson is a perv dressed as a gentelman

                          Miku Plays


                            Riguma Borusu

                              "I tend to agree with Sampson. Sorry boys but if a girl is really into you, she doesn't give a damn shit about you being ''gentleman'' unless you're aiming for the long shot.
                              They prefer the nasty/intimate stuff."

                              Well, we were both aiming for the longshot since the start, but are both kinda kinky. So it works out perfectly. I guess it's that you either have to adapt to the (potential?) partner, or be yourself and hope they like that. The only reasons I've had many girlfriends is that I've given many a chance, and actually had a pretty big pool of potential ones, some have rejected me, I have rejected some too, and I've both matured and learned something about people and those relations. I've hurt some, and been kinda hurt many times because I got way too emotionally attached when I should not have, and obsessed like a retard for no reason whatsoever. In retrospect, both my early relationships and my teenage emo angst about being rejected are so immature and naive that from this vantage point I declare with utter certainty that this person is long gone.

                              If you're pretending to be kind and loving (or to be the macho alpha male that you are not) to get into a kinky girl's pants, and she can also see you're overly fake (they are women, not imbeciles), you're just not going to do anything you wanted. Women are actually pretty diverse in what they like/want whether initially or for the long term, so there's really no general rule. Sometimes even being completely fake works, whatever you're pretending to be, but do you really want that? Once you're unmasked, what do you do?

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                              D the Superior
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                                Giff me Wingman

                                  where is asshole?


                                    So this is how it goes . Someone walks up to you and says "you are a gentleman and a scholar" . You reply back " there is so few of us left"

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      its simply a matter of anyone who calls themselves a gentleman is small dick loser and lets be clear having a gf does not make you any less of a small dick loser because for every disgusting male there is a equally disgusting female.

                                      Can you be a gentleman and not a small dick loser? Of course but the moment you start referring yourself as one you become a beta male

                                      Mind Games

                                        'Beta male' rofl

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          "its simply a matter of anyone who calls themselves a gentleman is small dick loser and lets be clear having a gf does not make you any less of a small dick loser because for every disgusting male there is a equally disgusting female.
                                          Can you be a gentleman and not a small dick loser? Of course but the moment you start referring yourself as one you become a beta male"

                                          This actually sounds 100% like something what you refer to as a "beta male" would say.


                                            From Nature's perspective your goal in life is to pass your genes to next generation. Rape or mutual agreement - everything works. You only a loser if you failed to pass your genes, because that means your genes were weak.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I use the term beta male because it is much easier than saying someone who is extremely overly emotional whiny and generally relies on someone else for validation.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                "From Nature's perspective your goal in life is to pass your genes to next generation. Rape or mutual agreement - everything works. You only a loser if you failed to pass your genes, because that means your genes were weak."

                                                Well, this is correct.

                                                "I use the term beta male because it is much easier than saying someone who is extremely overly emotional whiny and generally relies on someone else for validation."

                                                Well, I kinda feel bad about those people, because they can't really help it, they have a self-defeating mindset. We all, however, require external validation in order to make sure we're not actively hurting other people, and to actually, intelligently, improve our relations with other people, but other than that, I think majority of things are pathological and desperate to some degree. The opposite case of not paying attention to ANY validation whatsoever, is what actually defines a sociopath, so you have to find the right balance.

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                                                  im just a kitty playing dotes

                                                  D the Superior
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                                                    Riguma Borusu



                                                        maybe i am? you don't know who i am do you?


                                                          @joyboy hah nice :D


                                                            guys if i walk up to a guy who is taller/bigger than me and hit him in the chin and he falls, am i an alfa male


                                                              ^It depends if you took his smartphone or not. =)

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                                                                Kappa :D

                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                    ignorance is bliss

                                                                    Riguma Borusu


                                                                      Well, I don't think I am ignorant on the subject. I am pretty sure I know what furries are. They are people who love furry animals, right? You know what, I am a furry too. Furry animals are just so adorable!


                                                                        Kitties are fluffy, thus making me not a furry.

                                                                        Sexo Meister

                                                                          Sry no asshole option kek

                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                              No giggities?

                                                                                I'm quite surprised about how this conversation managed to stay on topic and be relevant somehow.


                                                                                You actually brought interesting points worth reading. Props to that.


                                                                                  i dont see the "lonely one-handed ranger" option, i cri

                                                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                      I have a question: is love a real thing or just a beautiful words we use when we want to fuck someone?

                                                                                      Deny your sister.

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Love's chemicals. Those chemicals make you care for your friends and family, because you need to fulfill that need to get more of that chemical. And then... How do you explain this on a family friendly DotA 2 forum... Then there's lust when you want to unequip your cloak, and insert your quarterstaff with ring of protection into somebody's lotus orb. Also chemicals. Everything's chemicals. Except for shit like photons, but you get it.


                                                                                          I don't understand the question.

                                                                                          Every man who is worthy of marriage must be both. He desires his GF/wife (pervert) and he cares for her (gentleman). Why must we choose between the two?

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                                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Well, "pervert" is badly defined anyway. It depends a lot on your standards.

                                                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                                                Sexo Meister


                                                                                                  Pervs are people who has unhealty relations with opposite or same sex

                                                                                                  Man talk about a sucsess thread

                                                                                                  waku waku

                                                                                                    i love hot anime girls i must be a huge perv
                                                                                                    well idk really

                                                                                                    D the Superior
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