General Discussion

General DiscussionSlardar mask of madness ?

Slardar mask of madness ? in General Discussion

    Good or bad ? Ty

    Sup m8

      Bad. He gets bursted down easily before he can pop his ultimate.


        better u buy armlet

        Miku Plays

          good if ur a man


            bad unless i missed some major changes of the 6.86




                Good so you melt before your Sniper melts and he goes "ho ho ha ha" at your death.

                Also synergies well with your first skill. KappaPride

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  In WC3 it used the same debuff as sprint and would actually override it, but in dota 2 they stack so you'll die extremely fast by using both of them. So yeah it sucks.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    It's pretty good against mostly magical damage, so you can use it with a BKB. Against physical damage, though, you'd want to play much safer.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Very bad, even though it seems like it would be a good item on him.


                        If you want to boost up your dota 2 skill bracket , here is the advice . Never ever built mom on sladar , just stick to the normal items .Here are some recommend item : dagger(it is a must ),force staff , power threads . i saw some sladar build vanguard in low 4.2 to 3.8 k mmr matches , this is fking dog shit , your first major item should be dagger (below 10 min if can ) so that you are able to involve yourself in war . sladar role is initiater , something like a chaotic creater , your job is to blink stun enemy , then turn back wait your stun cd if you are not tanky enough and spam ulti , this what a high level sladar should do


                          What about vlads ? Good ?

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^vlads is good on pos3 slardar if nobody else builds it, though you'd prefer to go AC if you're building auras.


                              generally if your team can utilise vlads, you can go "utility" build. Like tranquil, blink, vlads, crimson, pipe.
                              If you are the only initiator in your team, build yourself tanky. spam your ulti all the time, get a desolator in a team. -30ish armor can not be underestimated. move around, look for kills. If you have a really good start, go carry all the way, bkb, cuirass, deso. that is like -55 armor for enemies you touch, and pretty much guaranteed kills.


                                No with sprint u take 45% more damage. I think Slardar is weird to build sometimes. I mean treads blink and just going fighting is ideal, but sometimes the games aren't like that.

                                I think Midas is quite good on him, he's a slow farmer and attack speed really helps.

                                Nowadays you mostly see support slardar though.


                                  Bad... +Damage% is shit.


                                    its shit

                                    waku waku

                                      sprint + mask of madness = you'll take so much damage people will think you are somehow an illusion with sprint for first 2 seconds
                                      then you die

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                                        ^people will think you are an illusion and ignore you 4Head

                                        waku waku

                                          i usually kill illusions the first chance i get so nah