General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat will be the meta offlaners in 6.86?

What will be the meta offlaners in 6.86? in General Discussion

    I personally believe that we gonna see NP and LD coming back (shoutout to bulldong), as well as facesless void as #3 (shoutout to universe).

    plz do

      shoutout received and acknowledged.
      (aw zet)


        triple why are you suddenly making non-shitposting threads
        it feels like you're someone else

        Livin' Real Good

          He's excited about 6.86, get rekt, mad bro?

          Also, Brewmaster! O_O rgrhjgbgerhjbgr, I hope.


            Beastmaster will remain a top offlaner


              ^^ for the sake of the anime, please stop posting and spreading your autism


                Void offlaning with 24s cd backtrack?

                Brew is still a pretty subpar pick as he didn't get anything to fix his laning weaknesses.

                Ogre and DK top offlaners now.


                  this shit is bothering me since im in a weird period of my gaming life, when i try to learn smthng new for couple of weeks, and then for a year do not progress at all. its always been this way for me, and atm idk which heroes to choose, probably ill end up with clock and LD for now.


                    that time of the month aye


                      Can you put roshan on cliff with round cogs?


                        wow you just summed my dota experience
                        i learn and climb mmr so damn slowly that i feel like i have some kind of mental disorder
                        i'm playing this damn game for nearly 3 years and i still don't understand anything


                          it went like this with other games too. i was usually far better than average casual player but once i got on first step towards competetive level i got stuck and gave up on the game

                          i guess that i just want to stomp shitters :horse:

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                          < blank >

                            I played Storm offlane and I played him jungle now I can jungle while I'm offlaning FeelsGoodMan , wait isn't there now Magic Resistance on Neutral Creeps? FeelsBadMan


                              ^ that might actually hit shadow fiend harder than i expected
                              razes are now more expensive, you get less mana from bottle, farming hard camps is slower

                              King of Low Prio

                                zeus can offlane much easier now than he has a offlane pull to stack


                                  [A] is back
                                  Bulldong is back
                                  Fv is back
                                  Ld is back

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    @ Arin

                                    uh, huh.


                                      Lets arrange it from every hero that have offlane-potential-wise.

                                      Doom : dead

                                      Dark seer : pretty much dead with the new item and ds become more stupid now

                                      Slardar : Still great, what is really op from this hero is his ability to go everywhere in the map at early game. Dunno tho about it in pro scene cause i believe pro value vision above others.

                                      Undying : still good, i believe undying still get picked a lot. especially not many heroes offer such a good crowd control like this hero offer.

                                      Night stalker : pick a lot for the vision-wise. His base regen with 2 mango is still op.

                                      Broodmoma : Still a good nice pocket/nice strat.

                                      Brewmaster : I have a feeling this hero will return on the scene considering u can have level 10 drunken haze(the moment enemy still not have their bkb) with 75% attack miss on enemy carry (75% miss is op). or u can force them to make mkb. oh ya, cylone is op dont forget about that.

                                      Batrider : Icefrog want this hero back into the scene. I believe ICEFROG MADE AETHER LENS (+ 200 Cast Range) ONLY FOR THIS HERO. sorry caps. Batrider Hype.

                                      Bristleback : Will be good with + 1 support like IO or Abaddon considering few teams love running it (read : MVP Phoenix)

                                      Clockwerk : I dont have any idea what does it mean by rectangle. Too lazy for figure it out too.

                                      Nature Prophet : The return of Nature prophet, I believe blademail prophet somehow will find his way to comeback into the scene (Halo Bone7)

                                      Magnus : Still on the offlane meta, not because of his aghanim but because magnus-ember(or other melee safelane) still GREAT AS FUCK (Misery-ee <3 )

                                      centaur : wont comeback, the only player i saw playing this on offlane is moon meandeeeer. What he need is i believe reducing the mana for hoof stomp.

                                      Timbersaaaaaaaaw : <3 enemy pick str more then 2 heroes? go for it 11 seconds debuff gonna be gut bois. SHOUT OUT TO PPD.

                                      Ogre Magi : dont have anything to say about this, pretty much will be on the meta.

                                      Legion : BONE 7? WHAT? dunno tho, his aghanim is quite good and this hero is really good at pubs.

                                      Tuskar : still on the meta, ice shard still op as fuck. Dont forget about walrus punch going through bkb and frozen sigil + tombstone is ALAKAZAM.

                                      Pudge : pudge offlane bois best high ground defend. naah still shit. this hero need other items than aghanim.

                                      Mirana : Mirana offlane, dont get a creep? go to the camp land arrow get exp + money. i z i life.

                                      Abaddon : i for one welcome our new overlord.

                                      morhpling offlane : if anything, i believe the mana reduction will affect more him being offlane than safelane.

                                      Thats it, timbersaw is back lycan is back boissssssssssssssssss


                                        Are you kidding about doom ?
                                        His offlane is more or less untouched. And even with one level of his blade, he deal fuck tons of damage for free.


                                          doom is not present in cm anyways



                                            i tot we are talking about comp scene, well if anything doom need more mana than most heroes so he cant spam his new skill. And 125 cd on doom? thats a big nerf I believe.


                                              Earthshaker offlane is still legit as fuck. I dont think they made any changes on him right?

                                              plz do

                                                ^ no changes made.


                                                  Comp or not, doom is far from dead. It's just that we will never see him again as a #1-2 position.

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    I dont think that Doom got nerfed. His new Blade is a guaranteed 20% Max HP damage at maximum lvl with a ministun instead of a microstun that pierces magic immunity. So he is just balanced, neiter buffed or nerfed



                                                      Wait, there are people who actually spam Storm in 6.85?

                                                      wp man, I admire your dedication

                                                      Also, how do you play him offlane?

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Well he's bad as a 1 or 2 position now. The infernal blade looks awesome but...

                                                        how does he pop linkens now? Will blade pop it? My guess is no, it doesn't block jakiro's liquid fire or viper's orb. So that is actually a pretty big fucking nerf to doom if he can't pop linken's on his own anymore.

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                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                            Everyone seems to have "this patch figured out" and it's not even day 2 yet, nice, you guys should work with icefrog. :P


                                                              guys is tricks of the trade like slarks ulti

                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                You can't move in tricks of the trade (Riki is hidden during it, like astral imprisonment, sleight of the first, omnislash, and disruption) it's like a sleight of fist in an aoe around where you cast it that repeats on every hero in the circle every second. Pretty good if you have a disruptor on your team, but sucks if people walk/force staff out of the circle after the first hit.

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                                                                  ah i see thx

                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                    lc still gonna rekt offlane

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                                                                        I think yeah Void offlane, at least particularly for EG, will be back. He seems even worse as a carry than he was before since the range reduction on time walk makes chrono initiation near impossible for him now and the mana cost of spamming timewalk means he will need a mana item to have enough for that and for chrono. This though makes him a much better utility offlaner when drafted with a team who can make use of the chronosphere. I could see running RTZ on rikimaru and using Universe chrono to allow Riki to get off a full duration utlimate on whoever is chronoed - plus it would break Twitch chat for all eternity.

                                                                        Strangely enough Aether lense actually seems like a good item for utility Void since it provides the mana, increases time walk range to 750, increases the initiation range on chrono and provides some other useful stuff like hp regen and magic resist, plus it is fairly cheap, same cost as a Mek.


                                                                          @matrice fair enough, we'll see

                                                                          @yorkey there is a difference between prediction and 'figure it out' perhaps you are too smart to know that xd


                                                                            Doom is op with the new spell and very much alive offlaner!


                                                                              ^ idk tho, i personally believe u guys forget how good his previous spell can be, lvl death can at level 4 lvl death deals 275 damage + 20% of their maximum health (halo str heroes). And its not melee-range-wise.

                                                                              if anything, the nerf Scorched Earth at level 4 which reducing 2 movement speed and lose 80 regen (5x16 = 80) and 80 damage will hurt his laning a lot. Idk about other people, for me i pick doom because he can heavily contest the enemy safelane by himself.

                                                                              as for the answer, we just have to wait.

                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                Infernal Blade can be blocked by Linkens :) So he will have 49-47,5% winrate with that little nerf