General Discussion

General DiscussionArc doge lowest winrate hero

Arc doge lowest winrate hero in General Discussion

    36%, nice hero, having this shit in team is super autolose

    Qop is also top 10 lowest winrate but I don't understand why


      played at my smurf, ez win. You just dont want to fight until level 11 with that hero, i always fight after i got my travel drum micon 3 midas

      Riguma Borusu

        People haven't learned to play the hero yet, that's why he's low atm. I have mixed experience with/against this hero, I had one guy play him for the first time with me in a LC AW offlane, we completely wrecked that lane and got easy duels because 120+80 attack speed is just broken, esp considering I have 100% evasion.

        D the Superior
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            I am afraid I cant agree with you when you say that people haven't learned to play Doge yet. People had enough time to learn Oracle, hes still shit. Now we just have 2 losers.

            Riguma Borusu

              ^he never had shit winrate in VHS, after all the nerfs he's still at the top

              As for Arc Warden, there's not yet enough data to determine his 5k+ winrate. Also oracle doesn't autowin games by himself, he can't rat the enemy base after spamming midas to get tons of gold even despite the fact his team is losing badly. A well played Arc Warden can fix a huge monetary gap and rat the shit out of the game. Oracle can just prolong the inevitable (well, literally, that's what his ultimate does), and usually that's just not enough.

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                mmr booster arc warden nice.


                  He is very greedy and I think another farming mid is just better with the same networth
                  And he has a high skill ceiling, that hero is hard to master so we'll see


                    If you never pick arc warden, you should have a 60% winrate this patch.


                      Unless he is in my team


                        Well exactly. If you never pick him, he will be on your team 40% of the time...

                        Highest skill floor in the game? Going to be a cancer. Only picked by those that can micro.

                        Livin' Real Good

                          What are you talking about, Oracle was superrrrr easy to use, and more fun, I just think they butchered him with nerfs that's all. :/

                          lm ao

                            Super excited to see Earth SPirit in competitive play

                            Hype mdafakuzzz


                              TRENDSBIGGEST CHANGES THIS WEEK

                              Chen's win rate increased by +6.31%




                                  Ч Л Е Н


                                    Arc Warden also has the lowest KDA of all heroes so far. It's to be expected for a new high skill cap hero.

                                    As time goes on it will change so that almost no one plays him and the few that do dominate their games with him.

                                    Johnizim da Madá

                                      arc is in every single game including ranked.I am just gonna stop playing until the hype is gone because this @#!$ is a autoloss hero

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        This hero is cancer, he's basically auto loss. I got the same Arc warden on my team for two games in a row, first game I went mid with Ember, won mid, gave him practically free farm (yes, i was in a party pub game with my not so good at dota friend, but still) and at 40 mins he had nothing, and had zero game impact the whole time, not even a split push with his necro 3, just him sitting in the jungle with his illusion.

                                        Then got him again on my team next game, he insta picked arc warden, and another instaloss, but this time he had no free farm, and didn't have half the items he had the first game, then just reported me for being cancer and "losing mid" even though I killed the mid 3 times at 10 minutes. lel

                                        don't recommend playing ranked, actually i INSIST none of you play ranked cause I care for you.


                                          i'm not playing ranked because i'm worried of shit wardens in team
                                          i think this hero is going to be meepo tier
                                          very hard to learn and master, unplayed by 90% of the players but strong in the right hands
                                          just imagine if instead of AW we got Meepo and everyone is instapicking meepo with no clue of how to play him, same shit

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^the difference is pretty much that AW can be played as pos 4 and 5, kinda unlike meepo. But if he's pos 5, he's pretty much shadow demon/oracle tier in terms of heroes, when it comes to the general skill cap/actual utility/usefulness. Given prioritized farm, to someone who can actually play the hero, he becomes a monster, I am happy enough that half the guys who pick him against me go play fucking pos 5 support and do nothing but buy wards all game, which I am very happy about.

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              That's the thing, it feels like he requires absolute peace in a garden free farming in order to be useful, or I could just be a scrub that has no idea what he's talking about, but that's just what I think so far. Even watching pro games on stream Arc seems pretty useless in most players hands, I said most players hands not all, so fuck off. Don't you get like 800 gold for killing his copy too? Jeez.

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                                                his first skill is very strong but kinda bad in teamfight because they can just hug
                                                E is totally useless without a setup, also you need a ton of mana
                                                W is good but very long CD
                                                i think he's extremely item dependant and sucks as support, maybe greedy pos 4 with midas but you can't really do it in pubs

                                                edit: he only requires freefarm until midas. Then, he can roam with team while illusion splitpushes and farm.

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                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Yeah, he's the shittiest pos 5 there can be, his ultimate doubles all the items you have, and if you have nothing but wards, it doesn't even copy them. It's almost like Sven and Legion are more fit to be pos 5 than this guy.

                                                  Anyway, his first skill is good for ganks on lone people, the slow's really good, that's one thing.
                                                  His W is really good for bursting people down, and obviously not meant for prolonged fights, it's also really good for saving people, using it protectively, and it actually lasts for 10 seconds if you use it with tempest double again, hence the long cooldown. The skill is however broken with/against legion, it's a fucking AoE solar crest.
                                                  His E is ridiculously good for vision, I think that shit's gonna get nerfed to the ground, it can give you Rosh vision easily because it's fucking flying vision. You can abuse the tempest double for mana by giving your main hero clarities, bottle and shit, so this hero should never run out of mana, if you build arcanes, you got double arcanes as well, basically if you're playing right this hero is NEVER out of mana.

                                                  And he's okayish as a support, it's just that his potential is waaaaay wasted in that case. And I think you definitely can go for greedy pos 4, because after the laning stage the game goes to shit anyway in most pubs, so just farm up the midas and snowball. Also, he can't really be far away from where he's splitpushing unless he gets BoTs. You need midas AND BoTs for this, because your double can use it. Once you get Midas and BoTs, it's cancer, you can even build radiance on this fucking hero, and don't be weirded out if you see somebody building naga build on this, because manta is already really good on him, so is octarine core, and he can use the radiance really well since his illusions have great uptime/esp with tempest double, so he can splitpush like crazy, etc.

                                                  The hero's very versatile and THE most broken hero in the right hands right now, now I am happy most people @ ~3k don't get that and don't abuse half his abilities, because it'd be a real bitch to play against.

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                                                  Livin' Real Good


                                                    Extremely item dependent.


                                                      @fuck my life: i agree that he's strong, i'm just saying he's best played as a core.
                                                      didnt know the flying vision thing, it's actually really good
                                                      Q gives 60% slow for 5 seconds at lvl 1, just like first terrorblade, but they can dispel it if they are close to an ally
                                                      IMO the only way to play him as a support (in solo queue) is dual offlane -> roam and gank lanes with Q slow and E vision -> get midas -> transition into utility role with necro/hex/other disables
                                                      but i just prefer other heroes to do this

                                                      @YorKeY: I already said that you don't need afk farm, only midas, then you can get farm while teamfighting/roaming and shit

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        Hmm, okay.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Reese, the first game I played with an AW on my team was LC AW offlane, it was reaaaally strong.


                                                          With the way you can abuse people with your passive, the slow's really strong if the support goes to pull or something, so people have to hug each other constantly, because you can just dive them with AW's second skill, the tower can't do shit to you when you have 100% evasion.

                                                          After the laning stage I didn't actually fight much, so I just ratted the buildings, but the thing is, not only did I have an AC, this guy also constantly gave me +80 attack speed every time I jumped on a set of rax, by the time those guys would come to try to do something to me they were already down xD +200 attack speed for tha life, not to mention a voker who spams alacrity every time he can.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            "Arc Warden also has the lowest KDA of all heroes so far. It's to be expected for a new high skill cap hero.
                                                            As time goes on it will change so that almost no one plays him and the few that do dominate their games with him."

                                                            Pretty much, his mechanics are too weird. It's like earth spirit and oracle, no ones gonna play that shit over easy spam heroes like zeus.


                                                              Arc warden is fine, just a bit wonky getting used to. Infact, id say his combo is a bit too good when executed correctly.

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                                                              Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                i think people are afraid of giving arc a core role and the resulting farming space because everyone's kinds unsure where this hero is going to fit in and that's fine

                                                                people will learn to give him more leeway in time

                                                                i havent played him so i really dont know what his stat progression is like but his description has been given as a carry and he's agi type so im guessing he's going to fall in the carry category at least

                                                                people playing him at 4 and 5 are wasting his abilities....but as i said we'll know what to do with him soon enough after a couple of streamers/ pros or whoever zone in on the build and levelling system for him

                                                                keep an eye out for the break out game


                                                                  Ive been thinking of getting to hero rankings as arc warden.
                                                                  i need tips and advices and i can pretty much micro

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!