General Discussion

General Discussion6.86 losers

6.86 losers in General Discussion

    So who you think got hit hardest in this patch?
    I think it was huskar, probably because zeus got arcana volvo gotta make money and dumpster his arch nemesis a.k.a true antimage(not anymore) huskar :D


      huskar, riki, and ww


        actually, i found a tab for this kind of statistics on dbuff
        Sorted by Change.


          Riki withouth that regen is just a dead hero. His laning stage is crap, revorked blink is pretty useless and because of no more regen when invis he cant even roam anymore. They should leave him half regen at least to be usefull. Same goes for Void. i mean what the fuck is that ability timer stop, its fuckin useless. He cant initiate anymore withouth his old Q so you need blink and if to actually take advantage of your Q you have to be really tanky so they dont blow you up.

          DP is useless too, Doom is pretty weak now, SF cant farm as efficiently as he did before. And i dont really care about WW, annoying hero, he deserved a nerf :)

          Pom Pom 🍕

            From the trend page huskar actually hasn't lost much winrate, I wonder why. His nerf looked equal to removing the hero from the game, but apparently he wasn't hit that hard in pubs?

            Livin' Real Good

              Damn Death Profit got almost nothing but buffs, guess she got worse? LOL

              Guess so.


                ^ people are just adjusting to how to play the heroes now

                Livin' Real Good

                  OMG! Hey!


                    Earth spirit


                      waku waku

                        whinner whyvern

                        Dire Wolf

                          dp didn't get nerfed in any way shape or form though, everything witchcraft gave her became passive. majority of this is people adjusting play styles although I agree riki was heavily nerfed


                            Riki is op late game when he has items and you instantly die from his ult. once his ult is gone he has nothing against arc warden


                              His ult requires too much setup though. If they walk out of it, it does jack shit.


                                i don't think there's any point in analysing winrates few days after patch
                                people are trying to think of how to play the heroes and there's a lot of normal skill people just trying those heroes out so the winrates are nearly meaningless

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  OD is shit now.

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    "dp didn't get nerfed in any way shape or form though, everything witchcraft gave her became passive. majority of this is people adjusting play styles although I agree riki was heavily nerfed"

                                    The manacosts stayed the same as without witchcraft, bottle gives less mana and her spirits are not free mana either. She also used to be 20ms faster without boots (with maxed witchcraft) and 35 more than now with the 45ms boots of speed. Her spirits also take 3 times faster to come out. The cooldowns are only 1 second longer than with witchcraft and she lost 1 spirit, which aren't very major nerfs, but the mana, movement speed and spirit spawn speed matters a lot. She especially need that extra movement speed when she has a 4s tether ability.

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                                    7Mad About You

                                      Riki got nerf a lot. No HP regen is like a cripple hero trying to survive in lane phase

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        RIP Void BibleThump
                                        i loved him so much