General Discussion

General DiscussionKeeper of the Light problem

Keeper of the Light problem in General Discussion
Ash Nikola

    I know KDA doesnt matter once you go rank since its all about +25/-25 and learn all the way.
    Ive been using KOTL for quite some time now and it's so good sucking all those mana out until enemies cant run or forced to stand in their position for a few seconds.

    But my problem is, I dont get assists, my KOTL stats looked like Im AFK the whole and game and 100% carried by my teammates. Im not bragging but my KOTL all had "huge" game impacts, of course, the Mana Leak does it all, plus the Blindling Light which is a life-saver most of the time. And I dont have much items coz I always buy wards and sentries..

    I know I shouldve right-clicked attack enemies but most of the time I go behind to secure everyone's mana and Leak incoming and escaping foes. Soooooooooooo yes, Mana Leaks should give you assists. :D I think Blinding Light dont give u either. Im using the new meta build by the way, no Illuminate, just Mana Leak and Chakra all the way.


      If you use illuminate while standing back (keeping your play-style intact), you'll get assists. My suggestion would be to take at least 1 lvl of it from the start if you want to see your KDA go up with KotL.

      I think, mana-leak does not give you assist but don't know if it counts as assists when the stun from it procs. Some use force-staff to drag the enemies to force that mini-stun.

      If that mini-stun deals little damage, then it should get the assist. Otherwise, it's working as schakles of Windranger which give you no assists.

      So, yea. Solution seems to use illuminate in battles.

      Miku Plays

        who cares if u win the game, just rack up that hero healing


          Well, assist only given when you deal a portion of damage to the enemy HP and not their mana. Because he only has one direct damage spell which is Illuminate, hence why it's not rare for him to have low assist score because Illuminate needs proper positioning to hit especially in your skill bracket. If you want better assist why not skill Illuminate early ? It's a really huge nuke early game, but mid to late game it falls off and become primarily wave clearing skill.


            @Sequencus I like playing kotl and i completely aggre with you. If mana leaks does an initial or stun damage like 30-40 it would be great.

            Iron Balls

              no illuminate? lmao what is this shiiity build you speak of?

              7Mad About You

                who care about KDA and assist if you are winning.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Ideally, a good KotL player will stand back and way out of the exp/gold range for a kill anyway, but I don't know why you're not getting Illuminate, it's a huge nuke/heal that helps a ton.


                    your steam name is a Star Wars spoiler and your DB page suggests that you have no friends. I like it when things are consistent.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      You don't realize I have literally not played the game for the past 8 days and therefore I can't have "friends THIS WEEK".

                      But I enjoy ruining shit, thank you.


                        Why do you care about KDA?


                          Okay fair enough, and also I understand, I myself used to love ruining shit for other people back when I was a loser.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            The movie was already ruined while the script was being made, so I don't mind it, I definitely hate ruining quality stuff though.

                            Also, I too wonder why he cares about KDA so much, if you die for objectives and to save carries you're going to have shit KDA but win more games as well, so KDA really represents nothing unless you're talking about heroes that just must not die, so you die a lot and get a low winrate on them as well.


                              Haha You are such a tool

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Are you twelve?


                                  No but I hope you are. Having that name means either child or extreme bitter keyboard loser.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    The only person being bitter here is you, as far as I see. As well, you should probably join police because you're so good at profiling people from their internet alias alone, and there's no doubt you should be proud of your immense skills.


                                      I think it's evidence enough, basically you want to ruin something for someone without the need of seeing the consequences. Thats a common symptom of a loser.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Well, that really only works if you presume I do such things only in that context and with that exact motivation (and that it is not a byproduct/side effect of something else), but then you'd be wrong since I do that all the time while I can indeed feel/see the consequences, usually getting such treatment back, since I've actually started joking that way with friends primarily.

                                        The only reason I'd turn out to be a loser is obviously that I am arguing with an actual one.

                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                          How do you feel / see the consequences of someone in a random game or someone browsing this forum who had a busy December and hasn't seen it yet ?

                                          Also I looked up your profile on the client, are you bitter because you are in the 1.5k mmr bracket? (ROFL btw)

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            "How do you feel / see the consequences of someone in a random game or someone browsing this forum who had a busy December and hasn't seen it yet ?"

                                            That's what you can see me not seeing, I am saying your logic is not consistent because you don't see the bigger picture, aka don't actually know me.

                                            "Also I looked up your profile on the client, are you bitter because you are in the 1.5k mmr bracket? (ROFL btw)"

                                            I've played on 3.7k+ ranked profiles and carried games, my unranked is about 3.5k, I just don't play ranked and I calibrated when I was really terrible, almost a year ago, only a few months after I've started playing. But you should know this because you can see it on the profile (if you weren't so focused on being very very selective), and you can notice that all of my recent games are high skill in unranked which I dominantly play, unless I queue with some normal skill guys. On the other hand, you have only 3 pages of games in very high skill, and that's with 700 matches more, and you've been playing for a lot longer than I did, I only played my first DotA games at the end of 2014. I find it funny when trash players try to call me out for being trash, at the point when we're equal, marginally different in skill, or equal in terms of matches played/skill progress, and the only reason you've even played in Very High Skill is that you've abused omniknight, a hero with innate 60% winrate.

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                                                Insta-report from me when I see a kid with a dumb name like that. Hope you get some LP action you can spoil.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  So M I L N O R is 12 after all, and still shit after playing a year and a half longer than me xD I'd actually be more worried that someone with 1.5k MMR is not far away from my skill level. Look yourself in the mirror, you trashcan, and obviously disregard my complete post because you can't really argue anything other than the obvious, which is already explained.

                                                  Yeah, sure, good shit m8, that totally works xD I especially like spoiling it due to butthurt retards. Some people believe they are entitled to information, some people believe they are entitled to not receiving some information, it's really funny to see them rage. So apparently, 22 year old are still kids, who knew.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    That build is too meta for me


                                                      Being a kid isn't a function of age - it is a function of maturity. spoiling movies is immature ergo you are a kid. if you don't like my definition of kid just substitute the word twat instead.


                                                        Non ranked means nothing, people train heroes and mess around in non ranked. You are a 1.5k level player.

                                                        lm ao

                                                          Hey I'm good at telling if someone is Pinoy or not by just looking at his avatar and profile name

                                                          What does that make me guys pls answer I need all the motivation and confidence I can get for life