General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help on what I'm doing wrong.....

Need help on what I'm doing wrong..... in General Discussion

    I currently not doing any good despite having 1.8k hrs on DotA. I'm only having 51% win rate. I try my best every game but somehow we still lost game. I'm only 2.5k mmr but I haven't played ranked in at least 1 yr and 6 months. Recently I have been winning 3 and losing 3 and just today I lost a total of 4 games without winning any.

    My recent match:

    I will accept criticism. Just tell what to improve on.






          But how you deal with toxic players?? Im playing in SEA region and I can tell you its not easy to rank up with people that are not being concern about teammates but plays their own dota?? I've tried to climb out of the 2.5k but it is not easy when people play double mid, picks 4 carry and only 1 support with the support needing to ward/stack/pull??

          Riguma Borusu

            Essentially you picked Necro for no good reason and had as little hero damage as that ogre magi. You built Atos for some fucking reason.

            You don't know what heroes to pick nor do you know what items to build. You seem to be pretty oblivious to anything in the game.


              OP, YOU''re shit


                Ok. So in that situation what should I pick? I wanted a offlane necro but my team insisted that I mid so OK i went with the flow. I mid with VS. Tried my best to keep my carries alive. I went Atos to try to catch them as they didnt build blink on WR or VS. I bought sentries and dust for Trent while OM went mek.


                  Is it my mistake for the pick?? OR should I have went Bristleback instead?? Considering their team had plenty of Phys Dmg.

                  Sexo Meister

                    Ill give u an advice

                    Spam ursa every game

                    Beat the shit out of eberyone


                      Correct me if I'm wrong? But does ursa lose if opponent team has good map control?? Unable to rosh? Or losing to high phys reduction heroes like Bristleback. His ulti is strong but people usually wait for the ulti than Heaven Halberd on you.


                        Yeah ursa is ridiculously broken. It's the only hero I can allow my teammates to go jungle with. You can die 10+ times to rosh and you're still fcking strong.


                          Is Aghs good on Ursa now?? Or can you go for more damage dealing items??


                            ^ you don't really want damage on ursa you want mobility so you don't get kited, and BKB so you don't get kited, maybe something like abyssal or sheep, so you don't get kited. tankyness helps to but you don't need stuff like crit on him since his damage is so high on its own.


                              GOOD MAP CONTROL? dude YOU're SH1t and you're playing against shit!!!! LEARN TO PLAY THE FUCKING GAME INSTEAD OF TRYING TO USE THAT USELESS BRAIN OF YOURS!!


                                Benao 4Head on ur period m8?
                                My dear friend op i understood something about under 3k mmr after a long time and that is u gotta spam a hero pool of 10 heroes that are broken and win all the matches
                                No one is perfect at first eith the heroes
                                Just go passive bot match try lh / under tower lh / learn hero's attack animation
                                Then go hard bot match for a bit more competitive lhing and using ur spells/items and improve ur reflex
                                Then go normal match to see the different kinda situations a game can go to
                                At the same time, go to youtube and search for that hero's replays played by pros and watch different games and analyze
                                And i dont think all of this takes more than a week and at the end of the week u know the basics and u just gotta play as much as u know u gonna win
                                II suggest you to learn playing these heroes :
                                Visage (maybe a bit harder but op)
                                Dragon knight
                                Shadow fiend (a bit nerfed this patch tho)
                                Templar assassin (a bit harder to play than heroes like slark)
                                Even viper if they dont have hard disables or tanky heroes

                                So these were my suggestions hope u enjoy dota and one thing


                                  @benao it ok everyone was once shit

                                  @son ok I will try some of things you suggested like the last hitting and stuff. As for hero pool my best are Zeus,Huskar(I read somewhere his is good against magic hero due to his passive), CM( fun support) and earthshaker (played him mid, and support before, nvr tried to play offline Es before but hrd it's good). I've also have success in bristleback and undying but that just because the opponent do not halberd/disable me at times. Will try TA and SF but SF has changed in 6.86. I've at least every hero once I've believe

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    Just have a mindset that youre gonna dominate man :] dont go into a match thinking u gonna lose :] but if u just wanna have fun, its ok to lose lol but winning takes focus mannn :]


                                      @bad intentions I'm sure everyone in the match thinks the same way.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        You just need to think it harder than them.

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          Yo op, mann ud be surprised how many are not really thinking like dat, i mean doto is more casually played now i think.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^True as well, even I don't really play with that mentality most games, since I a spamming one hero and going "fuck it" against hard counters anyway. If you truly do anything to win (including picking well) you should do better.

                                            A. Snatcher

                                              Annnnnd, now we know why Benao can't find a girlfriend.


                                                1. Always pick last or fourth if u know what role will be picked as last pick.
                                                2. Pick role thats needed using counterpicker.


                                                1. Learn one of the following and spam it hard until u reach the level at which u can carry most games with it: Weaver (offlane), Alchemist, Invoker, Tinker, Ember.


                                                  My suggestion;
                                                  1. Pick something you're comfortable with. No use playing tinker with whom you need 30 hours of (dedicated) practice rather than bristleback or centaur. Up untill 4.5k it doesnt really matter that much what hero you're playing. (this patch even zeus vs huskar works lol)

                                                  2. Don't worry about winning or losing, worry about your KDA. DIE LESS. Being careful alone isn't going to make you play better, but it is going to improve your map awarness, which is one of the most important things.

                                                  3. Don't blame your teammates. Sometimes you'll get good teammates sometimes bad ones. Its the same on the enemy team, so focus on your game (if someone is flaming, type myaaw into chat and tell your whole team to mute him)

                                                  4. TP from lane only when you have a secure kill (if playing core, for supports its sometimes acceptable). A really good hero to practice this on is spectre. Use your ulti only for "kill securing".

                                                  5. Improve your efficiency. Mechanical skill (last hitting, dodging skills etc.) by practicing and playing games and decision making skills by asking yourself "Why am I doing this?". (As in why am I farming here and not in lane? - You should always be able to answer; "Bcus 3 enemies are missing and could be ganking me cause I have no vision and I have no escape mechanism") If at any point you cannot answer, you are inefficient.

                                                  (6. Cause chaos in enemy team. Choose one player from enemy team and flame him, but dont waste too much time. 2 - 3 all chats max. The enemy's team is going to do the rest.... :D)


                                                    Tbh I'm not much of a player myself, but learning mid/core role seem to be best way to get yourself out of 2k bracket.