General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for 4.5k+ MMR support/offlane player for tomorrow's Shanghai ...

Looking for 4.5k+ MMR support/offlane player for tomorrow's Shanghai open qualifiers in General Discussion

    We are bunch of guys that wanna play together, improve and win some pubs and ofc some tournaments. Since we lost 2 guys and one guy came back from vacation, we're 4 now and need a guy who likes to play his role and is good at it. We have a standin but i'm not sure he can play tomorrow.

    -We're all around 5k mmr (RageZeus, Havoc and me) and we have a really decent support with 4.3k mmr.
    -We are all from EU and usually play on EU West/East
    -You need to have a mic and know at least basics of english

    For starter we need a guy who can play qualifiers tomorrow at 13.00 CET (we need to checkin till 11.00) and knows his role. We'll pick some decent lineups and heroes people can play but we dont expect to go far since we're not that good as team yet. If we get along, we'll surely play some more :)

    So if you're interested, add me.




        whats wrong with english here, its pretty much okay, as far as i see


          I think he wanted to say that he's interested :D


            If I actually didn't know clq I would think he's actually polite and nice guy from this post.

            Anyways, gl. :)


              Dude first of all - you dont know me. But you're right i get really mad sometimes when people are feeding and throwing the game and dont wanna listen cause they think they know it all. I know it's not the right response and i'm trying to fix it. And honestly - i am a nice guy who tries to help people when i can. Anyone that actually knows me would confirm that.

              Anyway, ty bro :)

              saving private RTZ

                ^ can confirm :P

                Aren't the EU open qualifiers done? I thought MB(Pajkatt stack) won the final against Kaipi(bone7 stack)

                What am i missing here

                saving private RTZ

                  Nvm i just saw there are 2


                    Ya, there are 2. So maybe this time we actually get together a decent team and get normal first game not 6k players from the start :)

                    saving private RTZ

                      Whats the stack name? I'd try to catch some games if they are on Dota TV or i think i can actually spectate you

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        Our name is TIR aka Tilt Is Real :D Pretty dope name right?


                          im in bro :D


                            Ok bro, we'll talk when i wake up =)

                            We got to do it before 11.00 tho, so i will wake up at 10.00 or sth and ill add you in the team. Just make sure you make a FaceIt account and link it with your steam.

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            Big Dawg Kaiju

                              i will play but during college hours i cant; i live in us east. mainly play support and utility. dont mind just playing with you guys and learning.

                              Big Dawg Kaiju
                                Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                  Thanks for your response, but i think i stated clearly: only 4.5k mmr+ (that's a bare minimum) and EU.

                                  You are an US smurf in normal skill dude, wont work sorry :)

                                  Big Dawg Kaiju

                                    oh, funny. it didnt update to highskill yet, anyhow thanks for response. its hard to be 4.5 k when you cant play ranked yet. because of new update. :>


                                      so you and havoc get along these days?



                                        Hi mate. Havoc thinks im trash but if you give me a chance i'll do my best to show him he is wrong. You can count me as sup or sub


                                          i should've work on my mmr instead of failing with invoker during the hollidays lmao


                                            hi (sorry for bad english)


                                              Well guys, i guess in 10 minutes it's gonna be too late. Since no one added me and optimist is not online, i will pray to God that Meka will play today.


                                                i added you mate and another CDEC.Passif

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  there are 5 and added them all lol


                                                    Well, you didnt add me cause i see no friend invite :D What's your mmr anyway bro?


                                                      4.6k, in Eu, know a little bit more than basic english and have mic. I'm the one you are looking for mate :D Try to add me there is no other bazenbelkioysa


                                                        If only you needed a mid/carry player (((((((((((((((((


                                                          NOW I REALLY REGRET I WASN'T GOING FOR MMR SO I COULD JOIN YOU INSTEAD OF GOING TO SCHOOL TODAY



                                                            I feel your pain my boys :((((( there will be many tournaments in the future so no worries =)


                                                              where can i see how you guys are doing?


                                                                We both lost (our team and Triple, Afeect, Allison team), cause people didnt show up. I actually hate people so much sometimes...

                                                                We both lost in the 3rd round.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  Hey Cdec,

                                                                  I'm 4.5k (Was 4.855k... depressing to look at the mmr graph) and am actively looking for a team.

                                                                  Ignore my mmr on the dotabuff profile its because its old, my mmr is not displayed on my steam profile in game so guess its not updating in dotabuff. Not gonna waste time lying ill show it when I'm home :)

                                                                  I am pretty versatile but excel playing Shaker, Tide, Rubick, Enigma, Slark

                                                                  Primarily play Position 4/offlane

                                                                  Was ranked 80th on tide, 110th Shaker and 124 Enigma.

                                                                  My Steam:

                                                                  Add me if your interested, I'm willing to put the effort in to get somewhere.

                                                                  I Use mich actively and now play often.

                                                                  I'm climbing back the mmr daily since last week.

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    K bro, i'll add you :)


                                                                      i think your team name should be TIRT instead of TIR
                                                                      turks will understand lol

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        Can games not be organized to be at a realistic time? I am still down for doing it just have to work out the time difference and coordinate it with work schedule.


                                                                          13.00 is shit time for most of people, i agree. They're either at school or work so idk what Valve is thinking.


                                                                            It's perfect time for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                              It's perfect time that people's alarm fuckin die or they just dont show up xD