General Discussion

General DiscussionWant to learn clockwork

Want to learn clockwork in General Discussion

    Mostly I play supports I want to branch out to some offlane. Looking for info on clock; items builds, good match ups poor match ups. Play style tips people or vids to watch. Thanks in advance for replys.


      Clock closes Distances, it´s awesome against fragile Heroes, like Drow, Sniper, Nature´s Prophet, Sf, Bounty,

      People just are´nt rdy for a good played Clock, if they go Dual lanes you can win if they are played bad and by the time you get 6 you go hook the enemy mid. Or destroy Blink initiators like enigma or Es by rocket into hook before they can blink and destroy the enemys fight with that. This Hero is really fun to play when you know which heros you should hook.. Practice in Unranked!

      Pale Mannie

        i should play clock again
        but my team would feed slark
        so i souldnt play clock

        plz do

          I dunno clock so well, but i like to play him. its for me personally a very satisfying hero to play for fun and nice teamplays. im gonna share my experience and i hope it helps u.
          max E before Q and W. then its usually Q next, but if u need more harrass dmg or longer cog-trap then u can prioritize W. His lane is often difficult and as a clock u look for a match up, where u can leech enough xp to become lvl 6 asap and start roaming/ganking. The cogs are ur main harrass - if ur lucky and matched up in ur lane vs braindamaged players, u can even kill them, because u keep them constantly on low hp.
          Item choice becomes the key later in the game - pt/pb, bottle, blademail, force staff, agha, shivas are typical item choices, with each their own specific use and importance. btw if u have no arcane boots on ur team, u might wanna choose them instead though in early stages of the game and skip bottle.
          and then there is the most important part of clock: positioning. u have to practice the timing of cogs and hookshots. and ofc the occasionaly rocket flare kill (steal).

          wut up

            u put ur melee carry team mates in the cogs when u see the enemy ranged and then u haul ass, call them feeders later

            u will need a blink or a force staff so you can hook ur teammate cog blink out

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            wut up

              trap the creeps when they spawn mid then wait for this huge double wave to push the mid to oblivion ask for a commend for creep block