General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win with farmed jugger ?

How to win with farmed jugger ? in General Discussion

    i dont know what im doing wrong, get all farm i need but still suck ass and get out carried and rekt

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      get dagger
      manta is always better than sangyas
      never died more then 5 as a carry

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      Dire Wolf

        get bkb, just cus u have spin you could still use a bkb. One match had an od, pugna and sand king, another a zeus and sk, another a veno and tinker.

        Also when you go battlefury you may end up with a ton of farm but maybe you need to fight sooner and should rush s&y instead? Idk cus I suck with jug too.


          first game he has repel i think, 2nd and 3rd u should definitely get a bkb
          btw, never auto pilot ur item
          edit : *he should

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            can you give me some general advice and tips for this hero
            i have no idea what to buy, how to skill, what to do
            i often end up being kited or forced to use blade fury


              generally u go 3-1-1 with juggernaut in the laning stage
              but if u have pushing line up or something like that u always max healing wards after blade fury and also if its gonna be farming game, i always go 4-1-1 and stats.

              The simple one :
              if u push alot = up healing wards < this shit definitely op
              If u hit hard : up ur crit chance

              buy dagger to not get kited, u can dagger while u are omnislashing to escape or to change target.
              I always get dagger as 3rd or 4th item.

              If u have good laning stage and gonna be farm fest game > go battle fury
              If not, go manta / sange yasha etc etc

              Try to watch fn!
              I learn jugger from his games, he is extremely good on juggernaut.

              Dire Wolf

                yeah you're right didn't notice repel, but so many people think oh I have spin with immunity, don't need bkb, well late game spin costs you dmg as in most cases your right click does more, so you need to have bkb to keep on hitting people, not get blown up and kited. That's of course if enemy team has nukers and lots of cc.


                  @coventry boy
                  thank you
                  so 1-1-1 is dead now?
                  do you still buy mom on him or you get dominator at some point?


                    when should i be getting bkb ? like mid to late game when theres loads of team fights going on?

                    found that FN! dotabuff he only played jug back when it was MoM right click meta only few new games with him =[

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      Sometimes you should go for dominator/satanic lategame, if you hit hard and have durability/sustain otherwise it's not going to be enough in prolonged fights if you need to manfight people, healing ward is good but sometimes it's too slow and sometimes it's unexpectedly shut down.

                      Paid actor

                        i suck as a carry player, but all i can say is that u need alot of mobility after the initial farm/dmg items so a blink dagger might be needed every now and then, and the ult is a gr8 disengage spell if u r sure u can survive the initial burst. And pls dont be like those juggs that make deso 35+mins in game.

                        PS: and yea in that game against a shotgun morph manta is way better than sny....and u have a tendency of gettin exactly the same items. Its not a pattern u have to follow, just try to adapt.

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          Basically it boils down to "don't build same items every game please". You use the same build against completely different lineups, which is really really bad.


                            yeah i general game knowledge kinda sucks. I always rush to buy items with out thinking through, im just gonna take time and think it through next time....

                            I know manta good against silence spells, but what other situations i should be getting it instead of SNY ?

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                              Cant be fucked to look at a replay but some of your games its like 50min and you have like 300-400 cs. you should have atleast 500 but probably more in the region of 600-700 for that far into the game.

                              i play in the 4-5k bracket and im happy with 65-100 cs at 10min with ideally 160-240 cs at 20 depending on the game.


                                thanks that helps i should get more cs! /thread




                                    get dagger after phase aquila bf yasha/manta


                                      u have to end games faster


                                        take rosh more often


                                          push more


                                            manta > sny imo


                                              Serious question: How do you NOT win with a farmed juggernaut?

                                              Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                poor mans shield---->phase boots--> aquila--->wand--->morbid mask--->sny--->vlads--->bkb--->bf---->basher/blink

                                                i dont know why people make manta on jug

                                                honestly after bkb it's up in the air for me since the game is finished (because i rock on jug if that wasnt clear) tho im normal skill so....

                                                also you have to be very careful when you jump in for the omnislash....make sure all creeps are out of the way and try to get them slightly bunched up together

                                                it actually helps to use omni more as a finishing off tool rather than an initiating see if you can get some right clicks in after you pop that bkb....then omnislash

                                                or omni first bkb right click later works too i guess....

                                                bkb is core on jug dont make the mistake of thinking blade fury is going to take care of that

                                                i actually just put a single point in healing ward..max out 1 and 3 first and then go full stats before maxing out fine for me...but you can tinker with it a bit

                                                i dont really need the ward tbh....i myself actually havent tried out the blink on jug build....never really needed it but yeah you can blink during omni towards a more favoured target


                                                  @ tool thx for tip deffo manta blink sounds like awesome combo

                                                  @ goofy weird build but prob wont work well in higher skill i dk

                                                  @ MARLAN

                                                  hes right click now sucks compare to old meta, he cant seem to man fight and tank well even 6 slotted.... i have seen youtube video of miracle 6 slotted jugg on 35 min almost getting raped by a single under farmed pudge..hows that even possible ?

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                                                    why make manta on jugg:
                                                    1. dispell silence
                                                    2. push faster
                                                    3. nce ms boost
                                                    4. ez scout with illusions late game/push out lane a bit


                                                      What. No. He is a baller. If you think a double hook combo on an aghs pudge isnt scary you're delusional.


                                                        max ward when ur good to go with ur push


                                                          if you can walk up to enemies and ulti them beyond lanin phase then they are probably lower than 3k mmr


                                                            if they are higher thats why u need blink


                                                              u get aegis> walk up to tower, pretend to push>jump and kill 1 or 2> ez fight ez rax


                                                                and diffu is needed sometimes if enemy is ahead and has lots of euls/ghost


                                                                  ok sweet cheers for tips man


                                                                    you are doing fine, you just need to encourage your teamates to step up their game...your KDA is quite low too...try get it more than 5.5 every game...thats when u know ur doing a carry, if ur kda is 2-3 or even 4, its hard to make up for the supports that die in game...(supports...especially utility and healing support often have kda less than 1)...your tower damage and hero damage is not bad...just try to die less and choose better fights...communicate to your team to back off when you are not ready to engage...

                                                                    cheers mate! All the best!

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      i swear i suck on jugg when hes supposed to be ezpz

                                                                      U wot m8?

                                                                        Jugg is my favorite hero to lane with, it dont matter how hard your lane is, even if you have noob support, no support at all or just another carry competing for last hits you will always have decent amount of last hits and kills in early game.

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                                                                        Синячий патруль

                                                                          No bkb vs tinker. This is it. U dont know what items to build


                                                                            yup i see is there a way of learning that quicker ? i dont know all heros you see... or want to waste much time trying to learn them all


                                                                              hate this hero

                                                                              Holy Roman Empire

                                                                                I will transalte to you what OP is meaning:
                                                                                OMG IM SO PRO LOOK AT MY FARM WITH JUGG ITS MY FUCKING TEAMMATES SO TRASH VOLVO HELP PLZ.

                                                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                                                  get blink abyssal...

                                                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                                                    u go for the same items every game, i wonder where's your mistake


                                                                                      @ WoDota i was actually saying that i suck i wasnt blaming my team mates ? why u so butthurt ?

                                                                                      anyway guys thx for tips just had a game with blink manta etc... worked like a charm considering i only had like 25 CS at 10 min i was solo an qop was harrasing the fuck out of me


                                                                             another game won, my team did most of the work but i think i went for the right items this game

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                                                                                        yeah i think this is how you lose with 7slotted jugg

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