General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking to find players to 5 stack with in US EAST/WEST

Looking to find players to 5 stack with in US EAST/WEST in General Discussion

    looking to stack with people because I'm sick of playing with fucktards.

    Looking to play with people who understand dota. eg. know how to ward properly, what roles of supports are.. etc.

    Currently in Low Prio so once that is done, Then we can stack.

    I am willing to play any role. Would like to play cores most of the time. But definitely can support because I do know how to.

    Winning is fun, Losing is not.

    I am available to play most Friday evenings and Saturdays (Eastern Time) and occasionally during the week.

    the realm's delight

      go to the zoo and steal some apes and uve got urself some good ol us playera

      Livin' Real Good

        Go to my toilet, grab whatever solid piece of the shit I just shatted out you wish, then you got yourself a Euro stack. 4Head Kappa

        I would, but sounds like a try hard stack, and if winning is the only thing that's fun for you, then probably wouldn't be much fun anyways, good luck with your search tho bro. Thought solo was for try harding, and party MMR being for fun easy games.

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