General Discussion

General DiscussionBOGI, BENAO, HANTER

BOGI, BENAO, HANTER in General Discussion

    fight me

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      Where the fuck do you live?


        czech republic
        around 10 euro per month for this


          That's fucking rude. Holy shit mate. (not want to offend you, talking about Internet prices/what you get for them)

          This is me

          And in Serbia this is not even fastest Internet we can get. Let's say this is like average.

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            my download speed is usually even smaller, probably because now it's the morning and not so many people are connected
            though i don't live near any big city. our internet provider is +- 3km away in a town with 10.000 inhabitants so it's not anything special

            but when i think about it, i don't need that fast internet. all i play is dota/blade and soul/realm of the mad god, so i care about ping, not that much about internet speed


              What Internet do you have? DSL? Cable? WiFi using some kind of nanostation connected to some AP?

              plz do

                ok f4'gnots be rdy for this, cuz this story will crush ur balls:
                i pay ca 80€ for a monthly 200gb 4G/LTE internet plan, because the shithole where i live doesnt have cable internet (but soon will, so i will change in june finally). On top of that I never reach the promised "up to 300Mbps" download-speed at all. not even close, because they fuck me over (and i cannot get 100% radio reception here).

                now flame me pls.


                  i don't really understand much about internet connection, so i'm sorry for this description

                  this is in my computer connected to a router or something on our roof which takes signal from some other place in our village


                    Yeah it's wifi. You're using nanostation or grid-antena. That's why you have high upload.


                      I am the same person as I was before, you're just not seeing it. Also I said that I know every mechanic related stuff in the game like Dendi does, I just lack experience and practice against top tier players. And as far as I'm concerned Shred, you deleted me 3 times and then made a thread and said sorry to everyone you deleted and then you deleted me the forth time when you said you'll never do that again. I guess I might have a problem but your problems are way higher than mine mate. I also won't change because a dutch and a serbian (EmotionalDrift) calls me names and shit. I literally give 0 fucks about what's on the internet but keep it on, I am really amused with what I read here.


                        Last time I deleted you for good, because you're full of shit and you're not even see it.

                        As for my problems, don't worry about it. Everyone has them, and I'm aware I'm not perfect.

                        But I will not write an essay now why I decided to delete you, because that's irelevant, and I give 0 fucks what people think on this forum.

                        Yes, I actually really give 0 fucks, because this forum is irelevant to me. I have confidence in myself and I'm honest about myself and I have nothing to hide.

                        On the other hand, can't say same about you. Because as much as you want to admit you give 0 fucks, you actually care, it's just your ego is holding you down so much.

                        And it's okay to care, don't worry. You'll realise that when you grow up. :)

                        Seems also you're racist and true autist, because you really have to point out where do we come from for some reason. Autist for obvious reasons. but w/e

                        Nah, you're not on 6k or 7k level yet, hell, I doubt you can handle in 5k for long time tbh. You'll bounce back and forth between 4k and 5k for so many times unless you change your attidude.

                        I know you don't trust me and you don't take serious what I have to say, but i'll say it anyways, why not.

                        Dendi would rape you so hard, it's not even funny. So fucking sad how can you even try to compare youself to player such as Dendi or similuar.

                        You do realise I managed to won more then just a few times 1v1 against you, and I'm not even good at this game. You felt so butthurt that you actually had to say you "let me win".

                        I think that was point where I realised you're just way too deusional and way too cocky and egoistical.

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                          Ok let's just finish with that 1v1 bullshit and you can add me whenever you want and we see if that happens again if you don't believe that I actually let you win.


                            But w/e, one more time. Looking forward to see that road to 5k by you, smash those 4ks and show us how it's supposed to be done.

                            I guess Benao, Bogi, Hanter and others are just underdogs for you. :-D :- D Somehow you're just so good. Next level.


                              So you're dodging now? Interesting.


                                Ты меня не лечи,
                                И не води рукой,
                                Я уже как большой,
                                И сука сам всё знаю,

                                Лучше со мной давай,
                                Танцуй или играй,
                                Пой ну или читай,
                                Пой ну или читай.

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                                  Kumbo, but this is your problem. I don't claim I'm better player then you, I just claim you're not good enough to qualify yourself as 6k or above.

                                  As for 1v1, we can play, but I don't see a reason, because I didn't say I can win against you under every circumstances, but if we try out more then just once, I think I can pull it off as I already did before several times.

                                  Then again, that would be experiment, not 1v1, because I'm aware you're better player then me, I never claimed otherwise.

                                  On the other hand, you can always aim for higher skiller players you flamed aswell such as: Benao or Hanter and see what's gonna happen.


                                    @ arin

                                    LMAO 10 fucking euros for that??!! I pay 11 for 100/100 Kappa


                                      In Germany you pay 40€ for 25mb/month


                                        i currently pay 5€ for my internet


                                          30/2 for 25$ in Serbia.


                                            better thAn
                                            the word "then" has a different meaning

                                            Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican


                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                @ Triple

                                                I know what then and than means, it's just i always fucked it up.

                                                lm ao

                                                  Php 3500 is crazy but I get like 40 ms on SEA what a shame SoBayed

                                                  lm ao

                                                    HAH FUCKERS CHECK MINE


                                                      RIP your upload speed guys
                                                      may they rest in peace


                                                        this my wifi


                                                          Fuckin Lithuania and rest of the countries some of you guys coming from... not that i complain about my internet (50/20), but some prices are fucking ridiculously low for what you get xD


                                                            Yeah, I even coinsider my Internet decently cheap and affordable and I don't even earn much money.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              10/1 here, don't need more


                                                                sometimes i hate my life as a german student

                                                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                    for the long qua dynasty



                                                                      No rage bursts at all.

                                                                      I guess its time for him to make new smurf account. Road to 5k from 4.4k too hard. :>

                                                                      It took him 3 games to gave up apparently.

                                                                      Must be brain dead team-mates 4head

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        i was sure it gonna be worse tbh


                                                                          wait what


                                                                            Sorry to disappoint your shitty ego but I haven't give up, it just happened that there was a fire in my village and electricity went out. Calm your tits brother.


                                                                              i said HEY, WHATS GOING ON


                                                                                Sorry to disappoint your shitty ego but I haven't give up, it just happened that there was a fire in my village and electricity went out. Calm your tits brother.


                                                                                THERE WAS A FIRE IN HIS VILLAGE ???? LMFAO THIS JUST PROVES HOW YOU LIVE IN FOURTH WORLD COUNTRY.


                                                                                  i live in a fourth dimension world

                                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                      I think my dad pays like 50 euros and i have around the same as @arin


                                                                                        holy shit 50 euro thats a lot, buti guess u have better wages in norway

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                          Benao leeching of his parents what a bad son kappa.


                                                                                            Fire is a serious business boys, it's not something to joke about.

                                                                                            50EUR for that crap Benao? Get fuckin rekt bratan 4Head


                                                                                              Actually my vad, its luke 75 euros and 100 mega download 50 upload


                                                                                                35€/month for this


                                                                                                  Is it just me or Germany really has pretty shitty fuckin internet for the moneyz?