General Discussion

General DiscussionMega creeps vs Mega creeps

Mega creeps vs Mega creeps in General Discussion

    Anyone already had this situation ? Just had my first mega creeps vs mega creeps game.

    The game pretty shit as my team managed to feed pudge 20-30 kills in 20 mn.

    Was shity game to me, did well at start and made the mistake to try to help my team, also mid of the game got some bug where i could not micro units with left mouse key.

    Ова тема је измењена

      i look at the builds, i cri

      Farming Simulator

        I really hope that ls got battlefury to fight megas... i hope so much... else my faith in doto will be lost..


          That Vengeful Spirit tower damage.


            venge soliara


     - I tried different BH build, I was disappoint.
     - This was an awesome game. I think we had one ranged rax remaining but cat remember.


                WTF how? you cant not be 6 slotted as naga in a game like this 50+ min
                And if youre mega vs mega as naga you already won, doesnt matters if enemies have megas too they cannot leave base by any means
                Dont wanna be an asshole but i think you could won that game
                And yeah i have been in that scenario megas vs megas :P its funny


                  53 minutes and you're 4-slotted naga??? Aquila is just early game item that you won't have in late game

                  and @Wonder is right, they cannot get out of their base


                    I won lane vs riki but score was 30-10 at mn 20. Had to be very careful because we had zero wards and I could die every time riki would gank me or venge shadow with anyone with her, without being able to pop my ult.
                    Had to buy back several times and buy gems, but I managed to split push them to death and we had two racks before my team failed a team fight and had no buy back so they got mega creeps before us, when we got mega creeps my time died to get them hence, they pushed easily with mega creeps when our creeps was still normal.

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      my first ever megas vs megas, was pretty fun


                        You need to be greedy as naga, help your team with illusions all the time and song sometimes but dont engage with your main hero in random fights, you can farm as naga even when you cant leave the base

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