General Discussion

General DiscussionI need your help with my hero pool.

I need your help with my hero pool. in General Discussion

    I play lc,ls,jugg,dk,wk,ck,riki, and slardar.sadly those are the only heroes im comfortable with. Im new to dota 2. Can you give me suggestions on what heroes are easy and can dominate mid to late game?thanks in advance.


      would u like to stick to carry role, or play other roles, too?

      King of Low Prio

        smurf loser

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Just go on with LS, best hero in the game.

          Óðinn H

            Just go with LS, best hero in the UFKC YOU


              Try Ursa out. On lower brackets nobody can stop u.


                Im sorry to disappoint u sampson but this is my 1 and only account. I played dota 1 before but only for a few months. Decided to shift 2 dota 2 since all my friends are here already. I don't know if i can play support since for me a support needs to be very smart and patient. Thats just my opinion. Thanks for the positive response. I will try ursa.


                  Oh, id like 2 stick 2 carry role @triplesteal-

                  не говори по РУ

                    Try Slark, Anti Mage and Spectre


                      I suck at playing slark.maybe because i dont play that hero when i was playing dota 1 but ill try it out. Thank you very much for your suggestions.

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!