General Discussion

General DiscussionDying alot, give me some advices

Dying alot, give me some advices in General Discussion
It's Our time

    Hello guys,

    I played dota for more than 5 years and still dying alot(more than average) for example i have 22 kills and 12 deaths...doesn't seems bad?

    another problem, how i can make my mouse move faster? more DPI... cuz when i playing in gaming club they use very high DPI mouse for gamers..

    you can check my profile

    D the Superior
      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

        if you are playing offlane , dying isnt bad as long as you give ur team something in return
        dont dive too much , expect them to have backup anytime , anywhere on map . always have escape plan after you get the kill . dont farm in their lane after kill , for example; you killed X and there is a creep wave , just go back dont kill the creeps because their backups will come to kill you . unless you are very very fat and unstoppable


          You can change DPI in mouse options, or you can just buy new mouse which has a button to do that,(it might be more faster that way).
          If you focus in the game, think what enemy could do, look at minimap etc you wont get killed that easily. If you play mid lane or any lane tbh, you should have a proper positioning there. When nighttime comes you have to stay back more. If you have supports helping you, you shouldnt be scared, just try to dodge enemy skills and you wont die.

          It's Our time

            Thanks you...


              A lot of kills and a lot of deaths mean that you are diving which is bad. Stop playing crazy. Think twice before going for the kill.


                Some mice do have high dpi, generally 1600-2400 dpi will do in terms of sensitivity.
                When it comes to not dying, you should watch your deaths via replay and ask yourself: "What could I have done to prevent this death?"

                King of Low Prio

                  If your death has purpose then the death was worth it. For example some offlane heroes who can't transition to the jungle effectively need play extremely aggressively to soak early lvs. Clockwerk for example wants his lvs fast to get his hookshot online so trading 1 death to soak alot of exp is worth it.

                  King of Low Prio

                    Obviously you don't want to die but you have to balance what you are losing to stay alive

                    Riguma Borusu

                      If you play an initiator (For example) you might die a lot in fights if you didn't get any time to build defensive items, and they have a ton of ways to kite/kill you after your initiation. The good thing is, you kinda want to be there to soak damage so that others in your team can live and push on, trading your death for death of 4-5 enemy heroes is going to be worth it.

                      To make mouse move faster type "sensitivity X" in console, where X is the number, first tiny just "sensitivity" to see what the value is set to, then tweak it up/down.

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        recognise which hero combinations can kill you, then play accordingly whenever they are missing off the map; constantly check their items to update your understanding of what is needed to kill you
                        be aware of which of your teammates are showing on the map and how are they doing it + what objectives are able to be taken (factor in its proximity)
                        for example if all your cores are playing scared and farming in the jungle while ure farming in an exposed part of the lane?
                        your ally earthshaker just showed up in a lane fissuring creeps? = opening for enemy to gank you so you have to play scared
                        enemies are congregating near an objective (rs/twr) so you can afford to keep showing in dangerous portions of the map? etc


                          First stop making overboosted 40% winrate smurfs and second - learn to position and when to initiate and when not and you will die a lot less.


                            The key to not dying is instalocking am and demanding "trilane or feed" You'll get a pre 15 min fury and go 10/0 with 800 gpm


                              even your enemy had 100 hp left and you had 20 hp and you had a damage to kill him get back don't try to focus him hard, + you can dive if you are really sure you can survive .
                              try to buy escape items :
                              like shadow blade , blink dagger , forcce staff , eul

                                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                Riguma Borusu

                                  shadow blade is not an escape item and please don't treat it as such