General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I the only person that intentionally throws normal games?

Am I the only person that intentionally throws normal games? in General Discussion

    When my team starts stomping I go feed to make the game longer and have more fun. I have lost some games due to this.

    Does anyone else do it?

    I do it because every time I play ranked I get huge pressure not to make mistakes, but in unranked I just like to go push untill I die...

      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

        Yeah ok, mr. 150 abandons.

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          Von Darkmoor

            Why dont you go do that in ranked then? Also if its in All Pick then nvm what i said.

            Bad Intentions

              "only cancer retards would do such a thing like you."

              "you're such a cancer retard, continue being dogshit"

              Damn, hanter, you dont really care about the Dotobuff Code of Conduct dont ya?

              Yo, OP, dont mind him man, hes a mainstay LPQ player and doesn't really help people. Feel free to report him.

              And bout the topic, it may be unranked, but you'll develop bad habits if you just intentional feed man. Just play the game normally.

                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                  I intentionally throw ranked games after I see my carry miss a lasthit


                    *cough* 4k *cough* cancer retard *cough*

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                      wow just stepped into 5k and already pretending to be a big deal 10k player


                        Who's pretending, I just literally am not 4k anymore...

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                          on topic: yetagain I started intentionally feeding just to end the game faster

                          Waste of space trashcan took mid from me. Then another waste of space trash picks melee support nyx vs heroes like dazzle and arc warden, misses an easiest impale of his life that would have guaranteed the first blood for me, proceeds to contest me for lasthits in lane. After he ruined a few and didn't even manage to get those himself I decided we can't win that game. Glad it lasted 10 minutes until my ench abandoned.

                          Literally time saved = mmr saved

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