General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO USE SNIPER?

HOW TO USE SNIPER? in General Discussion
Falcon 鹰

    I've played thousands of hours of dota and I still always die and not get fat when I use him. pointers please?


      Blink dagger, mask of madness, phase boots, aquilla, mjollnir gg


        You're in normal skill bracket that's why.

        < blank >

          You have no clue about positioning, that's also a reason


            Sniper is pretty much just good positioning. If you're positioned well you shoot people fighting your team before they get anywhere near you. if you're not positioned well you die.

            I like going treads>Maelstrom>Deso>whatever I need that game.

            Ring Ding Ting Mother ******

              Go rank, first pick sniper and you will see enemy drafting
              bs,qop,bara and pudge. Not only that, you can also hear ur teammates calling you noob shit and ggwp


                At first, you don't succeed. Strike, strike again.

                Riguma Borusu

                  why the fuck do you even pick this shit hero

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    ^ if he's not countered, you will never step on HG. As proven by the game I linked. Defending 1 rax for ages.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      That's a good point, I'm just venting my frustration of teammates picking sniper against a ton of distance closers, and when I see a safelane sniper pick against spectre it's pretty much GG unless you pull off a deathball or something.

                      U are all dogshit

                        Try to be elusive with the hero. A farmed sniper is scary. A good last pick hero.


                          Don't pick this hero. He is currently one of the weakest heroes after those harsh nerfs he recieved...


                            Buy Phase/MoM/Maelstorm as first items. Activate MoM only when farming and when you feel safe from enemy blinkers / rikis / nyxes / etc. Buy Bkb if enemies buy blademails.


                              don't feed. farm. that's about it


                                Farm an aether lens and an octarine core. You now have a 2000 range 10 second aoe damage over time spell which does around 500 damage and recharges every 40 seconds and a 3200 range 700 damage nuke on a 7.5 second cooldown.

                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    You can't pick sniper right now until 4th or last pick cus one good enemy hero counter totally fucks him. Axe, slardar, spectre, bh, Riki, any initiator who blinks and stuns like wk, Sven, they all eat him right now. So you need either your team to have a ton of frontliners like tide and centaur and earth shaker, or enemy team to have like no melee heroes who blow you up. If you get that he is still easy and good but it rarely happens. Just build phase, Aquila, maelstrom, s&y, then either dmg mkb/butter/daedulus or bkb or defensive skadi or dominator depending on how game is going.