General Discussion

General Discussionreminder that od omni is the most broken hero combination in the hist...

reminder that od omni is the most broken hero combination in the history of public dota in General Discussion



      in na im sure evertythings the most broken hero combination in the history of publci dota

      Riguma Borusu

        I watched a 6k average game where somebody pulled that shit off, OD was something like 24-0, that was dirty as fuck. He forced a DP buyback and the Guardian Angel was down (unlike DP ult), but then he proceeds to 4 shot fucking DP because he stole like 1243124512 int. Usually you get a casual platemail to help against right clicks as DP, but that does jack fucking shit against OD.

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        Holy Roman Empire

          Omni Omni is the most broken combination. Too bad it isnt possible (yet).


            Id rather play any day vs od omni od than i would vs old husk + omni.


              Troll omni is better because towers die faster and you dont get flamed for picking meta hero.... yet.

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                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                      as an OD picker i thank rtz for popularizing that

                      the realm's delight



                          7k eu = 5k na = 3k brazil


                            And ez counter: bane